Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 120 Gorefiend siege, Yu Hua was arrested 3

Chapter 120 Gorefiend siege, Yu Hua was arrested 3

"Clap clap clap!"

Intensive applause sounded in the classroom, like a torrential rain hitting the wide lotus leaf, continuously.

All the people who spoke rudely to Chen Hanxi just now are slapping themselves.The speed is fast, the strike is ruthless, and there is no intention of showing mercy at all.

They were controlled by Xiao Ming's thoughts.

"You don't even want a tongue anymore?" Xiao Ming's sword-like eyes gouged out these people.

The temperature at the scene dropped suddenly, and the atmosphere was frighteningly cold.

Chen Hanxi kicked the monster's head away, and then swung the whip to restrain the monster's body, preventing him from attacking Xiao Ming.

The whole process was like flowing clouds and flowing water, unrestrained and neat, and he didn't bother to give alms to this group of people with a single look.

She didn't bother to care about it at all.

In her previous life, as the founder of Blood Soul, HX, did she still bear a lot of infamy and blame?

If she cares about it one by one, I'm afraid there will be no other living people on this continent except for the blood-souled people.

After all, no matter how hard you try, no one can stop you from talking.

After the applause subsided, Xiao Ming continued: "She is my fiancée, whoever makes up the mess..."

Speaking of this, he raised the Mitsubishi military thorn in his hand, the meaning is self-evident.

The skinny girl with a skeleton stared at by Xiao Ming shuddered as her face was obviously swollen and turned into a pig's head.

For some reason, for a moment, she felt that Xiao Ming would really do it!

In fact, most girls have an accurate sixth sense, and she doesn't know that she is one of them.

This group of people in the class have encountered a blood demon before, and they all know how powerful a blood demon is, after all, it is something that even bullets can't kill.

Their whole class combined is not enough to fight a Gorefiend, and this monster looks stronger than a large group of Gorefiends, even the land master said that he is not sure how to deal with it!

And what about Xiao Ming?Just now he used the weapon in his hand to nail off the monster's head almost instantly...

Thinking about it this way, the endless applause just now seemed to ring in my ears again.

The voices of this group of people became quieter, but there were still some people who were aggrieved and murmured softly:
"What's so great about your fiancée? Who do you think you are? Isn't it that Lord Lu is being polite to you and really treats himself like a master?"

The man's voice was not loud, almost negligible, but Chen Hanxi heard everything verbatim.

For some reason, she felt that this sounded particularly unpleasant to her, and she felt even more upset than when a large group of people said her just now.

Chen Hanxi is used to being calm, as long as she doesn't say anything, the true feelings in her heart can't be seen from her face alone.

All her joys, anger and sorrows were hidden in the smile on the corner of her mouth on the day she was sent to the Prisoner Star by her father.

But at this time, she didn't smile.


There was a loud noise, dust was flying, and everyone looked around, only to see that the classroom was missing a wall.

Because of Li Qing's restraint, the dust did not float into the classroom, which caught everyone's attention.

Through the billowing dust and through the hole in the wall, they could vaguely see that the person walking over was a burly man.

When the man approached, everyone was amazed.Because that person's height is almost [-] meters!
The man came closer and kowtowed against Li Qing's restraint. He covered his forehead, as if he was a little dazed.

"Pfft~" Someone in the classroom sneered inappropriately, but the next second, he couldn't laugh anymore.

The big man stretched out his hands towards the restriction set by Li Qing, and casually slapped them to the sides, as if opening a door curtain, and easily entered.

Li Qing: "..."

When he saw the man's face clearly, his legs were a little frightened, he staggered a bit, and involuntarily shifted his gaze to Chen Hanxi.

In the classroom, a student who was always fierce and fearless, saw the face of the visitor, and was so frightened that his legs softened and he fell to his knees.

The classmate standing next to him didn't know why and went to help him up, but his legs shook so badly that he couldn't stand up at all.

"This... who is this person? Does anyone know him?"

Who is this person who came here?It actually made Master Lu Li Qing tremble and scared Xue Tao to his knees!

You must know that Xue Tao's family background is not low, and the forces behind it are close to the Lord Lu!He is not usually arrogant, but I have never seen him afraid of anyone!
Can scare Xue Tao to his knees, what is the origin of this man?Everyone just sees ghosts.

And what's even more damning is the next scene.

The man patted the dust off his body, walked up to Chen Hanxi, knelt down on one knee, clenched his fist with his right hand, placed it on his heart, and saluted respectfully:

"The number one person in charge of Blood Soul——Xue Yin, pay homage to the Palace Master!"

 ~(^▽^)~Happy New Year’s Day, cuties~

  Small Theater - Li Qingdi's Prohibition
  Chen Hanxi (regarding nothing): Why didn't you follow?
  Xiao Ming (walked directly): Huh?Is there a ban here?

  Bulky guy (eyes turned gray, careless for a moment, knocked over): ... (like lifting a door curtain, Li Qing's restraint was lifted directly)

  Li Qing (looked at the countless people and monsters who were blocked out and couldn't get in by all means): I feel stuffy, I don't want to talk, but I still want to complain... a nest of metamorphosis...

  (Just come to remind me to update, maybe the author will really update you if you remind me~)

(End of this chapter)

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