Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 22, be a spectator of a historical chapter!

Chapter 22, Be a spectator at a historical node!

"Hundreds of officials enter the palace—!"

Just as Qin Ge was about to say more, Zhao Gao's voice came, and outside the Xianyang Palace, the quiet falling leaves could be heard. At this moment, there was no trace of the transition from extreme movement to extreme silence.

"Let's go!"

Nodding his head, Qin Ge stretched out his hand and said, "Zhi Li Neishi, please——!"

"Come on, although you have no real name, you are still a prime minister. Hurry up, what are you dawdling about!" Zheng Guobai glanced at Qin Ge, thinking that Qin Ge was teasing him.

In fact, this is just this period of time. Qin Ge has been busy with how to make money, how to train manpower, and how to establish Tianxing Capital. He has not yet understood these things about the doctor's palace.

After all, to this day, he doesn't even know where the doctor's palace is.


Following Zheng Guo, Qin Ge set foot in the Xianyang Palace for the first time as a courtier of the Great Qin, witnessing a great decision about the Great Qin and even the Chinese civilization.

Walking behind Zheng Guo step by step, Qin Ge had a lot of thoughts in his mind. He knew in his heart that such a historical moment was too rare, and it was a kind of luck to meet him.

However, here, Qin Ge just wanted to be a bystander of history.

Under Zheng Guo's signal, Qin Ge found the long case where Chun Yuyue was at the beginning and stood still. He didn't say hello, nor looked around, after all, he was not familiar with anyone in this circle.

"My son-in-law, are you alright?"

The faint voice interrupted Qin Ge's contemplation. When he looked up, he couldn't help laughing, and said, "President Feng hasn't seen him for a long time. Your injury, Mr. Ling, is healed now, right?"

"Thanks to the son-in-law, the dog is much better!" Feng Qu gritted his teeth angrily. Qin Ge's move was to kill someone, and he planned to flog the corpse.


With a long sigh, Qin Ge looked sad: "I was an official in the same dynasty as Feng, and this kind of thing happened to the young master. Qin Ge hasn't gone to see him yet. I really feel sorry for my colleagues."

"Qin Ge, you!"

Feng Quji was furious. If he hadn't been in Xianyang Palace, he would have drawn his sword and beheaded the thief.

At this moment, upon hearing Feng Quji's conversation with Qin Ge, Li Si's face was filled with black lines. He felt that he was shameless enough to poison even his former classmates for the sake of power.

However, seeing Qin Ge like this at this moment really refreshed Li Si's understanding of shamelessness.

Similarly, the other courtiers who knew the truth of the matter couldn't help cursing in their hearts: You can't be too Qin Ge, it's too shameless, it's just adding salt to Feng Quji's wound.

"Prime Minister Feng calm down, as the Prime Minister of the Great Qin Empire, one must be calm before Mount Tai collapses without changing his face, otherwise, how can he assist the emperor to govern this majestic river and mountain!"

For Qin Ge, he and Feng Quji were enemies.

Moreover, it was the kind of enemy who was extremely jealous when they met each other. Since Feng Quji made rude remarks, Qin Ge naturally wouldn't hold back.


Seeing Ying Zheng walking in, Zhao Gao shouted quickly, reminding Feng Quji and others: "The emperor is coming, and all the officials are paying respects—!"

"My son|I have seen my emperor!"

"Excuse me!" Ying Zheng took a deep look at the ministers, and said in a faint voice, "Take your seat—!"

"I thank the emperor!"

"Today's court meeting is the last court meeting before the founding ceremony of the Great Qin Empire. All lovers can speak freely!" On the throne, Yingzheng looked calm, and his spirit was condensed to the extreme.

Chun Yuyue stood up, bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said, "I report to the emperor, with the strength of all the doctors in the doctor's palace, and the great talents of the Great Qin, it is agreed that only the emperor can call himself "Zhen". "."

"At the same time, the emperor's order is called "zhi" or "zhao" (the order is called Zhi, and the order is called zhao!)"

"It is not allowed to mention the emperor's name in the text. It should be taboo. It should be called the emperor or your majesty to show the emperor's supremacy!"

Hearing Chun Yuyue talking for a long time, Qin Ge almost fell asleep.

Regarding the occurrence of these things, he had some expectations in his heart. Since there was no information, and Qin Ge only knew one thing about these things, so he didn't intend to intervene.

While all the princes are thinking and silent, it is impossible to be a quiet and beautiful man in this majestic Xianyang Palace.

"Aiqing is indeed worthy of being the successor of Confucius. Above and beyond her talent, she is truly outstanding!"

Obviously, Ying Zheng was very happy with this change of title, so he waved his hand: "This matter is what the doctor said!"

Ying Zheng nodded, stood up from the throne, and said, "From today onwards, the posthumous posthumous law will be abolished. I think sons judge fathers and ministers judge emperors. It's outrageous and meaningless!"

"Your Majesty is wise, I wait for the imperial edict!" The ministers shouted, but Chun Yuyue and the others were so angry that their teeth hurt.

At this moment, Ying Zheng waved his hand and said to Li Si, "Li Si, announce the edict——!"


Li Si walked out, stood half a step above the steps, and opened the imperial edict: "In the Great Qin Empire, the central government set up a prime minister, a Taiwei, and a doctor censor. The prime minister has two members on the left and right, who are the heads of all officials and are in charge of political affairs. The Taiwei is in charge of military affairs. Doctor Yushi is the prime minister's second deputy, in charge of supervising officials."

"Among them, Feng Quji is the right chancellor, Wang Wan is the left chancellor, Feng Jie is the doctor censor, and Wei Liao is the grand captain!"

"At the same time, the Jiuqing system was established in the central government, including Lang Zhongling who was in charge of the palace and the gate, Weiwei who was in charge of the palace gate guards and soldiers, Tingwei who was in charge of punishment and punishment, and the history of the millet who was in charge of the grain goods, and the taxation and taxation of the mountains, seas, and ponds. The official handicrafts are manufactured to supply the imperial family's Shaofu, the Dianke who is in charge of domestic and ethnic affairs and foreign affairs, Fengchang who is in charge of the etiquette of the ancestral temple, Zongzheng who is in charge of the royal family's affiliation, and the eunuch who is in charge of horses."

"The minister waits for the edict!"

Li Si went down, and then Ying Zheng spoke decisively, saying: "Today, I have summoned all my love ministers to come here, in addition to promulgating the established edict, it is to discuss the future of the Great Qin Empire!"

"Now the Great Qin has merged the six countries and unified the Central Plains. Now, in the Great Qin, there are prefectures and counties. Before that, there was the enfeoffment system of the Great Zhou. What kind of route do you think the Great Qin should take?"

After taking a sip of herbal tea, Qin Ge narrowed his eyes slightly. He knew in his heart that compared to before, this is the wind direction that determines the historical fate of Great Qin and even the Central Plains.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help cheering up.

At this moment, Chun Yuyue stood up and advised Ying Zheng, saying: "Your Majesty, I have heard that Yin, Shang and Zhou ruled for more than 1000 years, and entrusted their children and meritorious officials as their arms and wings. Now, although Your Majesty has unified the world, But the children are still mediocre, if Tian Chang and Liu Qing seize power and usurp the throne, what should we do?"

"That's why I think that enfeoffing meritorious officials can last forever—!"

At this moment, Zuo Xiang Wang Wan stood up, facing Ying Zheng, and said: "I also agree with enfeoffment, but I advocate enfeoffing your majesty's son, clan, and meritorious officials to remote places in Yan, Qi, Chu and other countries. , Let them guard the various places to maintain the stability of the country!"

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(End of this chapter)

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