Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 45 The Woman in Black Robe, Her Sister Jiaqi

Chapter 45 The Woman in Black Robe, Her Sister Jiaqi

When Chen Hanxi heard this, he flicked the silver snake in his hand.

The silver snake instantly transformed into a long whip, and its tail, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, went straight to the black robed woman.

The black-robed woman took a knife to block it, but couldn't.

This time, her mask was pulled away by the whip tail of the "Silver Snake", revealing her pale face, which was covered with burn marks.

As for this face, Chen Hanxi couldn't be more familiar with it.

Even if it was burned more severely, and turned into ashes, she would still be able to recognize it.

It was a face that was the same as her previous life!
"My good sister, fate is really unfair."

The black-robed woman giggled. Under the dim light, the scarred face looked terrifying.

"Why, why are we born the same, but you can get most of the benefits alone!
Even from death to rebirth, you are better than me!My face is ruined, but you can change your body and start over! "

It turned out that the woman in the black robe was her younger sister——Chen Jiaqi.

"you are still alive……"

"Nonsense! Didn't you die? With the twin curse, how can you and I die so easily?"

Because of the extreme speed of the fall, the strong wind swept over the two of them.The sound of clothes flying was endless.

The two of them have been falling for a long time, but they still haven't reached the bottom, which shows how deep the bottom is.


"It is detected that the administrator is in a dangerous state, and the space portal is automatically opened..."

"Successfully opened."

Before Chen Hanxi could react, a light cluster appeared under her and Chen Jiaqi at the same time. The light cluster looked like cotton candy, soft.

The two of them were surrounded by light balls, and when they opened their eyes again, Chen Hanxi had already come out, and she was lying on her side...

In the middle of the main road.

And beside her, there were cars with horns that kept honking, and the owner of the car who was furious and yelling loudly.

Chen Hanxi rolled onto the ground and stood up, dodged a few times, and reached the sidewalk.

She searched around for a long time, but she couldn't find Chen Jiaqi's figure. She should have been teleported to a different place from her.

"Chen Xi!"

Chen Hanxi turned her head following the sound, and all she saw was Wenrou running towards her.

Chen Hanxi doesn't dislike Ruanrou, so she has a pretty good impression of her.

Chen Hanxi responded, "It's me."

"Emma, ​​you scare me to death!" Ruanrou grabbed Chen Hanxi's shoulders as soon as she came up, "You are the one I want to cover, and you have lost the cover in less than a week. My old face is terrible!" There's nowhere to put it."

Chen Hanxi looked at the gentle hands on her body, smiled and shook her head.

She is HX.

Based on this alone, no one can cover her.

If Ruanrou knew that she was HX, would she hate her to death?

"What? You don't believe me?"


The two spoke almost simultaneously.

"What and why? Why should I cover you?" Wenrou smiled "hehe" and continued,

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's just because you resemble an old friend of mine."

The two walked while talking, and after walking a long way, they found the big team of the class and joined them.

At this time, the students in their class had already arrived at the foot of the mountain where the ancient Xiaqing Temple was located.

"Chen Xi, where have you been?" Bai Pianpian walked up to Chen Hanxi with a concerned voice, "Do you know that you will make everyone worry about you, you...don't look at me like this.

I... I don't mean to blame you, I just care about you..."

"Chen Xi!" Bai Pianpian's follower stood up again. He walked through the crowd and walked up to Chen Hanxi.

I saw that person slapped himself severely, and then knelt down with a "plop".

"What the hell is going on here? Chen Xi, is it your fault! Let's not mention this for now.

You disappeared inexplicably, Pianpian was so worried about you, she came to care about you, but you stared at her, showing her face, you are still human! "


Suddenly, a gunshot sounded from a distance, interrupting the words of Bai Pianpian's followers.

With a "puchi", the bullet passed through Bai Pianpian's shoulder and flew towards Chen Hanxi.

The bullet stopped five centimeters away from Chen Hanxi, and then fell to her feet, making a crisp sound.

At this moment, a group of people with guns and ammunition rushed down from the hillside, approaching menacingly, and surrounded Chen Hanxi and the tourists gathered at the foot of the hill.

 small theater
  Author Jun (Super ferocious akimbo): Gentle and soft children's shoes, please pay attention to your words!Don't make the atmosphere so orangey!
  Gentle and soft: Huh?What?
  Author Jun (glanced at the outline, second counsel): It’s nothing, big brother, as long as you are happy!

(End of this chapter)

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