Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 117 Erchen Wants to Promote Qin Dialect and Xiaozhuan in Shandong Province!

Chapter 117 Erchen Wants to Promote Qin Dialect and Xiaozhuan in Shandong Province!
In the study room, the young girl was shy, provoking the boy's heart.

Sometimes, a woman's temptation to a man is often unimaginable, especially a virgin who has taken tonic and is full of energy and blood.

At this moment, Qin Ge had the urge to practice his sister's martial arts and solve physical problems first.

Looking at Mei Luo with blushing cheeks, Qin Ge thought silently: "I want love. I am a man who has escaped the vulgar tastes. A girl without love is not good!"

After only a while, Qin Ge still found that girls are very attractive.

what is love?
Can I eat it?
Obviously, in Qin Ge's opinion, love cannot be eaten, but girls can!

In the final analysis, Qin Ge is just an ordinary person.

This is especially true when facing female sex.

At this moment, Qin Ge finally understood why so many heroes in the book couldn't pass the beauty test.

There is a saying, think about food and clothing|****, this is the truth.

"Cough cough!"

After coughing lightly, Qin Ge didn't dare to look any further: "Mei Luo, is there any omission in Tianxing Capital's account?"

The blushing on her face gradually solidified, Mei Luo smiled slightly, and said, "My lord, the account books of Tianxing Capital will be sent here every day, and there will be no errors!"

After all, he hesitated for a while, and said: "At the same time, the Computing Department has begun to cultivate talents, and infiltrate with the north of the city as the center."


Slightly nodding his head, Qin Ge warned, "My lord is going to leave Xianyang for a period of time, ranging from a few months to one to two years. If you encounter problems that cannot be resolved, you can go to the Education Department to find Xiao He to resolve."


After finishing the order, Qin Ge left the mansion.

He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would not be able to hold on.As the medicinal bath progressed, Qin Ge felt that his control over this aspect became more and more activated.

So much so that at this moment, he didn't know whether he was a young man thinking of spring or the effect of the medicinal bath.

To think too much, or to love too much, that is the question.


The car was rumbling, Qin Ge was standing in the car, and he just woke up a little bit.

At this moment, the wind suddenly picked up.

When the car arrived at the Xianyang Palace Chariot and Racecourse, Qin Ge had completely woken up, the fire in his heart was suppressed by the wind, and he became full of energy.

However, at this time, Qin Ge made a huge decision in his heart, that is, he must make a breakthrough when going to various places in Shandong, otherwise, it will be too uncomfortable every day.

"Zhao Gao, is father here?"

Walking into the Xianyang Palace study, Qin Ge said to Zhao Gao who was under the porch.

He had no feelings for Zhao Gao, but at this time, Zhao Gao didn't offend him, he wasn't even disrespectful, and Qin Ge didn't plan to do anything.

In his opinion, Zhao Gao is just a small person.

In history, the main reason why the Great Qin Empire collapsed was the Great Qin State Policy and Qin II.

"My lord, Your Majesty has been in the study for an hour!"

When Zhao Gao saw that it was Qin Ge, respect flashed in the depths of his eyes. He knew exactly how favored and powerful the boy in front of him was.

He was by the side of the first emperor, and he felt this kind of feeling more deeply than anyone else. Even in Zhao Gao's view, if the first emperor did not intervene in the future, none of the princes of the Great Qin could be the opponent of this young man in front of him.

At this point, Zhao Gao said, "My lord, do you want me to report it?"


Shaking his head, Qin Ge said, "I'm here, and my father won't miss me. There's no need to bother me if I'm separated by a wall!"


Walking into the study, Qin Ge bowed solemnly, and said: "My son Qin Ge pays homage to Father Emperor, Father Emperor Wannian, Great Qin Wannian—!"

"You are here!"

Hearing Qin Ge's voice, Ying Zheng raised his head from the long table, with a smile on his face, and said, "Sit down, pour yourself whatever you want to drink!"

Seeing Ying Zheng's tired face, Qin Ge took a few steps forward and said, "Father, don't be too tired. Father's health is the most important thing. Government affairs can be handed over to the Prime Minister's Office."


With a chuckle, Yingzheng paused every word, and said: "The Great Qin Empire was newly built, and all systems were created. I don't worry about handing it over to other people. For the sake of Great Qin, I'm fine."

"Father Emperor Shengming!"

Qin Ge had to admit that no matter which emperor he was compared with, Shi Huangdi was a diligent emperor. There were too many things in the Great Qin Empire, and almost most of them were policies that would affect thousands of years. Shi Huangdi needed to nod himself. False.

Qin Ge still admires this middle-aged man.

Putting down the bamboo slips in his hand, Ying Zheng looked at Qin Ge and said, "You are not in the Education Department, but you came to Xianyang Palace suddenly, what's the matter?"

He knew in his heart that Qin Ge basically went to the Three Treasures Hall for everything.

As long as Qin Ge walked into Xianyang Palace, there were basically important matters to discuss, otherwise Qin Ge would not come easily, and he didn't have much time to chat with Qin Ge.

After all, the Great Qin Empire at this moment is at the most critical time, as long as it is an official of the Great Qin Empire, no one dares to be cautious.

"Xiao He and Zhang Cang are in charge of the Education Department. For a while, I don't need to sit in charge!"

Seeing the first emperor's question, Qin Ge explained something, smiled casually, and said, "Father, my son is here to bid farewell to Father!"


With a murmur, Ying Zheng stood up abruptly, looked at Qin Ge with a solemn expression, and said, "Now is the critical moment to implement Qin Yan and Xiao Zhuan. If you are not in the Education Department, what are you going to do?"

Knowing that Qin Ge would not target indiscriminately, Ying Zheng did not directly ask the question, but asked a question instead.He knew in his heart that Qin Ge was far more reliable than Fu Su and the others, so he wouldn't mess around.

"Father, now the implementation of Xiaozhuan and Qinyan in the Xianyang court has been completed, Xiao He and Zhang Cang'erchen stay in Guanzhong, and they are responsible for the implementation of Xiaozhuan and Qinyan in Qindi in Guanzhong."

"The purpose of my son's trip is to get my father to issue an edict, so that officials from all over the world will obey their orders before they learn Xiaozhuan and Qin Yan. Otherwise, my son is worried that the officials from all over the country will not cooperate."

"As for my son, I plan to go east to the homeland of the six kingdoms in Shandong to carry out the promotion of Qin dialect and Xiaozhuan."

Hearing Qin Ge's words, Ying Zheng pondered for a long time before he paused and said, "Why did you go to the land of the Six Kingdoms in Shandong instead of Xiao He and Zhang Cang?"

"Do you know how dangerous it is to go to the homeland of the six kingdoms in Shandong because of your identity?"

At this moment, Ying Zheng was worried from the bottom of his heart. He knew that Qin Ge's identity had spread throughout the Central Plains. At this moment, as long as Qin Ge appeared in various places in Shandong, someone would definitely take risks.

And Ying Zheng had a lot of trust in Qin Ge, so he was very worried.

"Father, my son is a member of the Daqin royal family. When Daqin is in danger, it is the time when my son and others are rushing. How can we not go forward because of danger."

(End of this chapter)

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