Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 33 Returning to this chapter, her body

Chapter 33 Returning Here, Her True Body

Chen Hanxi replied: "Xiao Ming, his name."

In the middle of her speech, she suddenly fell down.

"Han Xi!"

Xiao Ming quickly caught her with sharp eyes and hands.

Gu Feng looked at Chen Hanxi who suddenly fell down without warning, and thought, "What's wrong with her? Is it like before?"

Xiao Ming didn't know Gu Feng's doubts, he hugged Chen Hanxi horizontally, and carried her to the sofa to lie down.


At the same time, Chen Hanxi returned to that mysterious laboratory, in her previous body.

Only this time, when she woke up, she was lying on the ground and was not soaked in the specimen preservation solution.

And all around her were broken glass shards, which should be the glass container containing her body.

It's just that it was broken by someone now.

Chen Hanxi suddenly felt a piercing pain on her back, as if something had pierced into the skin and then pulled out suddenly.

She tried to raise her hand, although it was very difficult, but at least she could move, unlike last time, only the eyeballs could move all over her body.

I don't know how long she struggled before she sat up.

I saw a mess in the laboratory, as if it had been raided by bandits. Experimental equipment and the like were rickety, and some were thrown to the ground.

There was also the previous electronic facility that recorded her body data, and a big hole was smashed into its display screen.

And the group of people who studied her disappeared.

Suddenly, there was a scream not far away, and the voice sounded like a middle-aged woman.

"Ahh! Help! Don't come here! Don't chase me!!" the middle-aged woman yelled heart-piercingly.


A strange cry, followed by her voice, reached Chen Hanxi's ears.

Chen Hanxi suddenly felt a twinge in her heart. Hearing this voice, she felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Ahhh!! I don't want this money anymore! I won't do this research!" A younger man cried, "I regret it! Let me go back!"

"Go back? Are you dreaming? Look at those of us who came in, who walked out of that door alive?"


The heavy running sound was getting closer and closer to Chen Hanxi, but her body was still a little out of control, and it took her a lot of effort to forcefully stand up.

She scanned the surroundings, found a relatively private and safe place, and hid.

In her current situation, she could only hide.

She couldn't even walk steadily, what else could she do?

The group of people opened the door of the laboratory, got inside, and quickly locked it.

"Where's the corpse!? Where's HX's corpse? Why is it missing?!"

After a while, someone finally found the mess and the missing corpse.

"You idiot 13, shut up! Do you want to die? Don't pull us if you want to die!" The man lowered his voice and cursed angrily,
"It's such a time, what the hell do you care about corpses? It's important to save your life!"


It was that strange cry again, and the most terrible thing was that the sound was getting closer and closer to where Chen Hanxi was.

Chen Hanxi's body is not under control now, if that thing really came, she wouldn't even be able to escape!

Now she has successfully experienced once, what is meant by 'heart is in the throat'!
"Quick! Everyone go to the window to gather! I'll go to the door to attract the attention of that thing, you go!" It was the voice of the middle-aged woman.

"Team leader! Then what do you do?"

"What are you talking about! I'm quite old, even if I die, it's no big deal! But you are still young!"

Suddenly, the door of the laboratory was knocked open.

 (plus one more)

  Hey, I took a look at the score, and it actually dropped to 7.9. Don’t the cuties like this plot direction?
  QAQ broke down in tears
(End of this chapter)

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