Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 35 The little girl is in the boudoir, waiting for the son to be lucky!

Chapter 35 The little girl is in the boudoir, waiting for the son to be lucky!
Xiangfujian came to Daqin not long ago, purely for Hongxiu.

But he is not a fool, and those who work in their line of business often have relatively timely information. Of course, Qin Ge, the son-in-law of the eldest princess of the Great Qin, has already heard about the already famous Master of the Great Qin Doctoral School Palace.

And being able to command Sima Qi and others, and the other party is willing to drive them, this is a very important reason.

All kinds of signs indicated that the young man in front of him was Qin Ge.

Xiangfujian was puzzled by the appearance of Daqin's son-in-law in the Jiaofang Division, but facing Qin Ge's kindness, he had no reason not to accept it.

This is Xianyang, maybe getting to know Qin Ge is a chance to resolve his mortal crisis.

Xiangfujian was looking at Qin Ge, and Qin Ge was also looking at Xiangfujian.


It's not a surname but a title.

According to Qin Ge's understanding, Xiangfu's original surname was Meng, but the person in front of him now called himself Xiangfujian, so it can be seen that the other party is Qi Mo's direct descendant.

Non-juzi, and the next juzi should not use their husband as their surname.

This is Qi Mo's rule!
These news came from Qin Ge's understanding of Qin Mo, which was told to him by Gong Shuchou.

The most important thing is that Qin Ge knows that Qin Mo values ​​technology, while Qi Mo is located in the land of Qilu. Due to the influence of the atmosphere, he is good at assassination. It can be said that most of the rangers in the Central Plains come from Qi Mo.

At this moment, Qin Ge's heart was excited.

Regarding the Xiangfu sword, he had the idea that he was determined to win it.

After all, Xianyang in the Great Qin Dynasty is a place of crisis. The water here is very deep, and Qin Ge has already sunk in mud. No one can rescue Qin Ge. At this time, he can only save himself.

Qin Ge even thought about seeking Ying Zheng's help, but at this moment, Qin Ge had a different idea in his mind.

After thinking up to this point, Qin Ge stretched out his hand: "As expected of Qi Mo's successor, take a seat!"

"As expected of the son-in-law of the Great Qin Dynasty!" Xiangfujian didn't give in too much, and told Qin Ge bluntly that he also knew his name and identity.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Laughing loudly, Qin Ge took a deep look at Xiangfujian, and said, "Today, my son won the top spot. How about you follow me afterward?"

"If sir is willing, I can make the decision and make her your woman!"

Even if a subjugated noble concubine is real, the Secretary of Jiaofang can't stop Qin Ge, let alone, this person is probably fake.

From Qin Ge's point of view, a descendant of Qi Mo's lineage is more valuable than Hong Xiu.

"it is good!"

Xiangfujian pondered for a moment, and said decisively: "I was ordered to protect her secretly, as long as she is safe, I can follow you—!"

"drink wine!"

With a chuckle, Qin Ge raised the cup towards the Xiangfu sword.


After drinking it all in one gulp, Qin Ge stood up and looked at Hongxiu: "Listen well, my son has a song that says: Phoenix begging for phoenix!"

"There is a beautiful woman, I will never forget it when I see it. I don't see her for a day, but I think about it like crazy. The phoenix flies and soars, seeking the phoenix from all over the world. The helpless beauty is not on the east wall. I will use the qin to express my heartfelt words. When will I see you again?" Xi, comfort me in my hesitation."

"May your words be worthy of virtue, and join hands with each other. Don't let me fly, and make me fall."


A phoenix seeking a phoenix describes a man's love and pursuit of a woman. This theme is more suitable for Hongxiu's question. For a while, the entire lobby on the third floor was suddenly quiet.

"it is good!"

"Good good!"

A middle-aged scholar stood up, with hot eyes in his eyes, unable to control himself, he couldn't help but shouted, "This song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" expresses the infinite admiration and passionate pursuit of young girls. Self-styled as a phoenix, His daughter is Huang, it can be said to be a match made in heaven!"

"Brother Sifu said that, this poem, with "Phoenix Qiuhuang" as the whole metaphor, not only contains the passionate courtship, but also symbolizes the extraordinary ideals and noble interests of the hero and heroine, which is really rare Well done."

"I thought Wenbi should be led by Mr. Qin!"

"What this young master said is very true, and the little girl also thinks that this poem, "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix", has simple words, deep meaning, clear syllables, warm and unrestrained emotions, and deep lingering. Young master is better!"

There was a gleam of joy on Hongxiu's face, and he got up and saluted Qin Ge, and the voice of a yellow oriole came: "The little girl is in the boudoir, waiting for the master's luck!"

After all, Hongxiu left.

"Han Tan!"

Han Tan walked over, his face full of admiration for Qin Ge: "Young master is so talented, he suppressed everyone with his own strength, and my subordinates are here to congratulate you, young master!"

"Is it!"

After drinking a glass of wine, Qin Ge turned to Han Tan and said, "Go and find the head of the Jiaofang Division, strictly reveal your identity, and redeem Hongxiu's body!"


After Han Tan left, Sima Qi and the others' eyes burst into light, they persuaded them to drink, and then complimented them.

In their opinion, Qin Ge was simply too awesome.

Really my idol!
Whether it was Ba Shi, Sima Qi and the others looking at Qin Ge, their eyes were full of heat, as if believers had seen a miracle.

Xianyang Palace Study Room.

"Your Majesty, the son-in-law is in the Jiaofang Division. For a successor of Qi Mo, he wrote a song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" and won the first place. Then he redeemed Hongxiu and left the Jiaofang Division."

Today in Jiaofang Division, Zhao Gao once saw the extraordinaryness of Qin Ge. The song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" is really amazing and brilliant. Among the younger generation of Daqin, such talent is rare.

Ying Zheng put down the memorial in his hand, raised his head, and said, "You mean, Qin Ge didn't write a gift for Hongxiu, but for a successor of Qi Mo?"

"That's right, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Gao paused every word of Yingzheng, and said: "The son-in-law said that Xiangfujian should follow him, he will take the first name, and then give the red sleeve to Xiangfujian!"

"Be prepared for danger in times of peace and make progress!"

After a long silence, Ying Zheng made an evaluation.

He knew in his heart that with the Great Qin's annexation of the world, power vacuums abounded in the imperial court. At this time, it was time for a major reshuffle of power.

Moreover, Qin Ge offended Feng Quji and the doctor in the doctoral palace.

This made his situation more difficult, and it also made Qin Ge's safety the primary issue.

Ying Zheng always felt that Qin Ge would definitely turn to him for help, and he had prepared the Iron Eagle Swordsman, but unexpectedly, Qin Ge had such a means.

As the lord of the Great Qin, Ying Zheng knew a lot about various schools of thought.

He knew in his heart that Qi Mo was a knight-errant, let alone a Juzi lineage. Xiangfujian took Xiangfu as his surname, so he was naturally a genius among Qi Mo. It might not be a good thing for such a person to be by Qin Ge's side.

At least, Qin Ge's safety was guaranteed.

Thoughts turned in his mind, Ying Zheng was still a little uneasy, and turned to Zhao Gao: "Let Heibingtai check, I want to know all the information about Xiangfu Sword, and the other party's real intention to enter Xianyang!"

(End of this chapter)

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