Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 71 Han Xi wants to make peace, Xiao Ming competes

Chapter 71 Han Xi wants to make peace, Xiao Ming competes

There was a lot of movement in Chen Hanxi's class, and the teacher had already been alarmed.

When those teachers saw the corpse, they unanimously decided to report it to the professional technicians.

Because this matter is beyond their ability.

After reporting this matter, less than an hour later, Lord Lu issued an emergency order, but this time it was aimed at the whole continent.

Landlord asked everyone to actively train their physical strength. He said that the crisis of the planet was ahead of schedule.

With those two boys as a precedent, the credibility is very high, so various places have started training.


In a certain open forest in the ancient temple city, Xiao Ming led the students of Class 6 ([-]) to train.

Now, they have been training for more than two months.

During this period, sudden mutation events like the one before happened three or four times.Fortunately, the scope was small and all were contained.


"When exerting strength, use the strength of your spine! The strength of the spine can magnify your original strength many times, just like this!"

Saying that, Xiao Ming punched the ground with a fist, demonstrating to the students.


I saw the ground under Xiao Ming's fist, with his fist as the midpoint, winding and cracking radially.

The cracks that Xiao Ming smashed covered an area of ​​tens of meters, and the students who were close to him could even feel the ground trembling slightly.

Seeing this, the whole class was full of admiration, and many girls were fascinated by it.

A girl with twin ponytails pulled the person next to her, and she shook the person's arm.

Just like a star-chasing girl who saw her idol face to face, she said excitedly:

"Wow! Teacher Jia is so handsome! He is completely the hero of the world in my mind!"

The girl with two ponytails grabbed Wen Rourou, who gave a "cut" and said, "Is my Chen Xi handsome?"

As soon as the gentle and soft voice fell, someone answered immediately: "That's right! Chen Xi is much better than Teacher Jia!"

The person who answered was the person who witnessed Chen Hanxi killing the mutated monster.

"The monster from last time, its skin is so thick that bullets can't pierce it!

If you didn't see it, Chen Xi used two moves to instantly kill those two monsters! "

Before he finished speaking, there was laughter all around.

"Hahahaha, just blow it!

How old is Chen Xi, how could she be as powerful as you said! "

The original owner, Chen Xi, died six years ago, and her physical age stopped at ten years old.

Chen Hanxi was reborn on Chen Xi's body. Chen Xi's body was reshaped by the power of the Ice Soul Orb. It didn't take long, so now he looked like he was only thirteen or fourteen years old.

In fact, Chen Xi was almost 17 years old.

As for Chen Hanxi, counting the time after her death, she has 16 years, and she is not young.

However, in the 16 years after her death, she was completely unconscious, and her mind and memory stopped 16 years ago.


"How is it impossible? Have you guys forgotten that Chen Xi is a supernatural warrior!"

"By the way, tell me, is it Chen Xi who is the best, or Teacher Jia who is the best?"

Just when everyone was discussing, an ethereal and clear female voice came: "Try it, and you will know."

Everyone looked at the source of the voice. The owner of the voice was Chen Hanxi, who had been silent all this time.

Chen Hanxi put his left hand in his school uniform pocket, and his right hand held the lollipop that Gentle Rou sent.

She walked towards Xiao Ming, and the classmates standing in front of her involuntarily stepped back to make way for her.

"You do it first. In the past, you gave me three tricks, but today I will give you three tricks."

After finishing speaking, Chen Hanxi put the lollipop in his hand into his mouth.

When she was in Chihongxing, she and Xiao Ming often exchanged ideas on martial arts, mind power and so on.

Since she was sent to Prisoner Star, she never competed with Xiao Ming again.

This opportunity is rare, she wants to have a good time with Xiao Ming, and take a look at where her limit is.

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  ^3^mua~I love you all!

  (I hope that the author will put it on the shelves quickly, make [-] updates, and then update more than [-] words every day, please deduct one~
  I hope the author will be free for a while, maintain the status quo, and guarantee continuous updates, but if you update the word count as you like, please deduct two~)

(End of this chapter)

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