Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 35 At a critical moment, the chain fell again

Chapter 35 At a critical moment, the chain fell again

Yun Yu gradually slowed down, his eyes met Chen Hanxi's, and then he knelt down with a plop.

Chen Hanxi looked at Yun Yu with blank eyes, and felt angry.

She would rather see Yun Yu disappearing into ashes than see him like now, with almost no consciousness of his own, human beings, ghosts or ghosts.

She clenched her fists tightly and asked, "Yun Yu, who made you like this?"

Yun Yu opened his mouth, his voice was choked, as if someone had strangled his throat: "Your Highness... Your Majesty..."

Suddenly, a female voice interrupted Yun Yu's words.

The middle-aged woman stood up holding the cabinet. She walked up to Chen Hanxi and asked in a commanding tone, "What Yunyu? Isn't he a monster? Why are you called Yunyu?"

Chen Hanxi cast a glance at the middle-aged woman, and said coldly, "What does it have to do with you?"

She has always held grudges. When this middle-aged woman studied her, she did not lose her blood and cut her flesh.

She is now eager to find out who is behind the research on her body.

Therefore, she did not take revenge on the spot, and it would be good to keep the middle-aged woman alive.As for good looks?Stop delusional.

"You!" The middle-aged woman suddenly shut up.

Die!This is HX!She was actually challenging HX!

Thinking of this, the middle-aged woman was so frightened that she sat on the ground. She looked terrified and said, "I... I didn't do it on purpose! Don't kill me... Don't kill me!"

"You're blocking my way." Chen Hanxi looked indifferent, and kicked the middle-aged woman away. The middle-aged woman couldn't stand the kick and passed out.

Chen Hanxi put his hands behind his back and walked towards Yun Yu. At this moment, all the scarlet in Yun Yu's eyes had faded away, but his eyes were still empty and black.

Chen Hanxi recited the spell silently, she wanted to mobilize the power of the Ice Soul Orb and reawaken Yun Yu.

She stretched out her index finger and wiped it on her neck, staining her fingertips with her own blood.

Then, she put her index finger on Yun Yu's eyebrows.

Three seconds passed,
five seconds passed,
Ten seconds have passed...

Yun Yu still didn't respond.

She reached out to touch the Ice Soul Orb, and found that the Ice Soul Orb was not on her body!

The Ice Soul Orb is bound to her soul, that is to say, wherever her soul is, the Ice Soul Orb will follow.

But why didn't it follow this time?

Before she could think about it, Yun Yu suddenly bit her finger, greedily sucking her blood.

Perhaps it was the blood from Chen Hanxi's fingertips that stimulated him, and his eyes turned scarlet again.

Chen Hanxi was startled, and quickly withdrew her hand, because she broke one of Yun Yu's teeth because of too much force.

I don't know if it was because of the tooth loss, but Yun Yu's consciousness seemed to recover: "Your Highness, I'm sorry, I..."

He wasn't really unconscious, he just couldn't control his body.During this period, he remembered everything he had done, not bad at all.

Looking at Yun Yu's frowning eyebrows, Chen Hanxi waved his hands and said, "It's okay, it's fine if you wake up."

The two hadn't spoken for 16 years, so they didn't know what to say for a while.

After a moment of silence, Chen Hanxi spoke first: "Where is this? My corpse...why am I here?"

Yun Yu replied: "This is the Eternal Winter Continent, you were..."

Before Chen Hanxi could hear the answer clearly, she felt dizzy again, and she returned to Chen Xi's body...

This broken body!At the critical moment, she lost the chain again!

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(End of this chapter)

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