Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 43 The real mother

Chapter 43 The real mother (2)
Ah, if you really don't give up on Shui Lingzhu, you still say such high-sounding nonsense!Song Ling snorted and said, "You said you are not a child. I think you are as naive as a child. Why don't you keep threatening others? Don't you just want to get the Water Spirit Orb? If you have the ability, you can grab it yourself!"

She knew that this was a bad-tempered master, so she wanted to boldly say these words to provoke him.But Moyin smiled brightly at her unexpectedly, that smile was so weird, it only made her feel terrified.Then she felt light as if she was about to float up suddenly, the phoenix flew over and hugged Song Ling in her arms, then flicked her fingers, a beam of colorful light pierced into the air and collided with a beam of silver light, Obviously, they all looked like faint and soft lights, but when they collided, they made a loud "boom".

Song Ling wiped the sweat from his forehead, it's dangerous!This devil actually came to play tricks on her.Fenghuang whispered to Song Ling: "Little Long'er, since you don't want to be threatened by him, let's rescue Die Yi from the Demon Lord by ourselves!"

Song Ling was taken aback. Although she now has the water spirit orb, she still doesn't know how to use it, how can she save it?
Fenghuang said again: "Stretch out your hand and meet my palm!"

According to Song Ling's words, she put her right palm up against Fenghuang's palm.In an instant, she felt a warm current coming from Phoenix's palm and then spread into her body, and the two air currents in her body, one cold and one warm, also began to slowly flow into Phoenix's body.

The three streams of air flow continued to blend together, and Song Ling felt a sense of exhilaration in his body, as if he had been opened up to the two veins.

She heard Fenghuang say: "Okay, Xiao Long'er, strike out!"

Song Ling was stunned for a moment, how to strike this palm?She closed her eyes, let out a loud roar, concentrated all her energy on her palm, and slapped hard at the high platform of the Demon Lord!
But what made her dumbfounded was that despite all her strength, she didn't hear that deafening palm wind noise, and she didn't even see the phoenix's flash of light.In other words, there should be light, but the light is only as thin as infrared rays, as thin as it needs to be!
Song Ling shrugged in frustration.

But Fenghuang smiled with obvious joy: "Little Long'er is good, it's a success!"

Song Ling thought he had heard it wrong, so he took a closer look at the thin infrared-like light, which hit the bamboo pole tied with the net in Moyin's hand.

The light seemed so weak that the magic sound didn't care at first, but when the light spot fell on the bamboo pole, there was only a "creak" sound, and the bamboo pole broke in two instantly, and a huge force bounced off the broken pole When he came over, he unexpectedly pushed him off the high platform.

With lightning speed, Phoenix flew forward and restrained Moyin before he could adjust his aura.Seeing that the magic sound was suppressed, those magic soldiers wanted to rush over.Fenghuang's peach blossom eyes twitched: "Could it be that you want to establish a new demon king?"

The magic sound was sealed by the phoenix, and the eight meridian channels have no mana for the time being. Although it was restrained in a rather embarrassing situation, its childish face was still full of arrogance, "Unexpectedly, there will be a day when I will be blackmailed! But I'm not convinced!"

Fenghuang shook his head and smiled faintly: "This time you have to give in, because you underestimated the strength of the water spirit bead!"

Moyin's eyes fell on Song Ling immediately.Song Ling glanced at his palm without confidence. He didn't expect that our potential is so great, and we should develop it well in the future. Maybe that Lao Shizi God of War won't be our opponent by then.

At the other end, Dongxu also flew up to catch the net that was falling from the high platform.

He held it carefully, his hands trembling as he untied the knot on it.After the knot was untied, the colorful butterfly slowly flew out of the net, and a burst of golden light flashed.The butterfly fell to the ground and turned into a human form.

Dong Xu looked at Die Yi blankly.Although they get along day and night, to Dong Xu, it seems like they haven't seen each other for hundreds of years.Song Ling thought that they would rush forward to embrace each other affectionately, but they just stood there, looking at each other with their eyes motionless.

After a long time, Dong Xu opened his lips and said slowly, "Dieyi, you've lost weight."

Die Yi's tears were like broken beads, she tightly covered her mouth with her hands, and finally turned around to leave.

Dongyang Shangxian rushed up to stop her, shouting: "Where are you going? Everyone has worked so hard to save you, where are you going now!"

Dieyi was crying until she couldn't make a sound: "Shang...Shangxian, I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

Dongyang Shangxian clenched his fists tightly, and finally opened his fingers slowly one by one. He stuffed the little fox into Dieyi's arms, and hummed: "This is your son, you take care of him yourself." !"

Seeing this scene, Song Ling felt that tears were about to fall.This should be a real happy ending!
The group of people finally arrived at the Tianhe River in the Demon Realm.Once there, Song Ling actually saw a lot of peacocks, eagles, owls and other birds fluttering in mid-air.As soon as they saw the phoenix, they involuntarily assimilated into human forms and called out respectfully and in unison: "Feng Jun!"

Song Ling looked at the densely packed wings of various colors, and three black lines appeared on his forehead. There are so many bird people!

Fenghuang stationed a large number of Bird Clan soldiers here, and Moyin was restrained by him again. Moyin had no choice but to watch them leave the demon world.

The old ferryman with a huge tortoise shell on his back came out of the blood-red Tianhe water in a wooden boat again.He smiled slightly and said, "You guys want to cross the river?"

Fenghuang nodded, and said with a bright smile to Moyin: "Mojun, let's bid farewell!"

The magic voice snorted heavily, and Song Ling sighed and patted him on the shoulder: "It's better for children not to get angry so easily, otherwise they won't grow tall if they get angry!"

Moyin's face immediately flushed with anger, and he glared over with a gaze that could almost kill people.Song Ling had already jumped onto the wooden boat like a rabbit, and waved: "Old friend, Demon Monarch, there will be no future!"

After getting on the wooden boat, Fenghuang and Song Ling stood together, and he looked at Song Ling with a half-smile, "Xiao Longer, do you think you will meet with the Demon Lord forever?"

Song Ling stuck out her tongue: "I don't think so. But never mind, we'll talk about it later. I just know that I did a good deed and reunited Sister Dieyi and her family, so I'm very happy now."

(End of this chapter)

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