deadly temptation beijing

Chapter 29 Amnesia and hallucinations

Chapter 29 Amnesia and hallucinations (2)
Hallucinations appeared in front of Yu Jian's eyes, and the face in front of him was both familiar and unfamiliar in his brain.When his ears heard the woman in front of him calling himself a child, he twitched, and then threw himself into Mei Yihan's arms, crying bitterly while yelling heart-piercingly.

The affectionate cry moved Mei Yihan greatly.She hugged Yu Jian tightly, like holding her own child.This night, she didn't have any distracting thoughts, she just hugged her child tightly like a mother, comforting and whispering.Like a real mother, she coaxed Yu Jian to sleep before leaving the bedroom.She originally wanted to stay, but when she saw the scene in front of her, she changed her mind.She helped Yu Jian tidy up the room in a hurry and left.

That night, Mei Yihan called Yu Jian's father, Yu Haibo...

Before Haibo came to Beijing, he did not call his son.When he and Mei Yihan arrived at Yu Jian's residence, Yu Jian hadn't finished get off work yet.The two stood in the corridor, and Mei Yihan looked at Yu Haibo affectionately, as if he had returned to his college days.

"When will Jian get off work, why don't you give him a call?"

"No, Kam should be on his way home now. You and that female teacher—the one I saw!"

"I—we, leave!"

"Why? Jian said that the relationship between the two of you is very good, and..."

"No, no, after we got married, I discovered that our personalities are opposite."

"The reason?"

"Just because I'm six years older than her."

"Oh, and this thing, it's ridiculous."

"Last year, we divorced quietly, and after only two months, she married a young teacher. I also attended their wedding, and her child insisted not to let me in, or she came out and stopped her children."

When Yu Jian returned to the residence, Mei Yihan had already left.From the dark corridor, Yu Jian saw his father's heavy back.

"Dad—" he yelled and rushed to his father.

Seeing his child's thin face, Yu Haibo couldn't help but shed tears: "Jian, what's wrong with you? Your aunt Mei said you were sick, and dad came right after receiving the call! Jian, what's wrong with you?"

The two walked in hugging each other.

Yu Jian is very sober today, since he left Su, he has never been as happy as today.He hugged his father with tears streaming down his face, his heart suddenly widened, and he lay in his father's arms like a teenager, the feeling was like lying in his mother's arms!Dad is no longer the strong dad, his wrinkled face is full of tears.

In order not to affect his son's work, Yu Haibo went to Dongfanghong Entertainment City every day during the day to sit and recall the things in college with Mei Yihan.Mei Yihan couldn't be more interested in this topic.She drove her old classmates to visit the major scenic spots in Beijing. The indescribable expression immediately let her get rid of the pain of falling in love, and she had a huge fantasy in her spirit, and her whole person seemed to become more and more beautiful. Younger and full of vitality.When two people are walking on the street, they no longer have to worry about attracting contemptuous glances due to their age, and they can also find a trace of envy in other people's gazes.The revealing of true feelings made Mei Yihan's soul find a window to the splendid world at once, and it became more and more brilliant.

Sometimes, Mei Yihan also has to admit that what she likes is not Yu Jian, but the young Yu Haibo.This feeling is especially obvious when three people are sitting together to eat.Mei Yihan's mind is a kind of unobstructed aesthetic taste. She carefully compares the two familiar faces in front of her, and is constantly impacted by a trace of time in her heart.During the long night, she recalled the sound of her heartbeat when she faced her father and son, and felt that she had never been so excited and conflicted.Inadvertently, Yu Haibo often reveals his nostalgia and longing for his college days, which caused quite a stir in Mei Yihan's heart.She didn't understand why she lost to Yu Jian's mother in college, and she didn't understand what kind of love she was looking for.

Mei Yihan, who is approaching menopause, often suffers from the shock of her heart. She believes that time can be changed, or even reversed.The best argument to prove this point of view is that she had the purest youthful years of Yu's father and son, and successfully enjoyed the joy and happiness of life across the barriers of years.She was often trapped by this illusion, and fell into a kind of inexplicable happiness for no apparent reason.The ruddy complexion was considered by her to be a return of youthful vigor, and her abundant physical strength made her feel a little rejuvenated.What makes her even more unable to extricate herself is that she can talk about life with Yu Haibo during the day, recall the past, and see the shadow of Yu Haibo when she was young at night. She is immersed in this illusion and cannot extricate herself.

Yu Haibo, whose passion had been buried by the years, didn't know why he suddenly felt elated. He tried his best to take care of his thinning son, but he also got unspeakable excitement.Because he lived in a person's world for a long time, he couldn't pour out his heart, when he met someone he could talk to, he was like a writer, dedicating himself to his readers for his own perception mind.Every morning, just after dawn, Mei Yihan would give him a greeting call; when he bought soy milk for his son and sent him to work, Mei Yihan would always arrive as scheduled; Getting out of Yihan's car was like a messenger coming out of a world of bliss, and his soul was greatly satisfied.Sometimes, Mei Yihan invites father and son to eat Western food together, but his son always refuses, but Yu Haibo always teaches his son how to handle his interpersonal relationship in an elder tone.

The long, endless, and deep nostalgia for love made Mei Yihan feel a kind of sweetness of love.

The illusion in front of me is no longer a dream, but has become more and more real and reliable; the long sleepless night is no longer the kind of boredom and loneliness, but the joy from the heart.In order to create a youthful atmosphere, Mei Yihan cut her long hair short, just like a female student during the May Fourth Movement.This change also echoed Yu Haibo's aesthetic needs.The illusion of life allows a woman who is about to enter menopause to get an unprecedented and unforgettable love.

Mei Yihan often falls into her own sweet hallucinations, her beautiful, big eyes radiate a kind of charisma.During this period of time, for her, the weather was always so clear and cloudless.If she didn't have to face Jian every day, she would really imagine that a pair of wings would grow out of her shoulders in an instant, and she would become an angel in a moment.Yu Haibo's nostalgic psychology makes Mei Yihan see a glimmer of life. She often involuntarily plans her love buildings, and asks the best designers to create a warm and romantic home for herself, and she will give her own feelings. Find a beautiful land.

After her long hair was cut by scissors to remove the scars of the years, it became so black and shiny, and it contained a kind of innovation to the old life.

After Yu Jian discovered Mei Yihan's hallucination, he suddenly became frightened.However, when he perceives his father from the perspective of a son, his father's face that has been roughed by the years but not lost its luster reveals a sweet smile.This made Yu Jian even more frightened.What made it even more difficult for him to accept was that when the three of them were sitting together, his father always asked himself to call Mei Yihan Aunt Mei, which made Yu Jian feel suffocated.Until that night, the father smiled and said to his son, "Jian, what do you think of Aunt Mei?"

"What's the matter?" Yu Jian felt the seriousness of the matter.

"She and I were classmates in college and studied in the same department." The father avoided his son's sharp gaze.

"She hinted to me today..."

"You promised?"

"I promise to discuss it with you!"

"You are not suitable! No way!"

"Why not?"

"You are in Shandong, she is in Beijing, you can't leave your work for Mei Yihan!"

"I didn't think it through either, so I didn't promise her face to face."

"I firmly oppose it! And I don't allow you to marry this old woman! Absolutely not!"

"Don't call her that! What an old woman, in fact, your father is 5 years older than her!"

"She is an old woman! And a shameless old woman!"

"Shut up!"

"Dad, you don't know her. She is not the Mei Yihan you knew in college now. She wants money, a car, a house, and a house. The most important thing she lacks is a man!"

"If you have money, you can't get married? So those billionaires and multi-millionaires in Beijing are single? Don't laugh at your father for not being up to date just because you have been in Beijing for three or two years."

"Not only is she rich, but...and...and..."

"What else? Don't look for excuses. Don't you like you young people talking about love, but don't like us middle-aged people talking about marriage? What's the reason?"

"Anyway, I will never allow you to get married! You should die!"

"Shut up! In this world, there is no reason for a son to teach me a lesson!"

"I'm not teaching you, I'm just telling you that you can't marry Mei Yihan."


"In this world, except for Mei Yihan, I agree with everyone you marry."

"I still like your Aunt Mei!"

"Dad! I hope you don't use this address! What year is it? Return it to Aunt Mei!"

"What's wrong with Auntie? I also told you that when I was in college, if your mother hadn't appeared, I would have married Mei Yihan. If that was the case, you would be her son, do you know?"

"Stop talking!" Yu Jian stared at his father closely.

"Jian! Is this the tone you use to talk to your father?"

"I'm sorry, I was just too excited."

"What are you excited about? Did you object to my quick marriage because I just got divorced?"

"I beg you, Dad, don't provoke me like this!"

"How did I provoke you! You stimulated your father today! It's the 21st century, it's on TV every day, you have to respect the elderly, but you—I'm not old yet, so you won't allow Dad to get married !"

"I'm not against your marriage, but against your marriage with Mei Yihan!"

"Isn't it the same?"

"What's the same? Dad, if you feel lonely, I can introduce you to someone younger than her. You just can't be with Mei..."

"Presumptuous! Who do you think your father is?"

"You don't know why she hasn't gotten married when she is approaching the end of her life?"


"Because a man can't support her desire!"

"You—you—you brat, you're getting more and more outrageous!"

Yu Haibo couldn't figure out why Mei Yihan was so worthless in his son's heart...

"You brat, you are becoming more and more outrageous!" Yu Haibo repeated this sentence.

Yu Jian's resolute opposition more or less affected Yu Haibo's mood.At this time, Yu Jian also felt that he could no longer sit idly by.

(End of this chapter)

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