Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 39 The Love of Fairies and Demons

Chapter 39 The Love of Fairies and Demons (3)
But the four lips didn't stay together for a long time, Die Yi pushed Dong Xu away suddenly, and slapped him by the way, her beautiful eyes staring at Dong Xu seemed sad and weeping, and she just said, "I'm going to marry you." Dongyang is an immortal" and ran away in a hurry.

With such eyes, even Song Ling could see that she was full of hardships, and this hardship probably fulfilled Dongxu's persistence and never giving up.

Dongxu quickly went to find Dongyang Shangxian.Dongyang Shangxian was happily trying on a big red wedding dress in the room, the bright red made his eyes hurt.

As soon as Dongyang Shangxian saw Dongxu, he said happily: "Xu'er, you came just in time. How about this wedding dress for your father?"

Dong Xu pursed his lips tightly, and suddenly knelt down in front of Dongyang Shangxian with a plop, "Father, you once said that you would give me whatever I want. Now I want to ask my father to give me a treasure, but I don't know if my father will agree or not." Will you agree?"

Dongyang Shangxian said with a smile: "You are my son, let alone a treasure, even all fathers would give it to you without blinking an eye, tell me, which treasure do you like again?"

Dong Xu said: "The treasure I'm talking about is a person, father, please give Dieyi to me!"

Dongyang Shangxian's face immediately changed. Although he is a father who loves his son, he is also a man.The most unbearable thing for a man is another man's intention to mistreat his wife, let alone this man is his own son.He patted the table hard, and said angrily: "It's ridiculous, she is the wife who has never been married to your father, and she will also be your stepmother! You can even make such absurd request, what a villain!"

This was Song Ling's first time seeing Dongyang Shangxian angry. It was astonishing for anything to explode after holding back for a long time, so the anger was so shocking that even Song Ling who had been standing far away trembled.Dongyang Shangxian had always known his son's romantic nature, and was worried that he would do something rebellious on impulse, so he simply locked Dongxu in the room with a fairy rope.

This lock naturally locked Song Ling so that she couldn't come out. Fortunately, the food sent by the fairy boys was relatively rich, and Dongxu obviously didn't have much appetite, so it was naturally cheaper for her, so she was locked in the room for a few days , Song Ling felt that he had gained a lot of weight.

On the seventh day, it was the day when Dongyang Shangxian and Die Yi got married.Song Ling still took a chicken leg and secretly hid in a corner to eat.It's just that the sound of crackling firecrackers kept ringing outside, which really tickled her who likes to be lively.

This bundle of fairy ropes locked the whole room, every wall and every window in the room became extremely hard, even Song Ling couldn't do it if he wanted to pierce the window paper a little to sneak outside.

She sat down on a chair slumped, and looked at Dong Xu who was also slumped.After these few days, compared with her gradual plumpness, Dongxu has lost a lot of weight, and the suave and suave appearance he saw in the lotus pond that day has only turned into despondency now.

Song Ling shook his head, there was some truth to the words "beautiful women are troublesome".But she wasn't worried that Die Yi would marry Dongyang Shangxian, otherwise, there would be little foxes and many disputes, but how this matter would develop, she could only wait quietly.

Dongxu stood up suddenly, "No, her smile to me, her eyes, and her tears all show that she loves me, and I can't let her marry my father!"

As he said that, he raised a ball of purple light in his hand and hit the tightly closed door.Song Ling yawned and felt drowsy. She didn't know how many times she had seen Dongxu do this. At first, she had a little hope, but later it turned into watching the excitement, and finally she just turned a blind eye to it.

Unexpectedly, when the mass of purple light attacked the door, the door was actually opened.Song Ling quickly got up from the chair. Could it be that sincerity is the best thing?

But when the door was opened, two fairy boys came in from the outside. As soon as they saw Dong Xu, they said anxiously: "Young master is not good, the demons are attacking suddenly!"

Song Ling knew that every love story had a trigger before it was pushed to a climax, but she didn't expect that the trigger would be the demons.

What she still doesn't understand is that the so-called sneak attack must be to attack the opponent fiercely while taking advantage of the opponent's surprise.Since the demons are going to attack Dongyang Shangxian's fairy mountain, it is natural to wait for a good time when there are few people and the defense is lax. , so the troops on the mountain should be very strong at this time. Why did the demons choose this time to come? Could it be that they just want to prove that they are powerful enough to compete with the Three Realms?
No matter what, Dongxu rushed out immediately when he heard Xiantong came to report.

It was already a mess outside.The originally beaming fairy mountain has turned into a chaotic situation, accompanied by the howling of a few pigs.Song Ling covered her ears to avoid the attack of a flying pig that fell from the sky, and she admired Dongyang Shangxian's realm and depth of making friends from the bottom of her heart.

There should be a lot of immortals on the mountain today, but Song Ling saw pigs, chickens, dogs, and little demons and fairies, and didn't even see a slightly higher-grade immortal.

Dongxu was driving Xiangyun to fight with a group of monsters that looked like mist ghosts in mid-air. I don't know whether Dongxu's fighting power is too strong or those monsters are too weak. With a scream, he fell to the ground and went to meet the Buddha.

Dong Xu fell from the clouds and grabbed a flustered fairy boy: "Where is my father now?"

"Shangxian followed the Heavenly Emperor to the Heavenly Court!"

"What did he go to heaven for?"

"The demons came to attack Xianshan just as a cover. Their real goal is actually the Heavenly Court, so the Heavenly Emperor hurried to the Heavenly Court when he found out, and Dongyang Shangxian followed!"

Only then did Song Ling realize that it was no wonder that none of the gods could be seen. These monsters looked so different again. It turned out that the main force had moved to the Heavenly Court.According to the information she has received recently, there is probably one very important reason why the demons attacked the Heavenly Court, and that is the Water Spirit Orb.

Dong Xu frowned, "Where is Die Yi?"

The fairy boy probably didn't know who Die Yi was, and stared at him blankly with wide eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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