Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 152 Dare to Use Blood Soul to Scare Her

Chapter 152 Dare to Use Blood Soul to Scare Her

Chen Guoliang thought so, and did the same. He let go of his voice and howled loudly:

"Help! Help! Someone is breaking in! They are going to kill me! Come and save me!"

Luo Yan was still indifferent, with empty eyes, and sat on the ground blankly.

Chen Hanxi, Gu Feng, and Wen Rourou, who were still awake, felt baffled.

"Don't think that I'm afraid of you because you are supernatural beings. Do you know who are those who protect me outside?" Chen Guoliang looked at the gentle and soft Chen Hanxi complacently.

Rou Rou subconsciously answered: "Who is it? You call me in, I want to see who can stand up in front of me."

Chen Guoliang was waiting for someone to ask who it was, but his gentle words made him so angry that he snorted coldly and said:
"Those outside are all blood soul people, and there is also a person named Xue Yin, you know? That is the number one person in charge of blood soul, and he specially brought people to protect me. You are dead!" As he said, he Started to get flustered.

Chen Hanxi was expressionless, and said "oh" in a flat tone, then turned around and looked for a place where Chen Xi could be put down.

Gu Feng watched Chen Guoliang hesitate to speak, hugged Chen Yuhua, bypassed Chen Guoliang, and went upstairs to find Chen Yuhua's room.

Rourou laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten up: "Hahahahahaha, child, do you know who this is standing in front of you? You actually used the name Blood Soul to scare her.

Hahahahahaha, this is definitely the funniest joke I've ever heard.Hahaha, I can't do it anymore, I'm going to laugh out loud hahahaha..."

Chen Guoliang didn't see the expected panic look on the faces of the three of them, and then looked at the tenderness who couldn't stop laughing, his face turned blue from anger, his head turned into a preserved egg, and he said several times in a row, "You wait with ".

At this time, the door was suddenly blocked by a tall figure.

When Chen Guoliang saw the person coming, he was overjoyed, and rushed to the person's side: "Brother Xueyin, save me!"

It was the number one person in charge of Blood Soul——Xue Yin who came.

"What's your ghost name, what's wrong?"

Xueyin sensed the power of the blood of his palace lord from a long distance away, so he hurried over.

Chen Guoliang blocked the door, Xue Yin wanted to slap him to death, but thinking of his relationship with Luo Yan, and the order of his own palace master, he forcibly resisted the urge.

Chen Guoliang didn't know what Xue Yin thought of him, and he still blocked the door, babbling, persuading Xue Yin endlessly, let him get rid of Chen Hanxi and the others.

Xue Yin was too tall, and was blocked by the door frame, so he couldn't see who was standing inside. Hearing what Chen Guoliang said was sincere, he had to bend down and sneak into the door to see what happened.

After all, it was the task assigned by his own palace master. He wanted to protect Luo Yan. This man is Luo Yan's husband, so he should also protect him by the way, right?

Chen Hanxi didn't care, and put Gentle Chen Xi on the sofa.

As soon as Xue Yin came in, what he saw was her back, but just by looking at this back, he recognized who she was.

Chen Guoliang was eager to get rid of Chen Hanxi and the others, so he didn't think about why Xue Yin's face suddenly changed.

"Brother Xueyin, hurry up, these people are very evil, if you don't kill them, what if they disappear out of thin air!"

Xue Yin ignored Chen Guoliang, he squeezed into the room, and was about to salute Chen Hanxi, but Chen Hanxi stopped him.

She asked Xue Yin: "How many people do you have now, how many rounds can they last under my hands?"

Just as Xueyin was about to answer, Chen Guoliang suddenly became excited: "Brother Xueyin! Kill her quickly, this woman is provoking you, provoking the majesty of Blood Soul!"

Blood Yin: "???"

Xue Yin was speechless for a moment, walked up to Chen Hanxi, bowed and saluted, and asked, "Hall Master, can I kill him?"

(End of this chapter)

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