Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 38 These people are treasures to Qin Ge.

Chapter 38 These people are treasures to Qin Ge.


However, any history compilation must be a huge amount of work. Some people have to bury their heads in the vast materials for decades before they can write a history book.

But today, Qin Ge has only three or 400 people in the doctor's school, but he has left the history books of Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties. Not only are most of these dynasties untestable, but more importantly, there are hundreds of countries in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States.

It's a lot of work.

Doctors are naturally willing to write history to be famous in history, but these three months are too little time, if it is three years, maybe it can be done.

"My son-in-law, these three months are too short. Even the history of a country cannot be compiled, let alone the history of the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties and the Spring and Autumn and Warring States!" Chun Yuyue frowned. It may not be possible to get it until it is over, let alone three months.

"My son is just a messenger. If you can't compile it, you can go to the palace and ask your father to tell him that you are a doctor with little knowledge and can't compile the history of the former dynasty!"

Qin Ge smiled brightly, and said, "I believe that my father will not embarrass you doctors!"

For Qin Ge, these people are treasures.

Unless the value of these people is squeezed out, Qin Ge will never let these people go, and this is just the beginning. After all, the knowledge is vast, and it takes a lifetime to pursue it.

Watching Qin Ge leave, Chunyuyue and the others looked ugly.

They all knew that Qin Ge's move was simply to find fault on purpose, to make things difficult for himself and others.

However, Qin Ge is the lord of the palace, and they are also good at compiling. At this moment, it is impossible to evade this matter, but even a god can't finish it in three months.

"Chun Yuyue, how do you think this matter should be resolved?" Zhou Qing's face was also grim. Qin Ge's move was simply to let them choose between leaving their names in history or life and death.


With a long breath, Chun Yuyue said, "Xia is so long that it is untestable. It must take a long time to compile history, step by step, and Zhou, although it is very close to Great Qin, but the Western Zhou, Eastern Zhou, Spring and Autumn and Warring States, Shang Hundreds of countries have compiled history one after another, let alone three months, even if it takes three years, it will not be completed."

"Everyone, stay safe and don't be impatient, the old man will go to the palace immediately to meet His Majesty the Emperor—!"

"it is good!"

Zhou Qing and the others also nodded, and said, "In that case, I will wait for the good news from the doctor!"

"Your Majesty, the son-in-law has gone to the Doctoral Palace!"

Zhao Gao bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, with a respectful expression, and said, "I'm afraid Dr. Chun Yuyue and others will enter the palace to meet His Majesty in a short while!"


Hearing this, Ying Zheng was a little surprised, he was aware of the troubles of these people in the doctor's study palace, and Qin Ge just went to the doctor's study palace, Chunyuyue and others were about to enter the palace.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng became even more curious, and couldn't help it, he said, "Zhao Gao, but what happened, did Qin Ge fight in the Doctor's Palace?"

"Your Majesty, there is a message from the Black Ice Terrace: the son-in-law was blocked at the entrance of the doctor's study palace for half an hour, and the bachelor who greeted him was disrespectful to the son-in-law, and then the son-in-law ordered Han Tan to let the bachelor clean up the entire doctor's study palace. toilet."

"At the same time, the son-in-law said that there are too many people in the doctoral palace, and one person is not enough. He frightened the pleading bachelors and immediately changed his tone!"

"That's it?"

Ying Zheng's expression remained unchanged. This kind of thing was not a good move at all, it was just Qin Ge's trick.Ying Zheng didn't agree with such a method, but he didn't object either.

For the superior, the most important thing is the end, not the means itself.

Even if it is the most dirty method, as long as it achieves the goal, it is a good method. Therefore, regarding Qin Ge's move, Ying Zheng only frowned slightly, and did not express much.

"My son-in-law asked Zhou Qing, Fu Sheng, and Chun Yuyue, who are in the palace, to preside over the revision of the history of the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties respectively. Among them, Zhou takes the Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou as the dividing line, and all the national histories of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States are studied!"

When Zhao Gao said this, it was also a means of shocking Qin Ge, which made Chun Yuyue and others feel uncomfortable: "The time limit for the doctors is three months. If you succeed, you will be famous in history. Legal crime!"

"Finally, the son-in-law has something to say, if you feel that the talents of the doctors are not enough, you can come to ask your majesty not to study the history of the country!"

"Historical revision for three months?"

Ying Zheng chuckled, and was extremely speechless about Qin Ge's whimsical ideas. Even if he gave him three years to study for a Ph.D., he might not be able to do it.

And it's kind of wholehearted.

"I see, if Chunyu Yue and others come, bring them in directly—!"


He also doesn't like Chun Yuyue and others Ying Zheng. In his opinion, these people are looking for death. If it wasn't for the need of the empire's rule, he would have sent these stubborn guys to prison long ago.

Ying Zheng knew in his heart that this was Qin Ge's temptation. With Qin Ge's wisdom, it was impossible for him to be unaware of anything that happened in Xianyang City, even something as small as a sesame mung bean could escape his eyes and ears.

This time, Ying Zheng decided to give Qin Ge an answer to his temptation, lest this guy keep probing and doing some useless things.

"My lord, if Chun Yuyue finds His Majesty, I'm afraid he'll be betrayed!" Han Tan glanced at Qin Ge, and said, "Should we go to Xianyang Palace first and communicate with His Majesty to make sure everything is safe."


With a big laugh, Qin Ge's face was full of indifference: "This is Xianyang, the capital of the Great Qin Empire. Even if a fly flies over here, Father and Emperor can tell whether it is a male or a female, let alone a place like the Doctor's Palace. Office."

"As long as the news reaches Xianyang Palace, Father will definitely cover it up for me. If I go to Xianyang Palace at this time, I'm afraid I will collide with Chun Yuyue and others."

Qin Ge calculated people's hearts.

All the forces of all parties were counted, and even the reaction of the first emperor was included.

"My lord, these doctors all have evil intentions, so why does your majesty always have a high official salary?" Xiangfu Jian also knew about Daqin's establishment of a doctorate palace, and at this moment, he couldn't help but said to Qin Ge.

"These people are talents, at least in one aspect!"

Qin Ge's eyes were deep, he paused every word, and said: "These people should be writing history, not participating in politics. The Great Qin established the country by law and by force. There is no need to modify the course of governing the country."

"Your Majesty did this to win over the hearts of the people in Shandong, but now it seems that such a measure is not only useless, but instead keeps gathering these people."

"The political views of each other are different, and it is difficult to come together, unless one party can compromise—!"

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(End of this chapter)

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