Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 163 Almost Bewitched by the Curse

Chapter 163 Almost Bewitched by the Curse

Chen Hanxi didn't know if Leng Qi could hear her speaking in the state of a soul, so she didn't say much, and drifted past silently.

Just as she approached her body, there was a sudden sense of weightlessness, and the scene in front of her was distorted into an abstract scroll, and finally she couldn't see anything.

I don't know how long she waited, but when she could see things clearly, the first thing she saw was the sky.

Sensing someone beside her, Chen Hanxi tilted her head slightly and saw Leng Qi.

She froze for a moment, then suddenly realized that she was still pillowed on his lap, and got up hastily.

With a bit of apology, she showed an awkward yet polite smile to Leng Qi: "Thank you."

"Xixi, you are awake!"

Chen Hanxi was in embarrassment when suddenly someone hugged her from behind in a "throat lock" posture. She knew it was gentle without turning her head.

"Xixi, I was really scared to death just now. Do you know that when you were in a coma, your consciousness was almost swallowed by the twin curse! Fortunately, there is that old master Leng, who successfully rescued you."

The more Wen Rou said, the more excited she became, and when she got excited, her hands became tighter and tighter.

Chen Hanxi, who was strangled by the throat, was speechless, and patted his tender arm lightly with his backhand to show comfort.

Leng Qi smiled softly, but his eyes hidden under the long eyelashes were sharp, staring at the gentle hand.

Yinmang condensed out of thin air and rushed towards the two of them. When meeting Chen Hanxi, he made a sharp turn and turned behind her, aiming only at Wen Rou.

Seeing this, Wen Rourou quickly let go of Chen Hanxi and summoned Hong Feng to resist.

She was a little overwhelmed, and was forced to retreat about 50 meters, and she was still retreating, showing no tendency to stop.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, are you childish?" Chen Hanxi looked at the two helplessly, as if looking at two older children.

She sighed in her heart: Wenrourou is really amazing, whoever confronts her will become a childish ghost.

As soon as "childish ghost" was mentioned, she couldn't help but think of Xiao Ming, and she didn't know where he went.

But now is not the time to think about that.

Chen Hanxi cleared the messy thoughts in his mind, turned to look at Leng Qi: "Where are those people?"

Leng Qi knew that the "those people" Chen Hanxi referred to were those who destroyed the Blood Soul headquarters, so he pointed to the huge pit behind Chen Hanxi: "Below."

At the end, he added: "I'm not dead, I know you want to ask questions, so I'll keep it for you."

That pit was exactly the one where the bodies of members of the Blood Soul headquarters were piled up before.

When Chen Hanxi walked over, there were no corpses piled up at the bottom of the pit.

Because those "corpses" stood up at this time.

They were gathering together, taking turns beating up the bandits who were tied up.

Standing outside the pit, Chen Hanxi could faintly hear their cursing and the robbers begging for mercy.

Among them, the one who scolded the most was actually Shuang Hua, who was the youngest and most irritable in Blood Soul: "Your equipment is better, isn't it? How dare you blow up my palace master's territory!"

Shuang Hua scolded and kicked, kicking the gang of robbers one by one, and then retreated angrily to the outside to make way for others.

She was the first to withdraw from the crowd, so she was also the first to see Chen Hanxi standing outside the pit.With just one glance, the haze dissipated.

She was extremely happy, and immediately saluted: "The blood soul is in charge of Renshuanghua, and I have met the palace master!"

When Shuang Hua yelled, everyone stopped beating the robber, retracted their kicked legs, lined up neatly, and saluted one after another.

 Thank you for the lazy ticket~
  Meme Chirp, I love you!

  (Little cuties don’t need to vote anymore, the author’s writing is getting worse and worse, and he doesn’t deserve to have a ticket QAQ)

(End of this chapter)

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