Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 154 Short Eternal Life, Its Price

Chapter 154 Short Eternal Life, Its Price

What bad apprentice?Gu Feng?But isn't Gu Feng Yun Youzi's apprentice?
Chen Hanxi was puzzled, and turned to look at Gu Feng.

Gu Feng stood up from the ground clutching his neck, and the bright red blood flowed from between his fingers.

Seeing this, Chen Hanxi patted Gu Feng's shoulder: "Congratulations, you are about to become a vampire just like him."

Hearing this, Gu Feng's face suddenly turned pale, but at this moment, he could no longer care about himself.

The clouds outside the window dissipated at some point, and the scorching sun poured down, passing through the glass window, just falling on Chen Yuhua's body.

In an instant, Chen Yuhua's skin exposed to the sun began to show signs of being burned, and white smoke came out.

"Ahhhh, sister! Gu Feng! Help, I can't move, it's so hot, I'm going to catch fire!"

"Yu Hua!" Gu Feng exclaimed.

Before Chen Hanxi had time to act, he had already rushed towards the sun and threw Chen Yuhua into the shadows.

As a result, both of them had many scars that looked like they were burned by a raging fire.

However, these scars healed quickly after they went to the dark place.

Chen Hanxi stretched out his hands under the sunlight, spread out his palms, and lifted them up slightly.

For a moment, white smoke curled up from her hand, and the sound of "Zi Zi" could be heard faintly.

She murmured: "This is the price of short and eternal life." The voice was not too loud, ethereal and cold, which happened to be heard by Gu Feng and Chen Yuhua.

Gu Feng was a little puzzled, since it is eternal life, why do you say "short-lived"?He didn't ask out rashly.

Chen Hanxi drew the curtains with her thoughts, and the curtains had a good blackout effect, and the room became dark. Gu Feng and Chen Yuhua seemed to have been reborn.

"Hmph, go away! Bad apprentice, stay away from me, or I'll bite you to death!" Chen Yuhua pushed Gu Feng away violently, and bared her newly grown little tiger teeth.

Pushing Gu Feng's palm, Chen Yuhua used [-]% of her strength, and the tables and chairs in the room were blown away by the force of this palm.

Chen Hanxi had noticed it a long time ago, so she covered Gu Feng with a shield of mind power, offsetting Chen Yuhua's attack, and thus prevented Gu Feng from being shot flying.

"Master, please help me, I know the rules of your blood soul, as long as Yuhua can return to normal, I am willing to pay any price!"

In fact, if Gu Feng didn't say anything, she would try her best to make Chen Yuhua recover.

Although she didn't get along with Chen Yuhua for a long time, during this time, Chen Yuhua treated her very well, and she was not an ungrateful person.

She didn't know what the Ice Soul Orb was made of, but the only thing that could affect people's consciousness was the Ice Soul Orb, which couldn't be done with the mind.

But the Ice Soul Orb shattered...

Chen Hanxi withdrew his thoughts, remained silent for a while, and then slowly said: "...OK."

Hearing the word "good", Gu Feng rarely laughed, his eyes were a little red: "Thank you, Master!"

Chen Hanxi hates others thanking her the most, especially like Gu Feng, who obviously hasn't done anything yet, making it seem like she saved the entire universe.

Of course, since she founded Blood Soul and became HX, no matter what she does, no one will thank her anymore.

"Don't thank me in a hurry." Chen Hanxi turned around stiffly, with her back to Gu Feng,
"Sister Yu Hua's situation, right now, I can't do anything about it. If one day returns to scarlet, maybe I can find a way."

Because his back was facing Gu Feng, Chen Hanxi didn't see Gu Feng's thoughtful expression and his clenched fists as if he had made up his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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