Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 40 Are you planning to give up the right to inherit the throne?

Chapter 40 Are you planning to give up the right to inherit the throne?
Ying Zheng looked at Fu Su and the others, the softness in his eyes disappeared, and he became extremely fierce: "I don't know what conflicts exist between you and Qin Ge, and I don't want to know."

"If Fusu insists on compiling history, I agree!"

"However, Qin Ge is the master of the doctoral study palace. If you enter the doctoral study palace to study history, you are just an official of the doctorate study palace, and you should put Qin Ge first in everything."

"You are my eldest son, and you are also the successor of this great empire in the future. Your mission is not to study history, but to learn how to govern the country. If you enter the doctoral palace to study history, I will consider you to have given up your right to inherit."

"The same goes for you!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng's gaze was as sharp as a sword, staring at the disciples, and said: "All the older ones are here, but I am not only you and others, but also Hu Hai and others."

"If you all give up inheriting the majestic Qin Dynasty, and Qin Ge, in Daqin, at critical moments, the son-in-law can also ascend to the throne. What's more, Qin Ge's entry into my family tree with the surname Ying can also be regarded as a part of the royal family with the surname Ying. member."

Not paying attention to the changing expressions on the faces of Fusu and the others, Ying Zheng waved his hand and said, "Go down, think about it for yourself, if you still want to study history, go by yourself, your teacher has already called me Say hello!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng felt powerless.

A group of idiots, simply hopeless.

He didn't expect that Fusu was really influenced so deeply by Confucianism. In the bottom of Yingzheng's heart, a trace of regret arose. He asked Chun Yuyue and others to be Fusu's teachers for the sake of the Great Qin Empire.

But he didn't expect that a mistake would cause eternal hatred.

Ying Zheng's conversation today can be described as open and honest.

He was a little disappointed with Fusu and the others, so he could only be stimulated like this to see if he could make progress, otherwise, the dignified eldest son of the empire would become a gun in the hands of his courtiers, which would be a shame to the proud Yingzheng.

However, these people are all his sons, and he can't really kill them, he just educates them slowly to see if there is any chance of turning them around.

"My son retire!"

Coming here with high spirits, but leaving without a gloomy look, it can be said that this time, Fusu and the others felt the real threat brought about by Qin Ge's rise.

Different political views!

For Fusu and others, it is not a real danger.

The rise of Qin Ge made Ying Zheng even more disappointed with them, and also made Ying Zheng see a glimmer of light in Qin Ge for the future of Great Qin, which made Su and the others tremble.

Compared with different political opinions, losing the right to inherit the throne is the most serious blow.

Because of this, Fusu and the others were silent along the way, and the calculations in their hearts kept ringing.

Qin Ge didn't know what happened in Xianyang Palace.

At this time, he had already returned to the mansion. After this trial, as well as the calculations about the Doctor's Palace, Qin Ge had a clear understanding of Ying Zheng's control over him.

Moreover, Tianxing Capital has obtained funds, and the people of Shanggongfang have already started construction, and during this period of time, Tianxing Capital is also recruiting hundreds of workers.

"Han Tan, how many workers did Han Yigeng recruit?"

Sitting on the stone pavilion in the mansion, Lan Ya and Mei Luo fanned their fans on both sides, enjoying the cool, and said leisurely.

"My lord, my subordinates asked yesterday that thirty craftsmen were recruited from Yichang, and they were sent to the north of the city together to assist Shanggongfang!" Hearing this, Han Tan replied quickly.


Nodding his head, Qin Ge said, "Let Han Yi pay more attention, these people must have a clean family background, and make sure they are not spies intervened by other forces."


"Master, your Mohists are good at these things. In addition to people with high martial arts skills and skilled craftsmen, you can also recommend them to my house. The wages are good. At least you can guarantee peace and happiness in this world, as well as food and clothing."

Qin Ge glanced at Xiang Fujian, and said, "Hurry up about this matter, wasting a day's time is a waste of a day's money, and it's also a waste of your monthly money."


Xiangfujian turned and left. Qin Ge took a bite of his snack, and said to Lan Ya, "how are you learning the art of planning?"

"My lord, the maidservants and others have already learned addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but they haven't tried it." Lan Ya's answer was a little more proud, and the depths were full of awe for Qin Ge.

Having learned Arabic numerals and addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, Lan Ya and others have mastered the art of calculation far beyond anyone in the world. Except for Qin Ge, they are confident that they have no rivals.

"When Tianxing Capital is established, you will do the accounting every month!" Qin Ge's eyes flashed, and then he closed it slowly, saying: "First, it will be composed of six of you, and in the future, we will select people with talents in this field to train and establish A computing department, in case there is a problem with Tianxing Capital, and I don't know about it yet."

"Young master, don't worry, with us here, Tianxing Capital will not waste a penny!" At this moment, Mei Luo was extremely confident, and assured Qin Ge, saying.


With a chuckle, Qin Ge said: "Of course I believe in you, after all, I trained|taught you all myself."

Three days later, Xiangfu Jian Fengchen arrived.

As soon as he came to the mansion, he went directly to Qin Ge's study.

"My lord, please go down and get in touch. There are thirteen colleagues who are willing to join Tianxing Capital and work for you. At the same time, there are seven skilled craftsmen who are willing to come, but they will not come until half a month later."

For Qin Ge's affairs, Xiangfujian ran around for three days without even taking a break.


Nodding his head, Qin Ge said, "Thank you for your hard work. I've been fine these days. I'll just stay in the mansion. After they arrive, hand over the skilled craftsmen to Han Yigeng, and you will be in command of the warriors."

"Let them keep their own place. This is the imperial capital of the Great Qin Empire. Everything is respected by the Qin Law. If something happens, even this young master can't save them."


Qin Ge nodded, pointed at the Xiangfu sword on the side of the bookshelf, and said: "This part is the model of Qin Law. In your spare time, look through it. Try not to break the law in Xianyang, Great Qin."

"The law of Qin hangs high above the gate of the country. The king does not violate the law, and the law is not noble!"

"This subordinate understands." Xiangfujian nodded. He has been in the Great Qin Empire for so long, so he naturally understands the meaning of Qin Ge's words, and he also understands that he is familiar with Qin Fa, so that he will not be tricked by others in the Great Qin Empire die.


Qin Ge looked at Xiangfu Sword, smiled slightly, and said: "Your mansion is still under construction, you live in the mansion, and Hongxiu has been in the mansion for several days, you can consummate the house today!"

"As for the main wife you marry in the future, it will be up to your father to decide, and then you will have a good time. Hongxiu's status is too special. Whether it is good for you or your father, it will not be good for you or your father!"

(End of this chapter)

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