Chapter 385
Song Ling asked in surprise, "You know how to cook?"

Fenghuang smiled smugly: "Of course, apart from having children, where is there anything in this world that your husband doesn't know?"

Song Ling felt inferior after hearing this, "No wonder Aunt Yunluo forced me to learn this and that, she must think that I am not good enough for you?"

Fenghuang laughed and said, "Why is Xiao Long'er dissatisfied with aunt?"

Song Ling shook her head quickly: "No, I know that Aunt Yunluo is doing it for my own good. She watched you grow up, just like your biological mother. A family without mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not a good couple."

When Fenghuang heard the knowing smile in front of him, the corners of his lips twitched when he heard the last sentence. What kind of logic is this?

He hugged Song Ling a little tighter: "Little Long'er, I thought of a good way to prevent Aunt Yunluo from forcing you to do things that you would never do."

Song Ling's eyes lit up: "What is it?"

Fenghuang lowered his eyes and glanced at her lower abdomen: "If Xiaolong'er has my little Phoenix in her belly, Aunt Yunluo will definitely love Xiaolonger before it's too late. How can she be willing to let Xiaolonger work hard?"

As soon as he said that, he picked her up and walked to the bed.Song Ling realized what he meant, and immediately blushed: "It's still daytime."

Fenghuang pecked her on the lips: "For such a big event as giving birth to a little Phoenix, naturally it takes day and night to see results. Don't worry, little Longer, my husband will never let you down."

The result naturally did not disappoint Song Ling. Phoenix tossed Song Ling from day to night, and then from night to day. He really worked day and night and devoted himself to the great cause of making babies.

When Fenghuang kissed Song Ling's red and swollen lips again, Song Ling shook her sore and trembling legs. She really would rather follow Aunt Yunluo to learn embroidery!
With the hard work of Fenghuang Children's Shoes, Huangtian paid off, and Song Ling finally achieved results.But as her stomach got bigger day by day, Song Ling became more and more depressed.Sometimes she often sighs at the flowers and plants outside the window, and more often, she often stares in a daze at some bird eggs that have not yet become elves.Aunt Yunluo comforts Fenghuang that all pregnant women suffer from prenatal depression.But Fenghuang still felt that it would be impossible for his wife to continue to be depressed like this, not only would her body be bored, but the little Phoenix in her belly would also be bored.

One day he accompanied her to the East China Sea. Song Ling met the fire dragon Ao Yan who had been robbed of the fire lotus by the phoenix that he met in the underworld before. The dinosaurs brought out are as precious as their own sons.

Seeing that the dinosaur still had two wings, Song Ling's eyes lit up and then fell into great panic.Fenghuang couldn't hold back anymore, "Little Long'er, don't you want to give birth to my child?"

Song Ling let out an "ah" before saying, "No, I'm just worried."

Fenghuang said: "What are you worried about?"

Song Ling still looked at Fenghuang in fear: "You say you are a phoenix, I am a dragon, and I was a carp before, so what will the child we give birth to be? Is it an egg, or a pile of fish eggs, or is it the same as Like it, a dinosaur with wings?"

Fenghuang couldn't help laughing, it turned out that she had been so worried all this time, and it was only because of this.He hugged her, "whatever you give birth to is our child."

Song Ling became even more frightened.

I don't know if it's because she and Fenghuang are both fairy bodies, but her stomach still hasn't moved even after ten months.On the contrary, Song Ling was relieved. Such a long time at least showed that she would not give birth to a pair of disgusting Bala fish eggs.It doesn't matter even if she gave birth to an egg now, after all, the phoenix was hatched by an egg when it was reborn.

In the third year and six months, because the pregnancy was too long, Song Ling, who felt nothing but a big belly, was playing with the little fox, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach.The little fox said: "What's wrong, mother?"

Song Ling was rendered speechless by the sudden severe pain, but he was relieved for no reason, and the result was finally coming.

When Fenghuang, who was hastily called by the little fox, hurriedly picked up Song Ling and asked Aunt Yunluo to help deliver the baby, Song Ling knew that the process of giving birth to a woman is extremely painful and long. She has been pregnant for so long, This long pain must be magnified several times.But she felt that she just dozed off because of exhaustion, and Aunt Yunluo said with a happy smile: "I gave birth! I gave birth!"

Song Ling was stunned, how could it be so fast, and the baby didn't even cry, did she really give birth to an egg?
The outside of her room was already crowded with countless people, men, women and children, including Dragon Palace and Bird Clan. Song Ling thought that Aunt Yunluo must be holding that egg to satisfy the curiosity of those watching, so she closed her eyes. Get ready for another sleep.

But as soon as the drowsiness came over, she felt that there was a person sitting next to her. The person bent down and sniffed her forehead, and said softly: "Little Longer, you have worked hard."

To be honest, Song Ling didn't find it hard, but he couldn't accept that he gave birth to an egg even though he was a human being.She opened her eyes: "Where are the eggs?"

Fenghuang was stunned: "Egg?"

Song Ling said: "Our child, even if it's an egg, you should let me, a mother, see it."

The corner of Fenghuang's mouth twitched: "Do you think you gave birth to an egg?"

Song Ling nodded: "I believe that even if our child is an egg, it is also an egg with aura. But do you know how to hatch it? Do you still need to use the Eight Diagrams stove of the Supreme Lord?"

Fenghuang was so shocked that he almost got off the bed. He waited for a long time before he could recover from her shocking words, and he shouted outside: "Auntie, Xiao Longer woke up, bring the baby in and let her see it. .”

When Aunt Yunluo came in with a baby girl in her arms, Song Ling was stunned.She thought the little fox was already cute enough, but the baby girl looked like an angel in the hands of the Virgin Mary. She finally knew what it was like to describe a human being.What's more, this baby girl is always smiling. There are two small dimples on her face. The dimples are smiling slightly. It was like this when she was a child. But when she grows up, I don't know what kind of great beauty it is?
Song Ling was startled and said, "This is?"

Fenghuang carried the baby and put it beside her, "This is the egg you gave birth to."

Song Ling didn't care about her weak body after giving birth. She sat up and hugged the baby in her arms. After careful inspection, she still couldn't believe it. She didn't give birth to a bunch of disgusting fish eggs, nor did she give birth to a single naked egg, let alone a baby. A dinosaur with wings, she gave birth to a daughter who is more beautiful than an angel.

The baby looked at her with eyes brighter than jewels, and giggled again.Song Ling couldn't help kissing her face a few times, but heard a commotion outside.

Song Ling said, "What's going on outside?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the little fox's soft voice calling: "Mother gave birth to a beautiful daughter-in-law for Xiaobao, and Xiaobao wants to go in and see her!"

Song Ling thought about the scene of the little fox with a small fat waist, crossing a sea of ​​human beings and rushing over without hesitation, then looked at her daughter's pretty face, which was too much, and then looked at someone beside her who was also too enchanting. It's the mother's fault whether she raises a human being or not, she must train her daughter to be a dignified and virtuous lady, and she must not become a disaster like a certain evildoer!
(End of this chapter)

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