Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 369 The Grand Finale

Chapter 369 The Grand Finale (3)
Her true qi was output continuously, but the black qi transformed by the yin qi of Tiangou Shiyue would come out again every time it was suppressed for a while.In the end, Song Ling finally gave a loud shout, and the Yanxuan Sword, Lingji Lock, and Xuanji Grass all flew out of the treasure chest automatically, and spun around her body together with the Water Flame Bracelet. Yinmang, this is the spontaneous induction of the water spirit orb hidden in her body with the other four artifacts.

One is an unstoppable natural phenomenon of celestial bodies, and the other is the creation force. When they collide, no one can imagine such a scene.

But the monk in white who had been standing beside Song Ling saw it.He heard a loud noise that he had never heard before in his life. The cliff in front of him was Kunlun Mountain and Tianmo Mountain, the place where gods and demons meet, but when these two forces collide, no matter whether it is immortal energy It was still demonic energy, and they were all pushed back backwards.

Song Ling took his last breath, roared again, and shot out a huge light from the body of the five artifacts, and only heard a "boom", no matter whether it was black air or flames, they all became weak under the bombardment of this huge light. smash.

Hongqiao was finally completely destroyed!

Song Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and all her strength disappeared due to the relaxation of this breath. The four artifacts returned to the treasure chest, and she also collapsed limply on the ground.When her consciousness gradually became blurred, she felt that she was being held tightly in someone's arms.Song Ling raised his tired eyes, but saw a fluffy thing dangling in front of his eyes.

She giggled, and couldn't help stretching out her hand to touch it, "Feng Jun, didn't you shave your head and become a monk? Why do you still have so much black hair?" She raised her hand, but her eyelids were still It was too heavy, and she could no longer open her eyes, so she fell into a deep sleep.

The monk in white slowly walked up to someone who was hugging Song Ling and said, "You seem to be late."

This so-and-so was the Indian Ah San with a beard all over his face and a back that was more curved than that of a camel.He hugged Song Ling tightly in his arms, and after confirming that she was exhausted, he said slightly angrily to the white-clothed monk, "I'm not going to Kunlun Mountain to inquire about the situation. What if the devil really attacks? Also, I put her in your care, and that's how you take care of her."

The monk in white didn't feel aggrieved, nor did he refute, he just turned out a white folding fan, slapped it gracefully a few times and then closed the fan and said: "Although you are not you anymore, the time you spent with her seems to be still Much more than me, so you shouldn't ask me to shoulder the responsibility of failing to take care of her."

"Sophistry." The Indian Ah San snorted lightly. He picked Song Ling up from the ground and turned around to leave.

The monk in white was a little surprised: "Where are you taking her?"

Indian Asan said: "Naturally, we should go where we should go."

In response to his farting answer, the monk in white just raised his eyebrows, and he wanted to follow suit.

The Indian Ah San hurriedly freed up a hand and made a gesture to stop the monk in white, "Although the Hongqiao has been destroyed, tonight is still the night when the dog eclipses the moon. In order to make up for it, you should stay here so that the demons will not reappear." What happened. And..." He looked down at the huge white lotus on the ground, "If you want, can you send it to the East China Sea?"

The monk in white couldn't laugh or cry. To be honest, he didn't know what merit he had to pay off.When Ah San in India was holding Song Ling and was about to leave, he turned his fan and said, "Hey, did you really just take her away like this?"

India Asan paused, "After half an hour, you come to the Sky Cave."

A rather ambiguous smile appeared on the face of the white-clothed monk: "Half an hour, whether it is long or short, is enough for you to do bad things."

Ah San in India hugged Song Ling and almost fell to the ground when he was shocked by his words. He turned his head, the corners of his mouth twitched and said, "What's wrong with you?"

The white-clothed monk looked at his attire and said with a smile: "The poor monk is called those who are close to vermilion, those who are red and those who are close to ink, and those who are black."

When Song Ling opened his eyes, he found that he was lying in a cave full of fairy spirit.She was covered with a soft mattress, and Song Ling couldn't help sniffing it. The smell was very fresh, much like the scent of lotus.

Thinking of the lotus fragrance, Song Ling suddenly remembered that she was fighting with the most yin energy brought by Tiangou's eclipse of the moon, and she finally fell down because of exhaustion.When she stood up, she saw a bald man in white with his back facing her. In front of him was a white lotus with synthetic flower bones that was taller than a person. He bent slightly, as if he was studying the white lotus.

Song Ling was stunned for a moment, she walked up to him and said, "What are you doing?"

The monk in white stood up straight, still looking at the white lotus and said, "Didn't you realize that this white lotus is about to bloom?"

Song Ling was startled, but the petals of the white lotus were still tightly closed. Who would have thought that there was a person hidden inside.Song Ling said: "Do you know what happened to the great wizard? What is his identity?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the monk in white didn't answer her when he heard a "beep" from outside the cave.

Song Ling asked in surprise, "What's that sound?"

The monk in white pointed lightly to the outside, and said, "It's probably because Xiao Zi sensed her companion, so she couldn't help but come over."

Probably due to expending too much energy, Song Ling not only felt weak in body, but also in a trance.She paused first, and finally came to her senses and immediately said happily: "You said Xiao Zi, Xiao Zi is outside?" After a long time, she almost forgot about her pet snake.

After a while, there was another "beep" sound outside, and Song Ling asked in surprise, "Why does Xiao Zi make such a sound?" She couldn't help but ran outside the cave, and sure enough, outside the cave, she saw a giant purple python approaching the cave. Slowly crawling over, it still had a branch in its mouth.To be more precise, it is a branch compared with Xiao Zi's huge body, but it is actually a whole plane tree.Because the sycamore tree has luxuriant branches and leaves, when it drags over, some branches will always be broken by Xiao Zi's huge body.This sycamore tree has already bloomed light milky white flowers, but what is Xiao Zi doing with such a tree all of a sudden?
Song Ling walked up to it and said with a smile, "Xiao Zi."

But Xiao Zi didn't even look at her, she still walked into the cave with the sycamore tree in her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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