Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 131 Secret Meeting, Attack on Crimson

Chapter 131 Secret Meeting, Attack on Crimson

"Everyone, I have gathered everyone today, and there is only one thing to discuss, and that is - to attack the Red Star!"

Yun Youzi stood at one end of the room, beside Liu Hanyan, the Landlord of the Eternal Winter Continent, and behind him was a super quantum light shield.

In the light shield, a young blood demon was tightly tied to the operating table by dozens of thick iron chains. That was his son Yun Yu.

Yun Yu was in a very bad state at this time, completely without self-awareness, the veins on that baby's face were bulging, and the weird blood-colored lines almost covered his entire face.

Long black nails grew out of his bony fingers.He kept scratching the operating table with his nails, causing sparks to fly, and making weird growling noises while scratching.

In front of Yun Youzi are ten inverted cones, each with a holographic projection on it.

These people have different races, clothing, and languages. Fortunately, there is a universal translator, so it is not a problem for them to understand each other's words.

"Young Master Yun, did you make this decision too hastily?" The one who spoke was a woman with horns between her eyebrows, she was the queen of the alien beast race.

As soon as the Queen of the Alien Beast Race finished speaking, someone immediately echoed: "That's right, the Blood Race ranks second in the interstellar anyway, there is no perfect solution, I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to start a war with them rashly!"

"A perfect policy? Where is the perfect policy in this world? It's just a choice between bad and bad!"

Yun Youzi walked to the middle of the ten holographic images,
"My Sirius Clan has a high-status internal response on the side of the Blood Clan, and I have united two Prisoner Star Four Continent Masters. That's all I can reveal to you so far.

You also know that for every day of delay, there will be more variables.You have to think about it, there is only one chance, if you miss it, you will never recover.

Are you willing to join the war, overthrow the blood clan and replace them, and rescue the descendants of those captured heroes? "

Behind the ten holographic images in front of Yun Youzi are ten high-level figures from different planets.

Those who are qualified to participate in this meeting must be at least one under one person and above ten thousand people.

At this time, the holographic technology has been considered developed, and the projected images are no different from real people. Yun Youzi can see every subtle expression of these people.

The interstellar races have long been dissatisfied that the blood race ranks second in the interstellar, occupying the best resources, overwhelming all of them.

These years, the blood race has not moved at all. Who knows if it is as strong as it was back then?Maybe he has already been strong outside and weak in the middle, and is vulnerable to a single blow.

This war has been planned for a long time, and only one fuse is missing, one reason to start the fire.

As for what the fuse was and what was the reason for the ignition, these are not important.

As long as someone is the leader for them, as long as these conditions allow them to justifiably fight against the blood race, pull the blood race down from a high position, step on their feet, and let them climb up.

No one wants to be in a low place all the time. Most people who are in the bottom are looking for an opportunity to pull down a stepping stone and step on it to climb up.

Yun Youzi saw exactly this point.

This early bird, he did it, no matter whether he succeeds or fails, he is in a desperate situation and cannot pose a new threat to any of them.

Therefore, there is no objection from below.

"Skywolves swear to follow the young master to the death!"

"The Zerg race is joining the battle! I would like to help Young Master Yun."

"The Alien Beast Race joins the battle, Young Master Yun counts our Alien Beast Race!"

With the Sirius, Zerg, and Alien Beasts taking the lead, those who were hesitant at first made up their minds.

"The Feather Clan joins the battle."

"The Scales join the battle."

"Bearmen join the battle!"

The forces of the six planets expressed their participation in the war, the forces of the three planets expressed their neutrality, and the forces of one planet remained silent, watching the whole process without making any response.


The plot on the other side has not yet come to an end, but on this side, the atmosphere between Du Bai and Chen Hanxi can be said to be tense, with no room for maneuver.

Du Bai insisted that it was Chen Hanxi who killed his father.

 Crab [Guoxinhua] rewarded with 5 book coins~
  Tickets for the cute crabs and crabs!

  Hey, Kavinka's head is going to be bald, I wrote and deleted, and I still feel that I didn't write QAQ well
  Leave a lot of comments, cuties~ The author will read every message carefully, and reply together when the update is over~
(End of this chapter)

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