Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 118 Gorefiend siege, Yuhua was arrested

Chapter 118 Gorefiend siege, Yuhua was arrested (1)

Chen Hanxi died 16 years ago, she has no idea what happened during that time.

She was about to ask Wenrou, but she looked at the dozens of other people in the classroom and felt that the timing was not right, so she gave up.

It's a long time to come, and it won't be too late to ask when you arrive at Qiufeng Continent.

There was a sudden knock on the door of the classroom, because the exit was blocked by Li Qing, and the person who knocked on the door had something important to report, but couldn't come in.

Hearing the gesture of that person knocking on the door, the next second he would be so anxious that he would hit the wall with a "bang bang".

But Li Qing didn't give that person a chance to hit the wall, and let him in directly.

"Lord Lu, the plague of blood demons has spread to the ancient temple city, and we can hardly suppress it! Lord Lu..."

Before the man finished speaking, two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes, and strange dark red lines instantly covered his whole body.

His hands were shaped like eagle claws, he spread his arms, his head raised in a strange arc, and he let out a long howl.Four sharp and long fangs protruded from his mouth at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he has become a blood demon who has no self-awareness, only knows to attack, attack, and attack endlessly!
And the whole process happened without warning, and many timid female students turned pale with fright.

"Ahhh! What's going on? This! Why did he suddenly become a monster?"

"Don't be afraid, Lord Lu is still here! Legend has it that he is the most powerful person in the entire continent. He is here, and this monster can't hurt us!"

"Lord Lu, quickly lift the restriction! Let us out!"

They looked at Li Qing, like believers looking at their gods, just like the people of the Hengli tribe looked at the god-lord Miao Bai.

Li Qing ignored their expectant eyes, and spoke coldly: "The restriction cannot be lifted, this is a high-level blood demon, I'm not sure. What if we let him escape and assimilate more people outside?"

The power of Her Royal Highness's bloodline has been suppressed by the monitoring tower. At that time, I am afraid that the general will not be able to clean up the mess in a short time!

"What about us? Are we not human?"

"Isn't there the blood demon you mentioned outside? It's dead anyway, and there may be a chance to escape outside, but inside, we have nowhere to escape!"

Li Qing was speechless and remained in a stalemate.

At this time, the monster moved suddenly, whether it was intentional or not, he stretched out his hand with long and sharp nails, and rushed towards Xu Manqing.

"Chen Xi, help!"

Xu Manqing took advantage of the situation and grabbed Chen Hanxi's clothes. The fear on his face gradually faded, replaced by a sense of course: "Chen Xi, you will definitely be able to defeat this monster. I don't want to die. You must protect me. Do you hear me?"

Before Chen Hanxi could move, she felt a strong wind blowing behind her. The next second, she heard Xu Manqing's cry and Xiao Ming's voice.

"Ah, who is it! How dare you hit Miss Ben!" Xu Manqing yelled loudly, covering her uninjured arm that was waved away by Xiao Ming with her mind.

"I don't care if you are a young lady or a young master, you are not allowed to touch her."

Xiao Ming put his hands in the pockets of his trousers. He walked in slowly with his straight and slender legs. The land lord's restraint was useless to him.

"Who do you think you are? Order Xixi, you deserve it?"

Perhaps it was an illusion, but Xu Manqing smelled a sour smell, and let go of it in a strange way.

Chen Hanxi smiled slightly, and said three words lightly: "Childish ghost."

A certain "childish ghost" was far from being so harmless as it seemed. After he entered the door, he subdued the monster almost instantly.

Everyone present didn't even see clearly when he took out the Mitsubishi military thorn and when he nailed the monster's head to the ground.

 (ω) Pay attention to the title, the villains are ready to make big things~
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  (づ ̄ ̄)づmua~ I love you guys!
  But I really don’t need to vote for the author~
  The author's update speed is slow, really shameless to ask for votes (old face blushes)
(End of this chapter)

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