Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 108 Cutting off people's money is like killing one's parents.

Chapter 108 Cutting off people's money is like killing one's parents. (Please recommend, please collect)
Xiaozhuan was created by Li Si.

Li Si paid great attention to the implementation of Xiaozhuan.

Since he knew Xiaozhuan, he learned Qin Yan by leaps and bounds. Although he hadn't learned all of them, he had learned a lot.

And he is a courtier, so he can't learn it before the first emperor.


The car rumbled and headed towards Shangshangfang.

After a while, Qin Ge and his party arrived at Shangshangfang.

"Sir, please come inside!"

Because of Qin Ge's relationship with Ba Shi, the people in Ba's Restaurant are extremely respectful to Qin Ge.


Nodding his head, Qin Ge smiled, and said, "I have an appointment with you, you guys go about your own business, I will call you if you have something to do—!"


Nodding his head in agreement, he left the work of Ba's Restaurant, but he remembered clearly that the young master Ba Shi explained that Qin Ge's arrival must be more serious than his arrival.

Otherwise, don't stay in Ba's restaurant.

The business of the Pa's restaurant is so good that even if they are employed, their monthly income is not bad, and they can support their families. Naturally, they do not want to lose this job.

"Jijiu, please come inside!"

Seeing Qin Ge coming, Li Si stood up, smiled and stretched out his hand, and said.

"Tingwei, I'm sorry!"

Sitting down in the private room, Qin Ge drank a cup of tea, moistened his throat a little, turned to look at Li Si, and said, "Tingwei, what happened when you called me over suddenly?"

"Jijiu, how is the promotion of Xiaozhuan going?"

At this moment, Li Si's expression was serious. He cared about this matter, otherwise, he would not have looked for Qin Ge in broad daylight.

"It's in progress, and the officials of the court have already started. I don't think I can take care of His Majesty, only Captain Lao Tingwei!" Qin Ge chuckled: "After all, there is no one more suitable than Captain Ting in the court. "

"It's a trivial matter, even if it's a sacrifice, I will do it."

Nodding his head, Li Si was silent for a while, and said, "Can officials at all levels learn it within three months?"

"Officials at all levels in the Great Qin Dynasty still can't learn it in three months, which means that they are not suitable for their official positions. Naturally, those who are dismissed from office will be dismissed from office, and those who are demoted will be demoted."

Qin Ge's expression was indifferent, and he didn't care about this matter: "Besides, this matter is beneficial to the great unification of the Great Qin Empire. No matter how serious we are, Father will support it."

"After all, the emperor is studying, and they are not more noble than the emperor."

Swallowing a cup of tea, Li Si looked solemn, and said, "With Xiaozhuan alone, it is natural that there will be no problem within three months, but with Qin Yan, it is more difficult."

"What's more, all the countries in Shandong have their own characteristics. It will undoubtedly be difficult to achieve unification, and many people will oppose it."

This was Li Si's worry!

Although the unified script can maintain the unity of the Qin Empire, Qin Ge's sharpest move this time is to launch Qin Yan. In Li Si's view, Qin Yan's lethality to all parts of Shandong is far greater than that of Xiaozhuan.

This point is beyond doubt.

As long as the whole world learns Xiaozhuan and speaks Qin dialect, with the passage of time bit by bit, the six kingdoms of Shandong will be forgotten, and only the Great Qin Empire will be left to shine.

It can be said that the introduction of Qin Yan is simply a way to draw salary from the bottom of the pot.


With a big laugh, Qin Ge took another sip of herbal tea, turned to Li Si, and said, "I have already prepared for this point, but before it is released to the whole world, since the Education Department will sacrifice the first of the three fires, a handful!"

"Then sacrifice the second one, and finally slowly sacrifice the third one, so that the families and major forces in the world will be terrified, and they can only respect me, Great Qin."

The new official took office three fires.

The Education Department was newly opened, and it was also the official office in charge of Qin Yan and Xiao Zhuan. Qin Ge had already prepared three fires, but at present, it was clear how prosperous these three fires were.

Especially the third one, once it is released, it will definitely be turned upside down, and the entire family and the class of scholars will be severely damaged.

Hearing this, Li Si was startled. He saw confidence in Qin Ge's eyes.

"It seems that the wine sacrifice is very confident. Li Si is here to congratulate the success of the wine sacrifice!" After finishing speaking, Li Si raised the cup to Qin Ge, his eyes full of excitement.


With a chuckle, Qin Ge held up the cup: "This matter is not my responsibility alone. At the critical moment, I still need Tingwei's help. I hope Tingwei will not refuse when the time comes. Please——!"

"It's natural!"

He drank it all in one gulp, then immediately smiled at Qin Ge and put down the teacup.

Due to the busy affairs in the Great Qin Empire, except for night banquets or rest days, otherwise, they would not drink freely every day.

"Tingwei, what do you think about the same currency?"

Regarding the matter of unifying the currency, Qin Ge had his own opinion in his heart. However, the first emperor handed over this matter to Jiang Lu, but Qin Ge didn't think Jiang Lu could handle it well.

Although in this matter, Zheng Guo assisted.

"On top of the unified currency, Zhili Neishi Zheng Guo personally sits in charge, even if the third son is a waste of material, there will be no problems—!"

As a person who has struggled with Zheng Guoqu, Li Si knows Zheng Guo very well. Zheng Guo seems to be not good at talking, but he is very capable of doing things. Otherwise, he would not have jumped up from the Datian Order and became a The history of Zhi Li Nei.

With Zheng Guo's assistance in unifying the currency, and professional counterparts, there will naturally be no major problems.

Hearing this, Qin Ge nodded, and said, "I have dealt with Zhi Li Nei Shi before. He is capable of handling affairs and is very assertive. Naturally, it is not a problem to have Zhi Li Nei Shi take action."

"However, if my guess is correct, they just want to abolish the currencies of the six countries, and then implement half taels!"

"Doing this is not a good thing for the Great Qin Empire. The exchange rate between the half-liang and the currencies of other countries is different, and it will inevitably cause resistance from the people of the country."

At this moment, Li Si was also a little dignified. He tested Qin Ge and said, "On this matter, if the imperial court comes forward, the people of the country will not resist, right?"

"Tingwei, Qin Ge was born in a merchant. I don't know if there is a saying among the merchants, do you know something?" Qin Ge asked Li Si in a faint tone.

"That sentence?"

Li Si met Qin Ge's eyes, he wanted to see what kind of medicine Qin Ge bought in the gourd.

Taking a deep look at Li Si, Qin Ge smiled strangely, and said, "Among the merchants, there is a saying: Cutting off people's money is like killing their parents, and they will never die."

"Ting Wei, do you think the other party will resist the revenge of killing your father?"


At this moment, Li Si took a deep breath. He suddenly realized that the Great Qin court was proceeding with some things so quickly that they forgot the needs of the people of the country.

It can be said that the officials of the entire Great Qin Empire are considering their own interests.

(End of this chapter)

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