Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 122 Gorefiend siege, Yu Hua was arrested 5

Chapter 122 Gorefiend siege, Yu Hua was arrested 5
Right now, there are so many people talking, it is not convenient for Chen Hanxi to ask, so he has to find a suitable opportunity.

"Boom boom boom——"

Li Qing's restraint was sounded again, the visitor was wearing a tight black leather jacket, glamorous and moving, it was Shuang Hua.

"Great Elder, Great Elder~" Shuang Hua patted the restraint again, "Do me a favor, let me in, I can't kick this thing."

No sound insulation is allowed, Xueyin can hear the sound of Shuanghua, and by the same token, Shuanghua can also hear the voice inside.

Xue Yin let out a "hmm" and was about to make a move when Li Qing took the first step and put Shuang Hua in.

"My lord!" Shuang Hua slid over and took Chen Hanxi's arm.

"Shuang Hua girl, don't make trouble." Chen Hanxi patted Shuang Hua's head lightly, signaling her to let go.

Shuang Hua didn't really want to let go, but she thought about it, and then ran to Xue Yin: "Grand Elder, I've offended you." As she spoke, she rolled up Xue Yin's sleeves.

Xue Yin looked at Shuang Hua, but said nothing.After so many years of getting along, he knew that Shuang Hua's personality was out of character, so he got used to it.

With Shuang Hua's action, the three-sided bat logo on Xue Yin's arm was clearly seen by everyone.

"That...that's the three-faced bat logo! He...he is really the blood soul master Xue Yin!"

Xu Manqing followed the sound, and his face turned pale instantly.

She pointed her finger at Chen Hanxi, and said with a look of panic, "Chen Xi——Chen Xi is really that female devil in HX? I don't believe it!"

"Will you be able to point out the master of my house?"

Shuang Hua put down Xue Yin's arm, rushed over, and smashed the desk in front of Xu Manqing,

"Believe it or not, if you don't believe it, you can go to hell to find out about those undead, and I will send you off in person, how about it?"

Shuang Hua has always been irritable and irritable, and if two words are wrong, she can greet her with a fist in the next second.

Xu Manqing shivered, but subconsciously shrank behind Chen Hanxi, like a frightened tortoise.

Chen Hanxi turned her head to look at Xu Manqing, and then turned her gaze to everyone.

She stepped onto the podium with unhurried steps, as if she had reached the pinnacle of power: "Do you really want to know my identity?"

Chen Hanxi's eyes swept across the group of people, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, as if she wasn't the one who was criticized just now.

The classroom was completely silent, all voices were silent, and none of them dared to even make a sound of breathing.

Chen Hanxi repeated what he said just now, but still no one responded.

They dare not.

An invisible sense of oppression struck, and everyone present felt as if they were about to suffocate.

They are now [-]% sure that it is HX!Who says it's not and who is in a hurry!
Obviously, no anger could be seen on Chen Hanxi's face, and even the smile lingering on the corner of her mouth could be seen, but the group of people under the podium just felt shuddering.

They even felt that if Chen Hanxi said the answer now, they would be silenced in the next second.

After all, it was HX, they had offended her not long ago, they might have some bad idea, they were going to wait for the opportunity to kill them!
Chen Hanxi looked playfully at the frightened, worried, excited, or hesitant faces in the audience, and said calmly, "They all want to stay here, don't they?"

Chen Hanxi's voice was ethereal and clear, incomparably bewitching.Silence answered her.

After a long period of silence, finally someone brave enough to speak out with his neck straightened.

"Yes! We want to stay here, why, do you still want to drag us out?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, someone immediately responded: "Yes, HX, don't drag us if you want to die, we want to live!"

Chen Hanxi spread out her hands, looking easy to talk: "You can do whatever you want, just don't label me as a murderer with a borrowed knife."

She is the Lord of the Blood Soul Hall——HX, a demon who makes people talk about her differently. She is not so magnanimous, and the fact that she holds grudges has never changed in her past and present lives.

Chen Hanxi has never deliberately done evil, and she is not a holy mother with the ambition to save all sentient beings.

Since these people are willing to stay and wait to die, she doesn't force it, and she doesn't owe these people anything anyway.

Chen Hanxi folded her arms, walked towards the door, turned her head and said, "Xiao Ming, take Wenrou and wait for me in the surveillance tower. As for those who want to stay, don't worry about it."

"Girl Shuang Hua, you bring 100 people back to Blood Soul, and when...then find my location, come and find me."

"Xue Yin, you come with me."

After Chen Hanxi finished speaking, she left, and she left in such a neat and tidy manner, without delay.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but then, an ominous premonition came to their hearts.

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  ( 3`) mua~ I love you all!
  (Little cuties, a lot of rumors~ give the author the power!)

(End of this chapter)

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