Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 150 The monster grows, Chen Xu's face

Chapter 150 The monster grows, Chen Xu's face

She handed the dagger to Gu Feng, her voice was cold and calm: "Do me a favor, cut it."

Gu Feng looked at Chen Yuhua, then at Chen Xi, his heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he didn't dare to reach out to pick it up: "Cut... cut who?"

"Me." Chen Hanxi threw the dagger at Gu Feng, "Chop it if you want, don't talk nonsense."

In fact, she can do it herself, but the wound won't heal for a few months.But if someone other than herself did it, the wound would heal quickly.

When Chen Hanxi laughed, his aura was very strong. When he became serious now, Gu Feng didn't dare to take a big breath. Although he didn't know what Chen Hanxi's purpose was, he still caught the dagger.

Chen Hanxi didn't talk nonsense, and stretched out her hand.Gu Feng raised the knife and dropped it, the dagger was sent flying by an invisible force, and plunged into the metal wall of the basement.

Seeing this, Chen Hanxi was a little surprised: "You are actually human."

Human beings are a mysterious and ancient civilized race. He is very fragile, but possesses advanced wisdom.

It's a pity that this mysterious race hid in the vast universe as early as the third interstellar turmoil and became a legendary existence.

No one knows how far human civilization has developed. It may surpass all current technological levels, or it may unfortunately be wiped out in the interstellar turmoil.

Hearing Chen Hanxi's words, Gu Feng was stunned: "How could it be? I was an abandoned baby picked up by the master. At that time, the genetic test showed that I was a wolf clan."

Chen Hanxi didn't intend to dwell on the question of "Is Gu Feng human?" at this time.

Right now, saving Chen Yuhua is the most important thing. She took back the dagger, her eyes were soft and her hands were quick, and she grabbed her arm: "Xixi, you want to take blood, right? I'll help you."

Ruanrou had heard about the twin curse, and she knew everything she should know, including the fact that Chen Hanxi hurt herself and the wound was difficult to heal.

Chen Hanxi nodded in agreement.

Sure enough, the dagger was no longer bounced away like it was when Gu Feng made a move before.

As Wen Rou raised the knife and dropped it, a hideous wound appeared on Chen Hanxi's palm.

Dark red blood beads slowly oozed out, Chen Hanxi used his mind to hold the blood beads, and wiped them between Chen Yuhua's lips.

Chen Yuhua's lips were extremely pale, except for her heartbeat and breathing, she was almost no different from a dead person.

Because of Chen Hanxi's few drops of blood, he now seems to have a bit of vitality.

And at the same time that Chen Hanxi finished feeding the blood, the light blue crystalline powder formed by the Ice Soul Bead lingered around Chen Yuhua, like iron sand that had met a magnet, and fell to the ground quickly, turning into white ash.

The Ice Soul Orb is a token of succession of the blood royal family, and it was completely destroyed this time, but no one cares about this issue at the moment.

"Why isn't he awake yet?" Gu Feng squatted beside Chen Yuhua, holding Chen Yuhua's hand, his eyes fixed on Chen Yuhua's face, for fear of missing a slight change in expression.

Chen Hanxi leaned against the wall, and gently wiped away the dried blood on her palm. The hideous wound had already healed.

"Race switch, not as fast as you think. He's fine now, I don't die, he never dies.

Tell me first, where did Yun Youzi go? "

Gu Feng remained silent, as if he was thinking about where should he start with Chen Hanxi.

At this moment, Rourou exclaimed in surprise: "Wow, trough!"

Chen Hanxi followed her gaze.

The innermost metal wall of the secret room rose at some point. Hidden in the wall, the glass container containing the red solution was unreservedly exposed to everyone's sight.

What really surprised Wenrou was not the red solution, but the stuff soaked in it.

That thing looks like everything, but it doesn't look like any single civilized race in the interstellar world.

The most important thing is that it has Chen Xu's face!
(End of this chapter)

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