Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 32 The concubine meets and complements each other amazingly.

Chapter 32 The concubine meets and complements each other amazingly. (Please recommend, please collect)
The Ministry of Education!
The number one brothel in the world!

At this moment, Qin Ge felt the way of elite merchants in the true sense of this era. Whether it was widely advertised or released to whet the appetite, it could be said to be appropriate.

Jiaofangsi's method must be that there is a powerful merchant behind him who is making suggestions.

This is the only business case that Qin Ge has seen that has a good conversion rate in this era.

With a change of mind, Qin Ge decided to let Han Yigeng learn a bit, and absorb the experience from all over the place to make up for his weaknesses and make himself stronger.In the planning of Tianxing Capital he gave, it is just a big framework.

All the tedious things need to be perfected one by one by Han Yigeng, and the methods used by the Jiaofang Division turn people's hearts into value enhancement. Such methods are very useful for a commercial capital.

Especially in the initial stage of an enterprise, only by raising expectations can the people of the country be satisfied and the appetite of the spectators can be whetted.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge sneered, and said, "Brothers, is this Hongxiu really a virgin? And Tian Xiang is the Princess of Chu?"


When Bai Qimou saw Qin Ge scoffing at the Princess of Chu, he couldn't help it, and said, "Brother Qin, let me tell you, she is really a princess, but she is not a direct descendant!"

"How many of you can come to the Jiaofang Division to find a girl? Naturally, you don't lack status and money. Do you care so much about a princess who has lost her country?"

Qin Ge stared at Sima Qi and the others with suspicion. After all, according to the status of the Meng family, it would be easy to marry a princess, let alone a subjugated princess, even a Daqin princess.

Among the people here, perhaps only Ba Shi is a bit more difficult, but with the ability of the Ba Shu Ba family, it may not be impossible to operate it.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Ge was very surprised. He couldn't understand the desire for Hongxiu and Tianxiang revealed by Bai Qimou and others.


Hearing this, Sima Qi sighed, his face a bit tangled
Hesitant to speak.

Glancing at Sima Qi, Qin Ge smiled, waved his hands quickly, and said, "If there's something hard to say, don't worry about it, I'm just curious!"


Qin Ge's words seemed to make Sima Qi figure it out in an instant, he let out a long breath, the entanglement on his face dissipated, he smiled bitterly at Qin Ge, and said.

"Brother Qin and I hit it off right away. These are things that are on the surface. Almost everyone knows it, and there is nothing we can't say!"

"Brother Qin must have understood the special nature of our surnames. Sima, Meng, Wang, Bai, etc. are all common surnames in Xianyang, but whether it's me or Qimou, Xiaojiu and others are all bastards."

"Except that Ba Shi is the only son in the family, we are just the most unpopular bastards in the family. Otherwise, how could we still have no job at this age and spend all day in this teaching office?"

At this moment, the corner of Qin Ge's mouth revealed a trace of weirdness. He never thought that what he met was not the second generation of Daqin, but a cruel existence.

"Brother Sima, a lot of expenses have been spent in this teaching workshop, are you sure you are not favored?"

Seeing Qin Ge's half-smile, Sima Qi and the others showed a blush on their faces, and said, "This is all paid by Ba Shi, we still have extra money, and the monthly money is not enough. flower"


With a laugh, Qin Ge nodded and said, "So that's how it is!"

Only this explanation can convince Qin Ge that the sons of Meng, Wang, Bai and other families are so interested in a subjugated princess.

This also explains Qin Ge's doubts from another aspect. Although the Ba family is good, it is still a family of merchants. It can be mixed with Sima Qi and others, but with the top second generation, he doesn't even have an admission ticket. .

In a circle, there is a natural contempt.

Moreover, it is still such a country, focusing on the root and suppressing the end.

"I don't know Brother Qin, which family's son is he from?" Wang Er looked at Qin Ge and asked lightly. At this moment, the light in Wang Er's eyes flashed away.

"Qin Ge, my parents died early!"

Qin Ge didn't hide it either, and his status wasn't much more noble. At this moment, he blurted out directly to a few people.

"Brother Qin is the son-in-law?"

As soon as Qin Ge's words came out of his mouth, they immediately aroused the curiosity of several people. After all, they only yearned for the princess, but Qin Ge was already sitting at home with the princess, and for a while, several people looked very excited.

Seeing the rhythm of several people prying into his private life, Qin Ge couldn't help but smile, and said: "Girl Hongxiu and Miss Tianxiang are coming out soon, what are you planning to do?"

"Cough cough."

After coughing a few times, Sima Qi and the others sat upright, looking like an elegant gentleman who didn't care about pink and dry bones.

"My lords and guest officials, today is the day when the two top brands recently launched by the Jiaofang Division will come out of the cabinet. Today, the Jiaofang Division will meet friends with Wen. If you can get the joy of the two girls, you can naturally stay overnight in the Jiaofang Division. Today The expenses are the responsibility of Jiaofang Secretary!"

The old bustard came out, bowed to the elegant rooms and the long case, and said: "The red-sleeved girl writes about love, there is no limit to the style of writing, whether it is a poem or a song of elegance!"

"Miss Tianxiang, a heart-breaking song, and then bosom friends can comment, and choose the one that best suits the girl's wishes as the winner—!"

"Hurry up and start, I've been waiting for half an hour!"

For women, as long as they are men, they will be anxious, this is their nature, and there is nothing wrong with it.

At this moment, Qin Ge was observing Bai Qimou and the others, but saw that although a few people were a little excited, they were still able to control themselves at this moment and did not do anything drastic.

"These people look like dudes, but they are not hopeless!"

He sighed in his heart, in Qin Ge's view, a man who can control himself over female sex is a man with self-control. After all, in this world, apart from power and money, women are the most likely to fall into the hands of men .

If a person can't even control himself, such a person is not a good collaborator.

Today's meeting will also be the last meeting.

With this in mind, Qin Ge planned to test these people again, and the one in Xianyang Palace in the same way, so he took a sip of wine and sneered.

"and many more!"

"My son, is there something wrong?" The old bustard looked calm, this is the Jiaofang Secretary, no one dares to act wild here, in the past, anyone who acted wildly had paid a huge price.

"We all spent a lot of money to enter here, and we have to make a fuss, let them choose Feng Ya Song?" Qin Ge stood up and said bluntly.

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(End of this chapter)

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