Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 161 Blood Soul Headquarters, Looted

Chapter 161 Blood Soul Headquarters, Looted

She had seen these people in the most embarrassing appearance with her own eyes, and it was she who gave them new life.

She has also seen these people smiling, surrounding her, calling her "Palace Master", and asking her various questions.

It was one of the few warm memories she had.

The past is vivid in my memory, and their figures are so vivid in my memory, but now, they are all bones lying at the bottom of the pit, and the headquarters building that was built together at the beginning has also become wasteland at this time...

She once said that she would protect everyone in Blood Soul, but she didn't protect them well...

"Team B, go to the west building and search again!"

A loud and majestic male voice came from behind the wreckage, and the sound of neat footsteps approached from far away.

Chen Hanxi heard another voice sigh: "I really didn't expect that such a backward little broken planet would hide such excellent equipment. Although it is a little behind, it can make do with it. This trip was not in vain!"

Listen to the voices, one is a middle-aged man and the other is a young man.

Chen Hanxi's eyes turned scarlet, she gritted her teeth, and said word by word: "They did was them!"

As if influenced by Chen Hanxi's emotions, a wind suddenly picked up around her, and her black robe fluttered in the wind.

The sky quickly covered leaden-gray thick clouds, which took away the light of the sky.

The red light in Chen Hanxi's eyes was like a blazing flame, burning tenderly and frighteningly.

Gentlely took her arm: "Xixi, calm down, don't be impulsive! Don't let the twin curse completely erode your mind!"

"I know it well." Chen Hanxi pulled down Wenrou's hand, turned her head and stared into Wenrou's eyes, "I must make life worse than death for these people!"

Her eyes were exactly the same as Chen Yuhua's at this moment, the whites of her eyes were completely black, and her pupils were blood red.It's just that she was born extremely beautiful, even with such a pair of eyes, her face still didn't appear ferocious.

Looking at those eyes, Wen Rourou felt panicked. She suppressed the fear in her heart and pressed Chen Hanxi's shoulder: "Listen to me, don't be impulsive, leave these people to me!"

She doesn't care whether these people are dead or alive, to be precise, she doesn't care about the life and death of everyone in this world except Chen Hanxi.

What she was worried about was that Chen Hanxi would completely lose control, destroy the world, and do things that she would regret later.

She was just afraid that one day when Chen Hanxi regained consciousness, she would be sad when she saw everything destroyed when she was controlled by the twin curse.

Dazzling silvery white light flashed, a slender and fair hand was slightly soft, with the index finger and middle finger together, and gently tapped between Chen Hanxi's eyebrows.

The silver light flourished, forming a beam of light, connecting the heaven and the earth.

The clouds in the sky were scattered by the beam of light, Chen Hanxi who was standing on the ground was blinded, fell down, and was caught by Leng Qi.

The silver light that pierced the sky just now was extremely conspicuous, and the group of people saw it, and they gathered here one after another.

"Who are you?" It was the loud and majestic voice.

Rourou rolled her eyes, stood up, and put her arms around her chest: "Oh, you ruined our territory, and you still have the face to ask who we are."

When the middle-aged man heard this, he laughed loudly, his tone full of disdain: "Hahahaha, I thought it was something sacred, but it turned out to be a few ants that were missed and not crushed to death.

how?Seeing the corpses of your companions, you can't wait to go down to accompany them?They actually signaled us to come over, hahahaha.

You bastards will also shine to attract attention, and you are simply vulnerable. "


small theater

Author: Rourou, be obedient, put down the script of the male protagonist, if you mishandle the script, this article might have to be classified again!
Xiao Ming & Leng Qi: Give me the script!

Gentle and soft: ...

Chen Hanxi: (Snatch away angrily) You are taking my head, no one is allowed to take it!
(End of this chapter)

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