Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 95 The Maze of the Underground, Revealing the Mystery

Chapter 95 The Maze of the Underground, Revealing the Mystery (15)

"Hey! Chen Xi, I'm talking to you! Did you hear me?"

"Roar!" There was another roar of a beast that was comparable to a thunderclap.

The pumice bridge trembled suddenly, and Xu Manqing almost fell into the abyss with Lu Maoxia.

"Chen Xi, I'm the eldest lady of a high-ranking family, let me go up!" Xu Manqing was really scared this time, her voice was a little trembling,

"Don't you just want money? My family is as rich as a country, and there is a lot of money! Make a price, let me go up and stay!"


When Xu Manqing heard Chen Hanxi's words, she was about to taunt her for "seeing money", when Chen Hanxi added the last sentence leisurely.

"Pick up your mission, start with 1000 billion stars, and increase in time."

When Xu Manqing heard it, he became furious on the spot: "Chen Xi, how poor are you, are you crazy about money!?"

1000 billion star yuan is not a small amount, it is an astronomical figure for a child of a high-level family like her.

Even if she empties out her family's wealth, at best, it's barely one-third of it!

The only person in this world who can easily come up with this number is probably only the devil HX!
She is not HX, where did she get so much money for Chen Xi!

Moreover, what did Chen Xi say?
1000 billion stars is just the beginning?How much more does she want?What an insatiable appetite!
Almost all the students in the class, except Liu Jie, thought so.

Liu Jie was like a toad at this time. He fell on the ground, clasped the potholes on the pumice with his hands, took time out, and turned to look at Xu Manqing:
"Xu Manqing, you're almost done, and you still want Chen Xi to take you up there? I'm's not bad if I didn't kick you down!"

This silly boy dares to order even HX, maybe he wants to die!


After waiting for a long time, after the roar of the beast stopped, it took a long time for the floating stone bridge to stop shaking.

The stones on the pumice bridge are huge, even if they shake harder, everyone just needs to pay attention, and they won't really fall.

Chen Hanxi had noticed it early in the morning, so she didn't bother to make a move.

"My lord, just now..." Huo Cang stopped talking and was asking.

The sorceress nodded slightly and said: "Yes, it is it. This is the voice of our holy beast, the red-tailed purple flame beast."

As soon as the sorceress finished speaking, the faces of the Hengli people immediately changed into different expressions.

As for Xu Manqing and the others, because they didn't know what the Red-tailed Purple Flame Beast was or what it represented, they all looked at a loss.

The holy beasts of the Hengli clan died just like their divine master back then. This was witnessed by the whole clan!

Of course, if the holy beast really returned, they would be so happy that they couldn't sleep for several days.

"Listen, everyone, cheer up! It's not certain whether it's a holy beast or not!"

Following the order of the sorceress, all the Hengli people went on alert, and the students in the class also became alert after seeing this.


It was that kind of beast roar again, but this time the sound was much quieter and sounded more normal, but it could be heard that the owner of these two voices was the same one.

The loud roar like just now is more like a dying struggle before dying.

"Isn't that the monster we saw in the desert!" A student in the class pointed at the abyss, and the red-tailed purple flame beast that just flew into the sky exclaimed.

Hearing his shout, other students in the class looked along his fingers, and they saw the red-tailed purple flame beast.

"Oh my god! Why is there someone standing on the monster's back!"

  Today is the day to get votes...

(End of this chapter)

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