Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 48 The Legendary Phoenix Baby

Chapter 48 The Legendary Phoenix Baby
The little fox smiled when he heard that there was something to eat, grabbed the hand of the old man with white radish, a small glutinous rice dumpling, and the old man with white radish, rolled and ran away.

Song Ling sighed: "Feng Jun, is this really the most senior elder of your Feng Clan? Why does he look even more nonsensical than Dongyang Shangxian?"

But Fenghuang held her hand and smiled brightly, "Come on, ugly daughter-in-law, let's see what delicious food the elder has hidden."

Song Ling shook off his hand and snorted, "I'm not an ugly wife!"

Fenghuang raised his eyebrows: "It's not an ugly daughter-in-law, so what kind of daughter-in-law are you?"

"I'm..." Song Ling reacted abruptly, and was almost entangled by this fluffy bird again.

Xiaofeng is right, the people of the bird tribe all have fixed residences, but the houses are built like bird's nests one by one. Song Ling only regrets that she didn't come here a few years earlier. Maybe the right to invent BJ's bird's nest It's hers.

Song Ling asked Fenghuang: "Mr. Feng, since you are the king of birds, do you live in the palace like other kings?"

Fenghuang said: "Our bird tribe is no different than other tribes. There is no hierarchy among the people. I, Fengjun, are more often just a code name, so I live in the same place as them. Where did I get the palace?"

It really is a harmonious society!Song Ling sighed and asked, "Since the Bird Clan is so good, why did that roc bird defect to the Demon Realm?"

Fenghuang sighed: "There are always some people in this world who think in their hearts about the identity and status that everyone supports."

Song Ling understood, but he didn't expect that Fenghuang's thought was so advanced, it literally leaped from feudalism to communism.There are two rows of lush sycamore trees in front of where Fenghuang lives. Fortunately, he does not live in a bird's nest, but an antique mansion.At the gate of the big house, Little Fox and Xiaofeng squatted together again, their four little hands were tightly held together as if they were fighting for something.

A beautiful young woman in her 30s came out of the door and persuaded, "Don't steal it, you have it all. Grandma will get it for you now!"

Such a young and beautiful woman actually called herself "Grandma". Song Ling touched her nose in confusion, but she heard Fenghuang laugh and say, "Auntie!"

The beautiful young woman turned her head and said pleasantly, "Feng Jun, you are finally back."

Fenghuang nodded with a smile, and said to Song Ling: "She is Aunt Yunluo, a senior elder in the Feng clan, and the wife of Elder Shuijing!"

Allah my God!Such a beautiful older sister is actually the wife of the old man with white radish, which is even more unbelievable than the combination of Pan Jinlian and Wu Dalang.

Yun Luo stepped forward and looked at Song Ling with beautiful eyes: "What a cute little girl, I heard from Shui Jing that this is Feng Jun's wife?"

Song Ling blushed and said, "Auntie, Xiaolong is still unmarried to Yunying."

Yun Luo smiled and said: "It turns out that you haven't gotten married yet. That's right, why don't you tell your aunt when Feng Jun is getting married outside? Even if we don't count as the fate of our parents, it can be regarded as a matchmaker's words. But Feng Jun has to hurry up, you can't Let the girls wait anxiously."

Song Ling raised his head and counted the white clouds, looking at the sky speechlessly.Now she has a deep understanding of a truth, it turns out that a marriage is not based on appearance, but on the similarity of thought.Why are the old white radish and Yun Luo so creative in their thinking?

Little Fox and Xiaofeng were still squatting on the ground fighting over it, Song Ling and Fenghuang ignored them and walked straight into the house.Contrary to the owner of this house, this house was built quite reliably, with pavilions, pavilions, small bridges and flowing water inside, all in all, it has a very human atmosphere.

Song Ling asked: "Mr. Feng, do all the members of your Feng family live in this house?" But it seems that there are not many people in Mao's house?

"Only Elder Shuiling and Aunt Yunluo live here with Xiaofeng, and the rest of the Feng clan live in the nearby fairy mountain, where the mountains and rivers are better and more conducive to cultivation."

Unexpectedly, there is a sycamore tree outside, and this piece of heaven and earth is actually inside.Song Ling secretly sighed, but saw the white radish old man appearing from a stone bridge, and said with a smile: "Fengwa daughter-in-law, come with the old man, the old man has something good for you!"

Although Song Ling didn't like this white radish old man who seemed to have no tendons in his head, good things were not necessarily good.She knew that coming to Feng Clan this time would definitely bring unexpected gains.

The old white radish excitedly dragged her to a room. Song Ling took a look at the room. It was not the treasure house she imagined at all. The only decoration in the room was the wine jar.The shelves and the floor are almost full.

Well, we're a good dragon who doesn't like to drink.Song Ling was immediately disappointed.But the white radish old man was so smiling that he picked up a very delicate wine jar and held it in front of Song Ling as if offering a treasure, "Daughter-in-law, Fengwa, this wine is for you. Remember to drink it every day. Stop it, or it won't work."

Song Ling took the wine jar and asked, "Elder, what kind of wine is this? Is it a tonic?"

There was a trace of sadness on the chubby old man's white radish face: "Ah! The generation of our Feng clan is getting more and more withered, and the younger generation has nothing but Fengwa and little Fenghuang. Although you have He and Fengwa gave birth to Xiaobao, but it was not enough. So the old man specially developed Yu'er wine, which is extremely beneficial for women to conceive. Hehe, to tell you the truth, the old man has been developing this wine for hundreds of years, but That child, Fengwa, has been reluctant to marry a wife for a long time, and now it finally comes in handy. The old man also got the name of Yu'er Wine, does Fengwa's daughter-in-law think it's very classic?"

Classic your size!Unexpectedly, this so-called good thing is this.Song Ling was ashamed and ashamed, and the small wine jar in his hand suddenly seemed to weigh a thousand catties.

When I came, I was excited, but when I went, I was full of entanglements.Song Ling carried the so-called Yu'er wine out of the room in great pain.The old man with white radish still shouted from behind: "Daughter-in-law Fengwa, you must remember to drink it, and try to hug the two for three years!"

Song Ling left the old man's white radish house, searching to see if he could find a secluded place to throw the wine jar away and let it fend for itself.Unexpectedly, she bumped into a wall of flesh as she walked.Fenghuang smiled and asked: "Little Longer, what treasure did you get this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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