Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 377 The Grand Finale

Chapter 377 The Grand Finale (11)
Song Ling stood there frowning and pondering Ao Moqing's words. Could it be that all the doomsday can be attributed to a great grandpa Ma's philosophy she learned in middle school before, development is the emergence of new things and the death of old things, destruction All to create all?
She seems to understand and does not seem to understand.But what she understood was why the Emperor of Heaven and Moyin kept a spectating attitude towards her possession of the five artifacts, especially Moyin, Lingji Lock and Xuanji Grass were almost all handed over to her.Could it be that they are all waiting for the five artifacts to bring them a brand new world to appear?Moyin is ambitious, and she can understand that she wants to unify the three realms.But what about the Emperor of Heaven?Song Ling looked at the dark sky, the falling fire, and the scorched forests around him.The Emperor of Heaven moved all the people to the wild world, which means that he doesn't think people are old. Could it be that these flowers, trees, and blue sky and white clouds are too old, so he wants to use the five artifacts to burn and replace them?
Song Ling wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and suddenly found that the beam of light had grown a lot bigger.Ao Moqing also looked up and said: "When the Kunlun Mountains are filled with this colorful beam of light, it means that Feng Jun has succeeded. Let's go to see His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven together first."

He said that success seemed to be in sight, but Song Ling felt inexplicably flustered.She suddenly said: "Your Majesty the Dragon King, I collected the five artifacts. I should be the one to do all of this, right? Why Lord Feng?"

Ao Moqing was startled, then smiled and said: "Why little fish, I heard Feng Jun said that you have worshiped the heaven and earth with him and became husband and wife. Since they are husband and wife, there is no distinction between them. You should not mind giving Feng Jun the credit. Bar?"

"Really?" Song Ling looked at the colorful beam of light leisurely.Her eyes were originally as bright as the stars, but now they are as desolate as a desert. Ao Moqing looked at her. He used to only regard her as a naive little girl who was ignorant of the world, because she, like his own mother, was made of She was transformed into a carp, so he was especially nice to her. Now it seems that he didn't see her through at all.

"Little Yu'er, don't worry, Lord Feng will be fine. He can survive the calamity of Nirvana, let alone this?" He didn't know what to say, so he could only comfort her like this.

Song Ling suddenly laughed, and the brilliance returned to his eyes, "I believe, I believe he will be fine. Isn't His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor protecting the law for him with the gods? Then let's hurry over there too, isn't that little devil good?" dealt with."

The area of ​​the colorful field is gradually expanding, but the black field and the white field have always been evenly matched.The emperor of heaven and the gods are all in the Sanskrit Valley. The top of the Sanskrit Valley is the top of Kunlun. Where the eight pillars originally stood, the Phoenix is ​​now on the top of Kunlun.

When Song Ling rushed to Sanskrit Valley, the Heavenly Emperor and the seven highest-ranking gods in the God Realm were sitting cross-legged in the clouds and mists of Sanskrit Valley.

Song Ling said: "Are they all protecting the law for Lord Feng?"

Ao Moqing nodded and said: "Tiangu Shiyue's yin energy is too heavy, if there is no super powerful fairy body protection, it is impossible to resist it."

These are the most noble gods in the God Realm, but they all come to protect the law for the Phoenix, so what about the Phoenix?She looked up at the top, how much pressure he was bearing, and these pressures should have been borne by her.

Suddenly, a painful expression appeared on the faces of all the gods, and after hearing their "wow", they all spit out blood.

Both Song Ling and Ao Moqing's expressions changed drastically. They walked into the valley together, and the Heavenly Emperor wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "Ninety-nine return to one, and one less person is still worse."

No wonder Song Ling always felt that it was strange that there were only eight gods, but it turned out that there was one missing.Song Ling said: "Your Majesty, can Xiaolong stand on top of those nine people?"

The Emperor of Heaven smiled and said nothing.Song Ling knew that these eight high gods had the most powerful mana in the God Realm. She didn't have the five artifacts, so her power was really weak compared to them.

But Ao Moqing immediately stood up and said: "Xiao Wang is also willing to be the ninth person with Xiao Yuer!"

"And me!" With a voice as clear as the sound of heaven, a beautiful woman with purple hair and purple clothes flew over like a flying swallow.

Song Ling's eyes lit up: "Sister Zi'er."

Zi'er's gaze first stayed on the Heavenly Emperor, but quickly moved away, "I will be the ninth person with them!"

Song Ling did not forget to gossip and looked at the Emperor of Heaven for a while. Although his expression was always as calm as a cloud of smoke, Song Ling still carefully caught the flash in Zi'er's eyes when Zi'er suddenly came over. splendor.

The Emperor of Heaven smiled slightly: "Okay, now that the nine forces have been assembled, I believe that Lord Feng will be able to successfully gather the power of the five creation artifacts, repair the Tianzhu, recover the demonic energy, and give birth to a brand new Three Realms!"

The nine most powerful forces in the God Realm gathered together, and the seven-colored light on top of the Kunlun Peak became more and more brilliant. Soon, even Fanyin Valley was illuminated by the seven-colored light.

And when the colorful light shines, wherever it goes, the dead trees will grow new leaves, and the wasteland will grow green grass. This is the real power of creation.

Song Ling couldn't help but look up at the sky. There was no fire coming down from the sky, and the color of the sky that had turned into a black hole was gradually becoming thinner.

Does this mean that it is about to succeed, and all the catastrophes will eventually end!Song Ling was excited for a while, but suddenly felt a powerful cloud of demonic energy spreading along with it.

Song Ling's expression tightened, knowing that it was the magic voice who was fighting against them.The Heavenly Emperor raised his voice a little and said, "It's only the last step, concentrate!"

Song Ling didn't dare to think about it anymore, she closed her eyes, and began to lose all her true energy to the top of Kunlun.It's just that they didn't see it, between the seven-colored light and the black magic energy, there was another brilliant silver light following it. It split the magic energy and condensed with the seven-colored light. The power suddenly weakened, but the colorful light became stronger and stronger.

Finally, a phoenix cry that resounded through the sky rang out on the top of Kunlun, and a colorful phoenix soared into the sky and began to soar in the sky. Sprinkle around.

The sky has finally turned blue, and birds are singing and flowers are fragrant everywhere, and on the top of Kunlun, eight pillars stand firmly there, looking down upon the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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