Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 88 The Maze of the Underground, Revealing the Mystery

Chapter 88 The Maze of the Underground, Revealing the Mystery (8)

The movements of Chen Hanxi and Chen Xi were uniform and exact, and it was not like anyone imitating another at all.

From the moment Chen Hanxi joined, a magic circle also emerged on the surface of the Baiyu Stone Platform, echoing the one above Chen Xi.

The red halo above Chen Xi started to rotate again, and the white jade platform shrank accordingly.

The speed of contraction this time is much faster than when the dozens of people were together just now.

Chen Hanxi made these strange gestures after Chen Xi.

Therefore, Xu Manqing took it for granted that Chen Hanxi wanted to attract the attention of others, and wanted to gain attention, so he was grandstanding here.

It can be said that the students in the class, except for a few insiders, think so.

"Chen Xi, what are you messing with?" Xu Manqing deliberately raised her voice, making her voice sound playful and cute.

Chen Hanxi ignored Xu Manqing, continued to move his hands, and chanted the mantra softly.

A clear and ethereal voice came out of her mouth, sacred and solemn.

Her subconscious mind told her that this process cannot be interrupted, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

Seeing that Chen Hanxi was ignoring her, Xu Manqing's young lady immediately became angry, and couldn't help but grab Chen Hanxi's clothes and pull her back.

"Don't..." Xiao Ming wanted to stop it, but it was already a step too late.

"Chen Xi! Do you want to kill all of us to be willing?

Now the only exit is under that stone platform. If you do this, what if you anger those people and they don't take us out? ! "

Xu Manqing pulled it with great strength, but she was too high on her own strength.

Chen Hanxi stood where she was, without moving a muscle, but after Xu Manqing's pull, she came to her senses and stopped her movements.

"I agree, Man Qing is right!"

"That's right, Chen Xi, why are you doing this? You just look like the divine master of those people, and you really take yourself seriously!"

However, in the next second, Xu Manqing and those who agreed with her were speechless.

Just after Chen Hanxi let go, the red halo in the air stuck again, but this time it stuck for three seconds, and then went out.

"You... you you you..." Xu Manqing pointed at Chen Hanxi, too shocked to speak.

Xu Manqing hadn't "you" out of his mind when someone slapped the back of the head severely.

"'You you you', you are a ball! You have the nerve to speak!
There was an [-]% chance of getting out just now, but now the remaining [-]% are good! "Speak softly.

Xu Manqing opened his mouth, thinking that Ruanrou was the one who would immediately strike at a disagreement, so he had no choice but to shut up.

In the air, the bone wings behind Chen Xi's soul dissipated instantly, and her hair returned to its original pure black.

Chen Xi seemed to lose his strength suddenly, and fell downwards, falling into the entrance that was opened by the white jade platform.

But the soul is weightless, and it stands to reason that it will not fall.


The top of the white jade platform stopped opening after the red halo disappeared.

The bottom of the stone platform is like a well, vertically downward, bottomless.

The stone wall under the stone platform is smooth and very flat, as if it has been polished by hand.

There are many protruding stone strips on the stone wall, spiraling down, the distance is not far or close, like stairs.

The stone steps are not fully stretched out, the length of its stretch is very short, only enough to put one foot down.

If you want to walk steadily and steadily, you must keep your back close to the stone wall and walk sideways.

"Everyone, don't worry, walk slowly! The stone steps are too narrow, be careful not to fall..." Before Xu Manqing could finish speaking, someone pointed at Chen Hanxi and spoke in horror.

"Oh my god! Did Chen Xi want her life? Why did she just jump off!"

 Tickets for the cute crabs~
  ( 3`) Memeza~ I love you~
  The content of the latest chapter will be posted directly after the dust, and no more chapters will be posted~
  Let's love Chenchen again, little cuties!

  (つд) Chenchen wants to ask for a ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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