Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 99 The Maze of the Underground, Revealing the Mystery

Chapter 99 The Maze of the Underground, Revealing the Mystery (19)

The stone platform collapsed like this, and they went straight out of the underground palace. When they came out, they found that everything around them was collapsing.

"Mother, what's going on? Why did the Lord's Palace suddenly collapse?"

The sorceress looked at the white jade platform and sighed softly: "Without the support of the divine master, it will naturally return to its original state.

This Divine Palace should have collapsed hundreds of years ago..."

She couldn't remember the exact time. After all, hundreds of years had passed, and no matter how deep the memory was, it would still be a little fuzzy.

Everyone from the Hengli tribe, and several people in Chen Hanxi's class, they looked around. The surrounding bricks, the ground, and even the dome were all collapsing.

Behind these things is an endless void. I don't know if it is an illusion, but they seem to have seen a starry sky and a red planet.

The area of ​​land under their feet is getting smaller and smaller, and the collapsed area has spread to them.

All the Hengli people showed fear on their faces.


Suddenly, there was a scream from the crowd.

The source of the sound came from the side of the Hengli people. The side where they were standing suddenly collapsed.

The person standing there suddenly loses weight and falls into the void below.

They either took out the aircraft, or used their minds to try their best to get back to the top.

But they were pulled down by a strong suction force, no matter how they struggled, it was all futile.

When they are pulled to a certain level, all of them will be scattered like smoke and dust in an instant, and they will really be wiped out.

The surrounding collapse unfolded in the form of encirclement, approaching all of them from all directions.

Taking Chen Hanxi as the midpoint, within a radius of ten meters where she was, the speed of the collapse dropped significantly.

The position of the group of Hengli people was far away from Chen Hanxi, and those people happened to be outside the safe range, so none of them were spared.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the Hengli people became even more ugly, even the sorceress turned pale with astonishment.

There is another person who is more afraid than them, it is Xu Manqing.

She is used to being a eldest lady, she has never suffered, and she has never encountered such a situation, which is related to life and death.

No matter what moment, she doesn't want to die.

At this time Xu Manqing was completely panicked, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, she saw Chen Hanxi who was supporting her tenderly, like a lost child who found his mother.

"God master, that's right! Your god master is here!" Xu Manqing pointed at Chen Hanxi and shouted to the Hengli people, "Quick! Let her stop the collapse!"

The collapse didn't stop for a moment, and it continued all the time. No, another person fell down.

It's just that this person was lucky, and she dunked her left hand into the crumbling stone slab on the ground.

This action of hers effectively weakened the suction a little.

"Help me..." The man who accidentally fell reached out his hand to the clansmen.

Presumably, she is very eager at this time, there is such a person who is willing to give her a helping hand regardless of everything, regardless of life and death.

However, what she saw was the clansmen who avoided her like snakes and scorpions.

Her people took a big step back. No one wanted to save her, not one.

"Help me, I don't want to...ah!!!"

With piercing pain, her feet dissipated.

This is not over yet, at the same time, she, together with the brick she clasped her hand, was dragged into the void by the suction force.

Now she is going to die?
Just as the girl was thinking this, an ethereal and clear female voice echoed in her ears, reverberating in the entire void, like the sound of heaven.

The owner of the voice took the girl's hand, and she said:

(End of this chapter)

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