Zhong Nanshan: Guardian of Life

Chapter 28 Say, Or Don't Say

Chapter 28 Say, Or Don't Say
In Beijing in March, people's life went on as usual.The deadly "SARS" epidemic in southern China seems to exist only in newspapers and on TV screens.People living in Beijing don't care much about the deadly and highly contagious pneumonia after chatting a few words.When the danger is coming, everyone can take it for granted.

They don't know that the "SARS" epidemic has quietly sneaked into Beijing.On March [-], the first "SARS" case appeared in Beijing.

"SARS" announced its existence in the capital Beijing aggressively with lightning speed.On March 28, the World Health Organization officially named atypical pneumonia as "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome" (SARS), and pointed out that SARS had spread globally.On April [-], the World Health Organization announced that Beijing was listed as an epidemic area.People began to panic, the bustling streets suddenly became deserted, and people were no longer keen on parties. All the people who went out wore masks, sleeves and collars tightly, and were fully armed.

During the Ching Ming Festival, Zhong Nanshan, who was far away in Guangdong, visited the graves of his parents.In front of his father Zhong Shifan's tomb, Zhong Nanshan stared intently at the place where his father was buried, as if seeing his father at the other end of time, majestic and resolute, always reminding him to be an honest and upright doctor.

"Dad, should I say it, or not?"

The father's resting place is quiet and solemn, but he clearly heard his father's words, traveling through time and space, life and death: "Seek truth from facts!"

Zhong Nanshan stood in front of his father's grave, his eyes were firm and determined, just like the father he respected.

On April [-], Zhong Nanshan went north to attend a press conference held in Beijing for World Health Organization officials and Chinese and foreign journalists.A reporter asked, "Has the epidemic been brought under control?"

Zhong Nanshan faced the focused gaze, the cameras one by one, and the microphone that was stretched towards him like a spear and a short cannon, and said the words that had been pent up in his heart for a long time: "What is controlled now? There is no control at all!"

The venue was in an uproar.

Zhong Nanshan continued: "The most important thing is, what is 'control'? Now the pathogen is unknown, how to prevent it, and how to treat it. There is no good way, especially where the pathogen is not known! Now the virus is still spreading, How can it be said that it is under control?"

The audience was in awe.

Zhong Nanshan said solemnly and frankly: "We are at most containment, not control! From a medical point of view, the disease has not been effectively controlled. We should not use the word 'control', but the more objective 'containment'." This word. Because the pathogen of the disease itself has not been clarified, how can you control it?"

Facing the reporter's question, Zhong Nanshan answered quickly.He responded positively in a realistic manner, saying yes if he was yes, and no if he was no. This is what his parents asked him to do since he was a child.This is also his consistent style of life.Now, since he has been thrust into the spotlight, he should answer frankly and bear what he should bear.

At this press conference, Zhong Nanshan talked about three key issues: more research on the virus is needed; medical personnel need to strengthen protection; more international exchanges and cooperation are needed.

On the afternoon of April [-], the Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Diseases planned to hold a press conference the next afternoon, announcing that two strains of the novel coronavirus had been isolated from the tracheal secretions of patients with atypical pneumonia in Guangdong, indicating that a variant of the coronavirus was most likely a The main pathogen of typical pneumonia.On April [-], major media in Guangzhou announced for the first time that the pathogen "coronavirus" that broke out in Guangdong had been found.

On the morning of April 23th, Hu Jintao, then General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee who was inspecting in Guangdong, came to the Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention to visit representatives from [-] front-line hospitals for the prevention and treatment of SARS, and had a cordial conversation with them, affirming Guangdong's medical services. The work done by personnel in the fight against SARS, a disease that affects the health of all mankind.Zhong Nanshan was ecstatic when he learned that his original ideas of fighting against SARS and "great cooperation" had been approved by the General Secretary.His good intentions, his persistent persistence against misunderstanding and criticism, finally got a positive response.

On April [-], the World Health Organization officially confirmed that a variant of the coronavirus was the pathogen that caused SARS.The conclusions of the World Health Organization confirmed that the conclusions drawn by Guangdong medical experts represented by Zhong Nanshan on the "SARS" pathogen were correct.In the dispute over pathogens, Zhong Nanshan always adheres to the attitude of seeking truth from facts, respects science and practice, and does not only rely on the best, not on books, but only on facts.

On the afternoon of April [-], the State Council Information Office held a press conference to report the situation of the national prevention and control of atypical pneumonia.The candid, responsible, and realistic attitude of the authoritative authorities has inspired the people of the whole country.China's fight against "SARS" has opened up a new situation.

The executive meeting of the State Council held on April 23 decided to establish the State Council Headquarters for the Prevention and Control of SARS, with the then Vice Premier Wu Yi as the commander-in-chief, and the central government set up a RMB 20 billion SARS prevention and control fund.Wu Yi had two interviews with Zhong Nanshan on the prevention and control of SARS in Beijing.Zhong Nanshan's suggestions were all adopted.

Zhong Nanshan has expressed his views on "telling the truth" in public on many occasions: "Honesty and integrity are always the best policy. The value of telling the truth is not that it is right or wrong, but that it is from the heart." Speaking Zhong Nanshan, who told the truth, won the national award, and the people applauded for it, applauding for the government's justice and enlightenment.

(End of this chapter)

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