Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 156 Intact, he didn't smoke

Chapter 156 Intact, he didn't smoke

Chen Hanxi: "..."

Chen Hanxi never expected that the question that had been puzzling her before would be answered so easily, and it was the kind of confession taken by the master.

Wen Rourou had already started, Chen Hanxi followed her words and asked, "What is the relationship between Xiao Ming and the Hengli Clan?"

Those previous memory fragments about the Hengli people were too fragmented, pieced together, and still can't figure out the cause and effect.

Since Ruanrou has already said that Xiao Ming has enmity with the entire Hengli tribe, she must know the ins and outs.

Wen Rourou sneered, and said: "Yuanyuan, Xiao Ming's grandson..."

Before she could finish speaking, she saw Chen Hanxi's gesture, and suddenly stopped what she was saying, and asked, "Xixi, what's wrong?"

"Something is coming, that thing is very dangerous, I may not be able to handle it!" Chen Hanxi pulled Chen Yuhua, and pulled him to Rourou, "Quick! Take Sister Yuhua, and leave quickly!"

Chen Yuhua turned around and grabbed Chen Hanxi: "Sister, what about you?"

Chen Hanxi pulled his hand away: "I won't die, leave me alone, go!"

"I don't, you are my sister, I will protect you even if I risk my life! I can't do such a thing as running for your life without you!"

"Shut up!" Rourou slapped Chen Yuhua on the back of the head, "Xixi let go, why are you talking so much? It will only be a disservice if we stay."

After finishing speaking, she grabbed Chen Yuhua involuntarily, teleported, and took him away.

After the gentle and gentle Chen Yuhua left, Chen Hanxi no longer had any worries.

Like every time she was on a mission before, she walked towards the mysterious person alone.

While she was approaching the mysterious man, the mysterious man was also approaching her, and after a while, the two met.

It was a tall, thin boy in a ripped denim jacket.

The boy walked towards her facing the sun, under the light, his skin was so white that it seemed to glow, which made the few drops of blood on his face very eye-catching.

His jet-black hair was a little messy, and through the messy gap, Chen Hanxi saw a pair of purple-gold pupils.

Purple is a deep purple, decorated with some scattered golden lines, like a distant night galaxy, which makes people want to delve deeper and explore the secrets hidden in it.

The boy was good-looking, with a harmless appearance to humans and animals, but Chen Hanxi instinctively felt that he was dangerous. He immediately stopped, put his hands behind his back, and held the silver snake, ready to strike at any time.

As soon as the boy saw Chen Hanxi, his steps became a lot lighter, and he ran to Chen Hanxi in three steps at a time, as if Chen Hanxi would turn around and leave if he was a second late.

He knelt down on one knee, put his right hand where his heart was, and saluted Chen Hanxi with great reverence: "Greetings, Lord, thank you for saving my life!"

He raised his eyes and stared at Chen Hanxi, the stars in his eyes were shining brightly.

Chen Hanxi didn't have the slightest impression of him, and asked with some doubts, "You are?"

Hearing this sentence, the starlight in the boy's eyes dimmed in an instant: "My name is Leng Qi, Eternal Winter Continent, Lord, you saved me..."

Hearing Leng Qi's mention, Chen Hanxi remembered.

At that time, she was going to seek revenge from the traitor of Blood Soul, Lang Mie. On the way, she rescued a thin blood boy, and that boy should be Leng Qi.

Chen Hanxi always felt that Leng Qi looked weird, but she didn't understand what was wrong until she felt a burning pain in her hand.

Leng Qi was standing under the sun, intact and not smoking!
(End of this chapter)

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