Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 134 Infiltrate and challenge, do you want to start a war?

Chapter 134 Infiltrate and challenge, do you want to start a war?

"It's useless for you to rescue soldiers!" Qi Yan took out a lighter and lit a cigarette.

The lighter spit out a small flame, licking the strange cigarette, which crackled and emitted green smoke.

The smoke in Qi Yan's hand and the ice mist emitted from the tail of the ice fog beast permeated together, and the next moment, the ice fog beast went crazy.

They were foaming at the mouth one by one, their eyes were scarlet, the ice on their backs swelled, and their snow-white coats began to turn blue.

Du Bai looked at the cigarette in Qi Yan's hand, with a anxious look on his face: "Mom! If you use a catalyst, they will die!"

Either die in battle, or die from the backlash of the medicine!

Qi Yan threw down the unburned half of the cigarette, and wondered if she was also affected by the smoke, her face was terribly gloomy: "So what, can it increase their strength? They are just a group of animals, as long as they can achieve their goals, If you die, you die!"

After speaking, she took out something that looked like a harmonica and played it on her lips.

The sound of this instrument, like a flute or a piano, has a sharp and strange feeling.The ice fog beast became even crazier when it heard the sound, but it just had someone to go crazy with.

The Ice Mist Beast was already terrifying in appearance, but when it went crazy, it was even more creepy.

Wu Yu's group, except for the woman with the dark red spider collarbone chain and the little girl next to her, everyone was terrified by these ice fog beasts.

The prisoner star does not have the species of ice fog beasts. For them, ice fog beasts are alien beasts.

"Oh, it's interesting. There are people from the alien beast race on this planet." Xiao Ming looked at the instrument in Qi Yan's hand, and the corner of his mouth curled up to make trouble.
"The Alien Beasts have always kept the same waters with the blood races. You sneaked into the Prisoner Star and provoke troubles on the Prisoner Star. Are you trying to start a war?"

Being poked in the center of Xiao Ming's mind, Qi Yan suddenly became vigilant, she was indeed ordered to start a war.

She suddenly received an order from the highest level of the alien beast clan, saying that she was to capture a girl with an ice blue bead alive, and that success or failure depended on it.

"If you want to start a war, I don't mind sending troops to your alien beast clan's base camp right now. The soldiers just don't have a chance to practice in actual combat."

At the same time as the voice fell, Xiao Ming stabbed an Ice Mist Beast to death, and took out a black metal token from the portable space, and played with it in his hand.

Xiao Ming held it with one hand, and dealt with the ice mist beast with the other, "extremely arrogant" can no longer describe what he is doing at this moment.

"You... what do you mean?" Qi Yan stared at the black metal token in Xiao Ming's hand, suddenly feeling apprehensive in her heart.

This thing looks familiar, she seems to have seen it somewhere, and she remembers that the person holding this thing seems to be a very dangerous person.

Qi Yan couldn't remember where she had seen this thing before, but Chen Hanxi recognized what it was with just one glance.

This is the blood clan's general order.

Since ancient times, those who can hold military power, those who are high and powerful, have enemies all over the place.

Seeing this, Chen Hanxi was speechless, not knowing what to say: "..."

Take it out so casually, aren't you afraid of being entangled by your enemies?Ask for trouble.

If Xiao Ming knew what Chen Hanxi was thinking at this moment, he would definitely say: "I want to ask for trouble, but unfortunately the trouble is to take a detour."


Chen Hanxi didn't pay attention to those ice fog beasts at all.

The Ice Mist Beast was completely invulnerable, but she and Xiao Ming were like pricking balloons, killing one of them.

In less than 3 minutes, at least half of the more than 40 ice fog beasts were gone, and the rest were scared back to their senses and turned around to run away.

Seeing this, Qi Yan accelerated the tune she played, trying to regain control of those ice fog beasts.

"Mom, what is he holding in his hand? It's dark." Du Bai stared intently at the general order in Xiao Ming's hand, suddenly thought of something, and laughed out loud.

"Hey, brother who appeared out of nowhere, you don't want to use an inkstone as a token when others use chicken feathers as arrows, do you? Hahahaha."

Before Du Bai finished speaking, Qi Yan suddenly took a breath, the sound of the piano stopped suddenly, and the instrument in her hand fell to the ground with a thud.

She shielded Du Bai behind her, pointed at Xiao Ming terrifiedly, her tongue was a little awkward: "You, you, you are—"

 Tickets for the cute crabs~
  Love you guys!refill~
(End of this chapter)

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