Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 5 The Rarely-Once-a-Year Wizard

Chapter 5 A rare genius
With a paralyzed face, he glanced at Song Ling's dragon body lightly: "That's right, you turned into a dragon!"

Song Ling smiled proudly: "I said earlier, a carp that doesn't want to be a dragon is not a good carp!"

His facial paralyzed face was still cold, he took a few steps forward: "Let's go."

Song Ling immediately stopped in mid-air, and she asked tentatively, "Great Immortal, do you want to go to the Dragon Palace with us?"

Nodding with a paralyzed face: "I have something to do with the Dragon King."

Song Ling wanted to cry. I'm afraid it's not true that she has something to do with the Dragon King, but it's true that she wants to follow her!Could it be that he has already turned into a dragon, with this paralyzed face and Fairy Bilian still refusing to let him go?No matter what, Song Ling decided to know himself and the enemy when he still understood the fighting power of the paralyzed face.

She quietly moved to the back, and whispered to a shrimp soldier: "Do you know who he is?"

The shrimp soldier immediately looked at Song Ling with the expression of seeing Ultraman, "Mr. Long, why don't you even know him? He is the god of war in the heaven, Night Breeze!"

War...God of War?
Song Ling couldn't control the strong trembling in his heart and almost fell from the air. This paralyzed face turned out to be the God of War. Let alone her little carp that just turned into a dragon, maybe even the Dragon King is not his opponent?
This hate is really endless!Who is she not easy to mess with, but why does she mess with such a person?Song Ling swore that if she could be a human again in the future, let alone eating fish, even if she saw fish, she would automatically back away.

Fortunately, Night Breeze with a paralyzed face along the way did not ask Song Ling to ask her to die in any way that would satisfy him, so Song Ling enjoyed enjoying the scenery of the East China Sea.

The difference between this place and the small water area I stayed in a few days ago is really different, not to mention the beautiful little fish that she has never seen that swim here from time to time, even those aquatic plants and corals seem to have been carved by someone long ago. As usual, everywhere is beautiful.

Deep in the bottom of the sea, she saw a huge palace in front of her. From a distance, there was a layer of colorful lights around the palace. This must be the legendary Crystal Palace!
After entering the Dragon Palace, Song Ling completely turned into Grandma Liu. She looked here and there and sniffed, it was really luxurious, and she even used luminous pearls for lighting.But Song Ling thought about it very quickly. This is the original factory of pearls, so it should be very common for pearls to be everywhere.

The paralyzed face finally couldn't bear Song Ling's restlessness, and said impatiently: "You are still a dragon now, can you stop drilling around like a loach?"

Every word that this paralyzed face said could choke her to death, but she was pitiful and dared not speak out, so she could only hide behind the shrimp soldiers and crab generals in desperation.

When Song Ling secretly scolded the paralyzed face a thousand and eight times in his heart, a voice as gentle as clear water suddenly sounded from the side: "Huh? Are you the little carp that successfully transformed into a dragon?"

Song Ling turned the faucet to the place where the voice came from. Beautiful boy, what a beautiful boy. She remembered what it was from memorizing a few sentences in an ancient book before, "An increase of one point is too long, a decrease of one point is too short, and powder is too short." Taibai, Shi Zhu is too red, eyebrows like emerald feathers, muscles like white snow, waist like bondage, lips like pussies, with a sweet smile, bewitching Yangcheng, and fascinating Cai." This is simply a true portrayal of this person, the only regret Yes, there are two very masculine dragon horns growing on the beautiful man's forehead, so it quite spoils the beauty of his extremely small face.

Seeing his dragon horns is equivalent to seeing a fellow, Song Ling wanted to go up to say hello to the gangsters, but saw that the shrimp soldiers and crab generals saluted in unison when they saw him: "Meet Your Majesty the Dragon King! "

Shrimp?This person with the best little face is actually the Dragon King?Song Ling was so shocked that his eyeballs almost fell out. Which Dragon King on TV is not gray-haired, and the house is full of dragon sons and grandchildren. How can I see such a young one? Could it be that this Dragon King has practiced the art of retaining face?

Seeing that Song Ling was looking at him curiously, the Dragon King couldn't help but smiled and said: "Now my dragon clan is getting more and more withered, and it's rare to finally succeed in transforming a dragon in a hundred years. It really is a genius from heaven!"

Song Ling was flattered and flustered, but she caught a look at the paralyzed and disdainful eyes next to her.The Dragon King smiled and said, "It turns out that the God of War is here too, and our land is really full of splendor. Please, please, my king has already prepared a dinner for the two of you!"

Nodding with a paralyzed face, the Dragon King had already gone a few steps to arrange the banquet.Song Ling, who has yet to transform into a human body, is the most unlucky. She can't stride into the banquet in a cool posture like a paralyzed face, and can only fly around like a silly hat.She leaned close to her paralyzed face and whispered: "Daxian, you don't really want to go in, do you?"

With a paralyzed face, he snorted softly: "The Dragon King has already invited me, how can I have any reason not to go?"

The banquet was prepared for us, you just followed us with the cheek to make the polite Dragon King have to stop by to invite you!Song Ling roared in his heart, but pulled out a smile that he thought was a smile: "Great Immortal, you see, I have already transformed into a dragon, and the Dragon King also said that the population of the Dragon Clan is now thin, and it is not easy to have an extra population. You and Fairy Bilian don’t really want to give up until I’m smashed to pieces, do you?”

With a paralyzed face, he glanced at Song Ling, but went straight to the banquet hall without saying a word.

"Face slumped, be careful to slump until your face cramp!" Song Ling let out a breath of hatred, but accidentally spewed out a ball of fire and directly burned a pot of beautiful coral.She quickly extinguished the fire with her dragon tail, and smiled at the stunned shrimp soldiers and crab generals: "Fortunately, this is in the water, no matter how big the fire is, it won't start, haha!"

Although they are all aquatic creatures, the banquet held by the Dragon Palace is not much different from that of the human world.As usual, a few tables are set up to distinguish between the main ones and the expensive ones, and then they are filled with delicious food, and some handsome men and women are arranged to play, play, dance, and dance to add to the fun.

Whether it is the sons and daughters of dragons or small shrimps and crabs here, they all turned into human forms.So Song Ling, a behemoth that flew into the banquet hall, immediately attracted everyone's attention.Song Ling secretly coughed twice. To be honest, he was not used to being looked at by so many people like this.

The young Dragon King sitting on the main seat seemed to have guessed Song Ling's embarrassment, and he waved to Song Ling: "Little Yu'er, come here."

(End of this chapter)

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