Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 371 The Grand Finale

Chapter 371 The Grand Finale (5)
Song Ling let out an "ah" and then laughed too. She actually succeeded like this. Although it was a surprise, she still felt relieved and relieved.

The monk in white walked up to her and said, "How is it? Are you willing to go to the East China Sea with me now to fulfill the great wizard's last wish."

Song Ling smiled and said, "Of course I would. I've always been ashamed of Xiao Zi, and now it's rare that it has a good home. Naturally, I want to help it, so let's set off quickly."

When the two figures of gold and white gradually disappeared, the sky cave, which was originally full of fairy energy, suddenly changed its appearance. The hazy cloud and fairy energy all turned into gloomy black energy, and the atmosphere in the air was also depressing. Suffocating, the sky seemed to have suddenly burst into many big holes, and fire from the sky continued to fall from above and land on the ground. The original fairy mountain turned into a purgatory.

A man appeared at the entrance of the cave. He had the same eyebrows and eyes as the white-clothed monk who had just left, but the white-clothed immortal was elegant and picturesque, while his eyebrows and eyes were indescribably enchanting. The enchanting peach blossom eyes of the heart and soul of a thousand girls are full of sorrow.

A man with white eyebrows suddenly appeared next to him, and said: "Feng Jun worked so hard to set up this illusion, aren't you afraid of wasting more true energy?"

He smiled, with a hint of bitterness in his smile, "Immortal Baimei should be very clear about Feng Jin's difficulties."

This white-browed fairy is an official next to the Heavenly Emperor, and the white-browed fairy said: "I know, but Lord Feng took the five artifacts from Longnu and set up an illusion on Longnu. Although Longnu won't be able to find it for a while, But she will find out sooner or later, not to mention the water spirit orb has been in Longnu's body for a long time, and if it disappears like this, she will definitely realize it."

He touched the position on his chest, and there was already an extremely cold bead hidden inside, and it had been hidden in another person's body for so long, now he could feel the heartbeat of another person when he touched it.

He held it tightly, looked at the purgatory-like scene around him and murmured softly: "Xiao Long'er, don't worry, I will bear all of this, or, this is what I have to bear."

Song Ling followed the monk in white to the bottom of the East China Sea. They rode clouds along the way, but Song Ling always felt that the surrounding clouds were a bit strange, but she couldn't tell what this strange feeling was.

The Nuwa stone statue is in the East China Sea submarine volcano group. Song Ling looked at the pitch-black volcano beside him, and suddenly said, "There seems to be something wrong with this volcano."

The monk in white said, "What's wrong?"

Song Ling looked at it carefully for a while and said, "Don't you think their color is darker than before? Could it be..." She couldn't help but thumped in her heart as she thought about it, "Could it be that the volcano here is about to erupt?"

The monk in white also looked at it, nodded and said: "It seems that it is indeed about to erupt."

Seeing his calm expression, Song Ling asked strangely, "Why are you not worried? If such a large volcano erupts, the entire East China Sea might be destroyed."

The monk in white paused, "This should be something the Dragon King of the East China Sea needs to worry about."

Song Ling glanced at him sideways, and suddenly felt that the emperor was not in a hurry for the eunuchs. She said, "The stone statues of Empress Nuwa and the sun god Chibing are in front. I hope their aura can suppress the volcano."

On the platform made of white marble surrounded by volcanoes, two stone statues that were as subtle as real people stood there.One is the Nuwa Empress with a human head and a snake body, and the other is Chibing, the sun god who maintains an eternal posture and gently caresses the face of Nuwa Empress.

Every time I saw these two stone statues, it would deeply touch Song Ling's heart.She looked at it for a while and said: "Put Bailian by their side. It has been tens of thousands of years. Whether it is Xiao Zi or the great wizard, they must miss Nuwa Empress very much."

The white-clothed monk waved his long sleeves again, and the white lotus that had become a flower bone slipped from his sleeve and landed next to the stone statue of Nuwa. When it touched the stone statue of Nuwa, the white lotus instantly condensed into a stone lotus.

Song Ling was taken aback, "What about them?"

The white-clothed monk said: "Whether it is Empress Nuwa, or the sun god Chibing, or Xiao Zi and the great wizard, they have not disappeared, they just exist in another way, and they have been separated for tens of thousands of years, and they can finally reunite. Isn't that a good thing?"

Song Ling sighed deeply, feeling regretful in his heart, but also felt that what he said was reasonable.She said: "Then let's go, let them stay here quietly, and don't disturb them any more."

"Wait a minute." The white-clothed monk pointed to his eyes, "You also forgot to give the ice puck to Empress Nuwa."

Song Ling smiled and said, "I almost forgot." She also put the ice ball in the treasure chest. Song Ling opened the treasure chest and looked at the Yanxuan Sword, Lingji Lock, Xuanji Grass and Water Flame Bracelet lying quietly inside. That strange feeling came again, but she still couldn't explain what this feeling was.She took out the two ice hockey pucks that were still radiating cold from the treasure chest, but suddenly her whole body shook and she almost fell to the ground.

The monk in white hurried over to support her, "What's wrong?"

Song Ling shook his head and said, "It's strange, although these two ice balls are extremely cold, I can still withstand their cold air because of the protection of the water spirit beads, but when I held them just now, I felt It's cold to the bone, what's going on?"

A strange look flashed across the face of the monk in white, but he immediately returned to normal. He smiled and said, "Maybe it's because it's at the bottom of the sea, so it's naturally much colder."

Song Ling nodded, and could only think of this reason.She spread her hands, and the two ice hockey balls in her hands began to automatically and slowly fly towards the stone statue of Nuwa Empress.But what she didn't expect was that the ice ball flew into the eye socket of the statue of Nuwa.And it is directly embedded in it.

Song Ling was taken aback for a moment, she already had a premonition that something miraculous would happen.

Sure enough, after a while, a faint fluorescent light emanated from the statue of Nuwa.Song Ling's breathing tightened, is it possible that Empress Nuwa is about to manifest her spirit?
She couldn't help but look at the monk's reaction in white, but he suddenly seemed to be frozen and didn't react at all, and his face was also numb.

Could it be that she is the only one who can sense Empress Nuwa?Song Ling felt a sense of pride. After the glow, the body of the Nuwa statue was still a long snake-tailed stone statue, but the face made of cold stones had turned into a beautiful woman. Face.

(End of this chapter)

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