Chapter 108
The people waiting for the city master have already returned, and with the presence of the land master, it is naturally difficult for them to continue to stick around at the school gate.

So the principal dismissed the students who were watching the excitement, and led Lord Lu, Xiao Ming, and the city owner to the conference room.The rest of the people followed Chen Hanxi back to the classroom to rest.

As soon as he arrived in the classroom, the Ice Soul Bead reacted again as if playing with Chen Hanxi.I saw the Ice Soul Orb trembled slightly, let out a hiss that only Chen Hanxi could hear, and moved forward abruptly.

The ice soul beads have always been left on Chen Hanxi's neck in the shape of a clavicle chain.Being strangled by the Bing Pozhu, Chen Hanxi staggered a small step unexpectedly, and frowned displeasedly.

Many times, she felt that the Ice Soul Orb was like a shackle, imprisoning her past life and binding her present life.

She doesn't like this feeling, but the ice soul orb is bound to her soul, and she is destined to be unable to escape.

"Chen Xi, you...why did your bead move!" Xu Manqing exclaimed.

Seeing Chen Hanxi's gaze, she immediately shrunk her neck and lay down on the table.

She had a long dream on the way.

The Chen Xi in the dream had silver hair with some red at the end, and there were two bone wings on her back, and she held a long silver whip tightly in her hand.She still remembered that someone called Chen Xi "God Lord".

The Chen Xi in the dream looked like the mansion of the Nine Heavens God, and also like the Asura of Hell.Overall, terrible.

If she wanted to ask where the scary place was, she couldn't remember it, but she was really scared, the kind of fear that came from the depths of her soul.

"Where does that bead of yours seem to want to take you..." Xu Manqing raised her head, carefully watching the subtle changes in Chen Hanxi's expression.

Chen Hanxi let out a "huh" and looked away, not knowing who she was saying to, "Look at Wenrou."

After finishing speaking, she followed the lead of the Bing Po Zhu and left the classroom.

……meeting room……

"What!" The principal slapped the table and stood up, his eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets, "All the people on our planet are prisoners?"

The headmaster slapped the table quite loudly, and all eyes on the scene were focused on him.

In fact, everyone was as surprised as the headmaster, but they were not as direct as the headmaster.

Xiao Ming, who had known about it for a long time, rested his head lazily on his side, with a pen in his other hand, and the slender fingers with distinct knuckles were flowing.

"Cough cough." The city lord of the ancient temple city coughed twice, reminding the principal of his gaffe.

In fact, he can't be blamed for this, after all, he is just the principal of a school in a small ancient temple city.

Even the city owner of the ancient temple city is not qualified to know this, let alone him.

The XY16 planet is the prisoner star, and it is well known in the Crimson Star, the blood clan's lair.

But this matter is a secret to the descendants of many prisoners who were exiled to this planet.

If these prisoners knew the truth, they wouldn't necessarily make a fuss.

After all, things have passed for a long time, and most of what is left now are the descendants of those real prisoners.

In conscience, they were involved in the grievances of their ancestors and were innocent.

After being reminded by the city lord, the headmaster immediately reacted. He smiled embarrassingly and sat down again.

Seeing that Xiao Ming and Master Lu had no intention of getting angry, the headmaster breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, General, I wanted to ask just now on the way, what is the relationship between that girl and you?"

Li Qing's "that girl" was referring to Chen Hanxi, and everyone present knew it well.

Everyone has a heart for gossip, Xiao Ming seemed to be flattering that girl, and they were also curious about the relationship between the two.

At this time, the Ice Soul Orb was dead again, and Chen Hanxi, who was being pulled by the Ice Soul Orb, happened to stop at the door of the conference room.

 Thanks [too lazy to name] for rewarding 1 book coins~
  Thank you [Liang Qing'an] for the reward of 23 book coins~
  Thank you for all the cute votes~
  Thanks to the red-sleeved little cuties for the red beans~
  ( 3`) I love you guys, what's up~
  The previous ones haven’t been finished yet, and when the previous ones are finished, we’re going to make trouble Liao (smiling gradually evil)

(End of this chapter)

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