Chapter 24 Trauma (1)
Mei Yihan found Yu Jian on the third day after the two met by chance in the supermarket.At that time, the scar on Mei Yihan's face...

Mei Yihan found Yu Jian on the third day after the two met by chance in the supermarket.At that time, the scars on Mei Yihan's face were still clearly visible.Yu Jian knew Mei Yihan too well, but he still didn't expect that she would come to the newspaper office to find him.When he saw Mei Yihan at the newspaper office, his surprise was no less than the encounter in the supermarket.But this time, since Su Lei was not there, Yu Jian was able to do a job with ease.However, he was still worried about exposing his relationship with her.

Mei Yihan's face has been gloomy since the moment he saw Yu Jian, which is in stark contrast to the previous Mei Yihan who was obedient to Jian.After the two sat down, they were not in a hurry to mention what happened the day before yesterday, and there seemed to be more resentment in their silent expressions.The sound of the spoon touching the cup made Mei Yihan let out a long sigh, Yu Jian raised his head and glanced at Mei Yihan, who stared at him expressionlessly.

"That day……"

"You mean it?" Said, Mei Yihan pointed to the bloodshot face.

Yu Jian was taken aback, feeling a little guilty.

"Then there's no need!" Mei Yihan took a sip of coffee.

"I did not mean it."

"Then you did it on purpose."

"I don't want Su Lei to see you, it's too unfair to her!"

"You're wrong, she knows."

"...yes, she...she knows. I just don't want her to think about our bad experience."

"I feel it was a pleasant time.—You are unhappy, why?"

"What do you want to do today?"

"Angry? Angry? Ha, do you know how I felt after you and Su Lei left that night?"

"I know, I hurt you."

"You didn't, you did it right, you did it right, very good, very chic! very handsome!"

"Since you think so, I don't think there is any need for us to talk any further."

Just as Yu Jian was about to stand up, Mei Yihan grabbed him. "sit down!"

"What else do you want to say?"

"Your father has written."

"Don't mention my father!"

"It was written to me. He asked me to take good care of you."

"you shut up!"

"Huh! I just like the way you are angry."

Yu Jian stared fiercely at Mei Yihan.Mei Yihan smiled, stood up, and lightly pressed Yu Jian's shoulders with both hands.Yu Jian sat down on the sofa helplessly.

"I know you don't like me anymore, am I too old? But Fang Xueran said that I am still very young, haha, do you know—"

"Disgusting! Fang Xueran?" Yu Jian looked at Mei Yihan contemptuously, and said, "You two just do it!"

"No! We haven't done it yet, I can't forget you, Kam!"

"Do you have anything else to do? I still have to work!"

"Is work more important than me?"

"More important than vegetarians! Because I have to eat!"

"I can treat you to dinner, and I can also give you a lot of money, which you can't spend all your life."

"Hee," Yu Jian raised his head and pretended to laugh, "I'm yearning, but I don't need the money."

"you need to!"

"I need to be a whole me without discrimination and abuse!"

"Have I discriminated against you?—abuse? How can you say that?"

"I mean myself - I discriminate against myself, abuse myself!"

"Okay, let's stop arguing. I came to you today just to tell you that you can love Su Lei and even marry her." When the word "marriage" was mentioned, Mei Yihan raised her head , looked at Yu Jian very seriously, "Of course, if you need me anytime, you can call me anytime! My door is always open for you!"

"I don't need this door of yours."

"Don't rush to refuse, I think you will miss my kindness to you in the past, and you will definitely recall those days that haunt your dreams."

Yu Jian pretended to smile naturally, then shook his head again.

"I just want to tell you that I can do everything for you, including your career. I just hope that you can think of me when you are lonely or feel lonely."


"Hahaha, I know you are very smart."

"No, never again!" Saying that, Yu Jian stood up and walked out of the coffee shop.Mei Yihan saw Yu Jian running wildly from the window, and suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.She knew that Yu Jian must be in pain, and his running posture made her satisfy her desire.Looking at the little boy who disappeared from sight, she suddenly burst out laughing, causing everyone in the coffee shop to stare at him like a spotlight...

Yu Jian ran out of the coffee shop, and suddenly found that the whole world was so unbelievable——the white became black, the black became purple, the purple became yellow, and the yellow became red , everything in front of me is so discordant, and it gets worse and worse.A dirty hallucination appeared in his mind, as if he was ridiculed and ridiculed by others as if he had a venereal disease, that kind of shameless embarrassment made Yu Jian's brain feel a sense of loss and uneasiness, and even had a negative feeling about his life. Feeling bored.He ran wildly down the street like a released bull.Next to him was a car driving at high speed, and the friction sound from the tires and the asphalt road almost drowned out the hustle and bustle of the entire city.He swung his arms vigorously, like a [-]-meter sprint athlete, with his arms raised high and his chest straight.The stagnant air was blasted into a whirlwind by his running, and the whirring sound hit his eardrums, making him speed up and speed up... When Yu Jian ran to the bridge, he held onto it tightly He let the armrest support his whole body, breathing the air polluted by the city quickly in his mouth.He seemed so powerless, or a kind of helplessness.When he woke up, he found that his legs were tightly hugged by an oily little girl.He turned his head and glanced at her. The little girl hugged his legs tightly, her face was full of pity, and she begged from time to time: "Uncle, uncle, give me some money! Give me some money Bar!"

How could Yu Jian have the mood to care about such a little girl, especially when he saw that there were coins in the broken bowl that the little girl was holding, he shouted at her impatiently: "Go away! Go away!" As he said that, he wanted to stretch out his leg, but the little girl was holding his right leg tightly, almost as much as she was breastfeeding.With a sudden force, Yu Jian struggled out of the little girl's arms.But when the little girl found out that he was about to run, she threw herself on the ground and grabbed Yu Jian's trousers tightly with her hands, and cried loudly the moment she fell to the ground.

Yu Jian turned and stared at her, intending to take out some change from his pocket, but when he took out the money, he found that he didn't bring any change at all, and some of them were 100 and 50 yuan.So he flicked his leg back, trying to get rid of the little girl again.But at this moment, the little girl raised her head, probably wanting to beg again, but before she opened her mouth, Yu Jian's heel kicked her on the chin.She let go of her hand with a yelp, and cried hysterically again.At this time, pedestrians on the overpass suddenly surrounded him, pointing fingers at Jian's behavior.Just when Yu Jian didn't know what to do, two adult beggars rushed out from the crowd, and they rushed over and grabbed Yu Jian's shirt.Although the two beggars were dressed in rags, they were very strong.One had naturally braided hair, and except for the white eyeballs, the entire face looked like a coal ball.The other's hair was not in a lock, but black hairs grew like weeds on one side of his face.

Seeing the two beggars tugging at his clothes ferociously, Yu Jian panicked, and his whole body seemed to be in a cramp.He looked at the two adult beggars and wanted to explain clearly, but he couldn't speak a complete sentence, and the crowd who watched him felt disgusted by his behavior of kicking the poor girl.

The two adult beggars clung to Yu Jian tightly and kept silent, but one could guess what they wanted to say from their eyes.One eye is like a bean soaked in water, and it is getting more and more swollen.The other beggar gritted his teeth, as if he was about to eat Yu Jian.Just then, a policeman walked in from the crowd.

"Let go! Let go!" the policeman yelled loudly, but the two adult beggars refused to let go. "Why, let go! I'll let you two go!" The policeman said while stroking the hand of one of the adult beggars.The beggar glanced back at the policeman, then put his hand down.At this time the little girl also stopped howling, just sat on the ground and sobbed.

"What's going on, tell me!" the policeman pointed at Yu Jian and asked.

Yu Jian, who had just been let go by the beggar, let out a long breath. He tugged down on the wrinkled coat that had been scratched by the beggar, and said out of breath, "I... I didn't mean it, I... didn't I got the change, and just as I was about to leave, she pounced on me!"

"It's fine if you don't give them money, why kick them?"

"I didn't see her when she rushed forward. I wanted to walk away, but I just bumped into her chin!"

"what is your job?"

"I... I am a newspaper reporter."

"Do you have any documents?"

Yu Jian hurriedly took out the press card he had just applied for from his pocket.At this time, someone in the crowd muttered: "It's still a reporter, so uneducated!"

The policeman looked carefully at Yu Jian's press card, and at the little girl lying on the ground—although she was still sobbing, her chin didn't appear red or purple from being kicked.The policeman knelt down and asked, "Does it still hurt? Where did he kick you?"

The little girl raised her head, looked at the policeman, then at the two adult beggars next to her, and then pointed to her stomach.Her action caused people to burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing at? Spread out!" the policeman said loudly.

The crowd didn't disperse, and a bold person said loudly: "I was kicked stupid, I kicked my chin, but I covered my stomach. Haha!"

The policeman turned his head and glanced at Yu Jian. "Where did you kick her?"


The policeman looked at the little girl's chin, but found no signs of swelling. "Child, what do you want?" The little girl raised her head, but she didn't dare to speak.She carefully looked at the two beggars beside her, and suddenly said a word: "Money."

At this time the policeman stood up and said to Jian: "Well, you give him 20 yuan, this little girl is also very poor."

Yu Jian didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately took out the money.But when Yu Jian took out the money, the little girl moved her body forward forcefully, and hugged Yu Jian's legs tightly again.The policeman tilted his head and glanced at the little girl: "How much do you want?"

The police looked impatient.The little girl was startled, and hugged Yu Jian's right leg even more forcefully, but remained silent, staring at the two beggars.At this time, the policeman understood, he turned around and asked the two beggars, "Do you know this little girl?"

One beggar glanced at the other beggar, then at the policeman, and nodded slightly.

"Then what do you want to do?"

At this time, the beggar slowly stretched out three fingers.The policeman turned his head and looked at the little girl. The little girl blinked, but still stared straight at the two beggars.

In view of my own money, there are only two 100 and one 50. "I'll give you 50 yuan."

The policeman smiled and wanted to say something, but at this moment, the crowd burst into laughter again, and the policeman had no choice but to smooth things over: "Okay, okay, you give her the money."

Yu Jian bent down and handed the money to the little girl.The little girl looked at the money, but didn't take it. Instead, she looked at the two beggars again, and then lowered her head.

"You don't need to look for it—I only touched you once!" Yu Jian said.

The little girl didn't look at the money, but just tilted her head, stretched out a small black hand, and took the money, while letting go of Yu Jian's right leg with the other hand.

Seeing the little girl accepting the money, the policeman looked around and said, "It's gone, what are you doing?" The crowd dispersed, and the air seemed particularly fresh.At this time, the policeman said to Jian again: "Be careful in the future, you are still a reporter, how could such a thing happen?"

Yu Jian heaved a sigh of relief, looked at the back of the policeman, and then looked back at the two adult beggars in front of him.The two beggars stared, Yu Jian was startled, and hurried to the opposite side.Due to the excessive panic, Yu Jian wanted to take another look at the little girl, but he walked too fast and didn't turn his head.When he walked down the overpass, he unconsciously glanced at the opposite side—the two beggars took money from the little girl, threw a 5 yuan note to the little girl, and left.The little girl looked as if nothing had happened, and sat under the bridge again, holding out her hands holding the broken bowl...

Seeing this, Yu Jian smiled wryly with lingering fear.At this time, the two adult beggars also stopped in their tracks, fixed their eyes on Yu Jian, and raised their fists at Yu Jian.

That night, Yu Jian wrote an article full of anger.He originally wanted to use words to vent his grievances.But when he was writing, he felt that he was still a weak person, so he deleted those words of venting, and just recorded what happened exactly.

(End of this chapter)

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