Zhong Nanshan: Guardian of Life

Chapter 11 Breaking the National Record

Chapter 11 Breaking the National Record

Beijing Medical College brings together top students from all over the country, and Zhong Nanshan's class has 230 students.Zhong Nanshan encountered the situation when he first entered high school.The strong are even stronger, and he is no longer the best student in the class.Excellent college students are not only reflected in their excellent academic performance, but also in their ability to actively participate in various club activities on the university campus, as well as their ability to organize, coordinate, and communicate.Zhong Nanshan noticed the performance of the class cadres in major activities and saw the demeanor of the outstanding ones, but he did not underestimate himself.He learns from the outstanding ones, and at the same time becomes more self-disciplined and strives to catch up.Zhong Nanshan on the track has always been strong when he encounters the strong, and sprints hard; Zhong Nanshan in the classroom also does not allow himself to relax.He spends a long time in the library, looking up information and studying; in clinical studies, he is also a good assistant to the teacher, closely following the teacher, forgetting to eat and sleep.Teacher Xie, who teaches clinical hematology, is a teacher he particularly admires.Teacher Xie is a doctor who is extremely responsible for his work.Teacher Xie said that patients should be treated as their own relatives, and they should be conscientious, have a clear conscience, and realize their true value in ordinary work.Teacher Xie said so, and he did the same. He rescued the patients, accompanied the patients, and did his best.From Teacher Xie, Zhong Nanshan seemed to see the familiar shadow of his father again.Zhong Nanshan followed Teacher Xie and tirelessly learned clinical techniques from him. When he missed his meal at noon, he went to the cooperative outside the school to buy snacks to satisfy his hunger.Teacher Xie's precepts and deeds, together with the familiar figure before, were deeply imprinted in his heart.

In [-], Zhong Nanshan once again stood in the ranks of outstanding students of the college.In Beijing Medical College, Zhong Nanshan was not only excellent in studies, but also good at singing and dancing. He was versatile and was very active and outstanding in various cultural and sports activities.His expertise in sports competition is particularly prominent, and he is a dazzling star in the college sports field.

In [-], when Zhong Nanshan was in the second semester of his freshman year, he was received by Premier Zhou Enlai as a "three-good student" in Beijing universities.The number of people interviewed by Premier Zhou was limited. There were nearly [-] students in Zhong Nanshan's grade, and only two or three were interviewed as "three good students".Zhong Nanshan's ability to stand out in the end has something to do with his athletic expertise.He is not only excellent in character and learning, but also a good athlete. He has won the championship in the college sports meeting, which is beyond the reach of anyone.

Zhong Nanshan's sports expertise continued to shine during his college years.In [-], Zhong Nanshan, a third-year university student, was selected to participate in the training of the Beijing Sports Team to prepare for the first Games of the People's Republic of China.This is the competitive opportunity that many professional athletes dream of. Zhong Nanshan, a non-professional athlete, will compete with the country's top sports masters on the same stage.This is a rare challenge in life. Zhong Nanshan's youthful blood boiled and his passion ignited.

Before leaving school for training camp, Zhong Nanshan began strict self-discipline training.Every day after school at 05:30 in the afternoon, Zhong Nanshan appeared on the school playground.Running again and again, sprinting again and again, he is racing against time and himself.It wasn't until the sun set, dusk enveloped the campus, and the runway ahead fell into darkness that he stopped training, and walked hungry and tired to the cooperative outside the school gate.At this time, the school cafeteria had long run out of food, so he could only go to the off-campus cooperative to buy something to eat.

After Zhong Nanshan entered the training team, the training became more difficult. For more than 300 days and nights, Zhong Nanshan carried out high-intensity training day after day, and persisted with his strong will.The day of the official competition is approaching, and the selection competition begins. All the hardships and sweats, and finally on the short 400-meter hurdles runway, it is a foregone conclusion.Success or failure only lasts for a few seconds. This is an extremely cruel moment, but it is also extremely fair.Unexpectedly, Zhong Nanshan, who had been working tirelessly, was not in good condition in the selection competition and lost the selection.Zhong Nanshan fell into great loss and couldn't sleep for several nights.Have you really failed?Was the 300-plus days of hard work and sweat wasted in vain?Do not!Never give up!There are still two months before the official competition, just two months.However, as long as there is time, he still has a chance!He's going to keep running, running, running!
The indomitable Zhong Nanshan cheered up from his brief confusion and frustration, and appeared on the runway again.His wisdom and rationality played an important role at critical moments.He seriously considered and summarized the gains and losses of the previous training, and adjusted the training rhythm and plan.

In September 54.4, he broke the national record with a time of [-] seconds at the First Games of the People's Republic of China.In [-], he once again shined on the sports field and won the runner-up in the men's decathlon.

Zhong Nanshan's sports experience is an important chapter in his youth.Many years later, he recalled this experience and said: "Why do I still like sports? Because it can cultivate three kinds of spirits in people: the first is the spirit of competition, and we must strive for the top; the second is the team spirit; the third It is how to efficiently complete the task in a unit of time. It is like running the 400-meter hurdles. After practicing for a year, the score only improved by three seconds. Every second is so precious. Applying this competitive spirit of sports to work and study, is extremely precious."

After the Games, the Sports Association of the Beijing Municipal People's Committee invited him to join the Beijing Track and Field Team.Fate gave him a second chance at becoming a professional athlete.He declined again.In [-], he returned to school, and after graduation, Zhong Nanshan stayed at the school as a counselor, a work assignment that only the best students at that time could enjoy.He can play the clarinet, and participated in the school's art promotion team.In addition, he also worked as a school newspaper editor, and then began to engage in radiology teaching, researching the hazards of radiation to the human body during the atomic bomb explosion.He has always obeyed the assignment, and has always been a pacesetter and an advanced element.

To be a good doctor is the expectation of his parents and Zhong Nanshan's wish.He wants to become a person like his parents, a person who saves lives, heals the wounded, and helps others. He wants to spend his whole life climbing the peak and making progress.Zhong Nanshan once said to a reporter: "I grew up in the hospital, and I know the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of doctors. They like to make patients recover or get better through their own efforts. What they don't like is that even after their own Despite their efforts, the patient's condition still hasn't improved. And what they are most taboo about is causing the patient's death due to their own mistakes."

He remembered what his father once said to him: "One must leave something to the world, and then one's life is not in vain." Walk silently.But there are still some people who use their wisdom and passion to leave a touch of color for this world and make this world a better place.Father is willing to be such a person, and this is also his ambition.

(End of this chapter)

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