Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 129 The Cedar Forest Meets the Ice Mist Beast

Chapter 129 The Cedar Forest Meets the Ice Mist Beast

With the pass in hand, Chen Hanxi found the critical point of the Eternal Winter Continent without much effort.

However, she regretted bringing this talkative boy with her a little.

Du Bai, a chatterbox boy, talks too much. If you answer him one sentence, he can return twenty sentences in turn.

"Sister, you're so beautiful, why are you wearing a mask? Your mask is so scary, it's the same as the mask of the devil head HX, it makes my skin crawl."

The witch didn't want to talk, she put on the hat of the cloak.

The wide brim of her hat shaded her cold iron face.It's like past and present, overlapping together.

However, even if she does not speak, it will not affect the enthusiasm of Du Bai's "speech":

"Wow! Sister, you are so handsome! This cloak can't hide your arrogance at all!"

"Sister, sister, don't be so cold, just talk to me~"

Du Bai thought that Chen Hanxi would not speak anymore, and was thinking of finding something else to talk about, when he heard Chen Hanxi's voice.

"Du Bai, are you afraid of HX?" Chen Hanxi's expression couldn't be seen clearly because of the mask.

Hearing this, the young man thought that Chen Hanxi was laughing at him, and his fair and tender face flushed red: "Who... who is not afraid of her! What's so funny about it, sister, aren't you afraid of her?
Don't say you're not afraid, I don't believe it! HX is a lunatic who kills without blinking an eye, and kills every child he sees!
How many people's lives are held in her hands, how many children have been beheaded, such a terrifying monster, how can anyone not be afraid of her! "

Chen Hanxi: "... Who did you listen to say..."

She has never cut a child before, who gave her the blame...


Chen Hanxi ran all the way, Du Bai followed her, told the rumors about HX all the way, and arrived at the cedar forest unknowingly.

The cedar forest is located on the outskirts of the Eternal Winter Continent, and is the first frontier defense line of the Eternal Winter Continent.

It is famous all over the world for its dense fog and dense forests. No one knows how the fog that lingers here all year round comes from.

People didn't know the truth until Chen Hanxi passed by here last time and wiped out all the ice fog beasts.

Before Chen Hanxi and Du Bai approached the cedar forest, someone came over to say hello and warmly invited her to form a team with Du Bai.

"Hi girl, my name is Wu Yu, that's my team." Wu Yu pointed to 13 people not far away, and then said,

"We are going through the cedar forest, and the team is short of two people. Can I invite you to our team?"

Chen Hanxi's goal is to save Chen Yuhua, not sightseeing, so she doesn't plan to join any team: "No, thank you."

After speaking, he went straight to the cedar forest.

"Cut, shame on your face." Wu Yu's face instantly collapsed, "There are strange beasts in the forest, you just wait to get lost in it and feed them!"

Wu Yu turned around and walked towards the team. Someone in the team chased Chen Hanxi without saying a word.

"Eh? Gu Feng, where are you going?" Wu Yu was a little dissatisfied, and shouted loudly, "Come back quickly, or never come back if you don't come back!"

When Chen Hanxi heard the name "Gu Feng", she stopped and looked back.

The person chasing him was wearing a dirty white dress, and after getting closer, he realized that the person who came was Gu Feng, Yun Youzi's apprentice Gu Feng.

Gu Feng was wearing a hospital white coat. The white coat was covered with blood, and there was a hole near his chest.

Through the hole, you can see the unhealed wound inside.

"Master, is that you?" Gu Feng looked at Chen Hanxi with burning eyes, as if he wanted to melt away the black iron mask.

 Thank you for your votes~
  Thank you [@歌儿] for the 100 book coins~
  ^3^Ah, I love you guys~
  (There will be another chapter later)
(End of this chapter)

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