Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 104 A sword can both kill and hurt oneself.

Chapter 104 A sword can both kill and hurt oneself.

Although Feng Quji didn't speak, at this moment, people from his faction began to criticize Qin Ge.

They even knew that it was Emperor Shi Huang's request that Shu Tongwen wanted to blackmail Qin Ge.

It can be said that these people are black for the sake of black.

And this time, with the exception of Yao Jia, everyone else belonged to the lower class. Even if they were held accountable, it would be impossible to cause severe damage to Feng Quji's faction.

This is the brilliance of these old owls in the officialdom. Sometimes, even a small official can achieve his own goals.

Feng Quji and others knew that it was imperative to learn Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan, and they did this purely to disgust Qin Ge.

We are enemies of each other, and we should take pleasure in beating each other.

With a thought in his mind, the corners of Qin Ge's mouth twitched: "Father, since they think that there is no need to study, and the sons think that they are no longer worthy of being officials in the Great Qin Dynasty, I ask Father to dismiss him and allow him to return to his hometown."

When Qin Ge made a move, Shi Potian was shocked.

The other party just reprimanded him, and it was in the Xianyang Palace, at the Great Court Meeting, where anyone could speak freely, and Qin Ge felt that the other party was not worthy of being an official when he made a move.

For a while, the atmosphere in Xianyang Palace became more and more silent.

The aloof Emperor Shihuang naturally knew this scene well, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said in a deep voice, "It is imperative to promote Shu Tongwen and Qin Yan, which is the top priority of the Great Qin Empire."

"As the emperor of the Great Qin Empire, I should lead by example, and so should all my dear ones!"

Once again, Emperor Qian Gang was arbitrary and made a decision for the final controversy of this court meeting.

Qin Ge glanced at Yao Jia, and a cold light appeared in the depths of his eyes. No matter who it was, being disgusted all the time would make him angry.

Besides Feng Quji, Yao Jia was the second person who made Qin Ge feel murderous.


The car rumbled across the sky street and rushed to the Education Department.

"This subordinate has seen the sacrificial wine!"

As soon as Qin Ge entered the official office, Xiao He and the others rushed over. Seeing Qin Ge's uneasy expression, he couldn't help but said, "Jijiu, but something happened?"

"Xiao He, how many officials at all levels are there in our Education Department?"

He raised his head and glanced at Xiao He, Qin Ge's eyes were icy cold, there is a way to come and not to be indecent, today's enmity, he will still be on Feng Quji and Yao Jia sooner or later.

"Present wine, one of the 26 people in the Education Department!"

Although he didn't know what Qin Ge wanted to do, Xiao He still gave a straightforward answer.

Hearing this, Qin Ge was silent for a moment, then turned to Xiao He and asked, "How well do these officials know Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan?"

"Reporting to Jijiu, due to the notification of Jijiu, everyone in the Education Department has mastered Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan proficiently."


Letting out a long breath, Qin Ge said, "Issuing the first announcement of the Education Department, summoning thousands of scholars from all over the world. The Education Department is responsible for distributing salaries and conducting training in Qin dialect and Xiaozhuan."

"I'll leave this matter to you. Complete the training within a month. The more people the better—!"

Nodding his head, Xiao He agreed, but he knew very well that Qin Singer holds Tianxing capital and has plenty of money, even if he calls 1 people, he can pay.

Waving at Xiao He, Qin Ge said, "It's been a while, let Zhang Cang come over, I have something to deal with here!"


With a nod in agreement, Xiao He turned and left.

From Qin Ge's words, he already knew that Qin Ge was going to make a big move this time.

Not only the release of the Education Department's first announcement, but also Qin Ge's face, all meant that this time the Education Department would definitely set off a huge storm in the world.

These days, he had gotten to know Qin Ge well, so he naturally knew that with what Qin Ge had learned, it would be easy to cause a storm.

"Jijiu, are you looking for me?"

After a while, Zhang Cang hurried over.

During this period of time, the Education Department had not yet opened, so it was relatively free. At this moment, upon hearing Qin Ge's words, they hurried over.


Nodding his head, Qin Ge looked at Zhang Cang and smiled, "Are you still used to the life in the Education Department?"

"I'm used to it!"


Slightly nodding his head, Qin Ge said in a dignified tone, "Starting tomorrow, you will lead the ten people in the official office to teach Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan to the Chinese and military officials of the Great Qin Dynasty."

"Starting from the Sangong Jiuqing, and then gradually radiating, within a month, the Sangong Jiuqing and all civil and military officials must learn Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan."


Nodding in agreement, Zhang Cang's eyes showed a touch of excitement.

It is an extremely rare honor to teach the three lords and nine ministers of the Great Qin Dynasty, as well as civil and military officials, and even for thousands of years, there is only this chance.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cang was extremely excited.

"Please rest assured, the subordinates will definitely complete the task within a month."

Laughing softly at Zhang Cang, Qin Ge stood up and patted Zhang Cang's shoulder, saying: "As for your ability, I'm naturally relieved, one month is the request of my father!"

After ordering Xiao He and Zhang Cang to go to work, Qin Ge turned around and walked into the study.

He knew in his heart that the three years between promoting Shu Tongwen and Qin Yan were not short but not long.

The difficulty is so great that it can be called unique.

Sitting in the study room, thoughts flickered in Qin Ge's mind. He knew in his heart that Zhang Cang and Xiao He could be responsible for the implementation of Shu Tongwen and Qin Yan in Xianyang City.

However, the most difficult thing is not Guanzhong, but the six kingdoms of Shandong.

Not only is it difficult to implement, but there are also obstacles from the people in various places, and the rebellion from the survivors of the six countries. Regarding this, he needs to come up with a safe solution.

"Xiaozhuan pinyin?"

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge knew that Xiaozhuan pinyin was a means, but it was far from enough.

"It seems that it can only be enforced by the local government offices. The county guard is responsible for the implementation of Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan in a county, while the county magistrate is in charge of a county, the head of a township is in charge of a township, and the head of a village is in charge of a mile."

This is the only way.

He couldn't completely abolish writing within a year like the founding father of Turkey, because the times were different, and it was impossible for Qin Ge to let the first emperor go to various counties to teach the people of the world.

In a feudal empire, relying on the hands of officials is the right way.

After wandering in the study for a long time, Qin Ge took up a pen and wrote a line: In the Great Qin Empire, offices must be done in Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan.

As long as the scholars accepted Xiaozhuan, it was only a matter of time before the major classes in the world accepted Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan. After all, the ultimate goal of the scholar class was to become an official.

As long as this point is grasped, it is not difficult for the scholar class to rely on the Great Qin Empire. The only difficulty is how to operate this matter, which is the most foolproof.

Qin Ge knew very well that everything had two sides.

A sword can not only kill, but also hurt oneself.

(End of this chapter)

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