deadly temptation beijing

Chapter 32 The Awakened Memory

Chapter 32 The Awakened Memory

A year later, Yu Jian has gradually integrated into Mei Yihan's life.Yu Jian discovered that Mei Yihan was not only...

A year later, Yu Jian has gradually integrated into Mei Yihan's life.Yu Jian found out that Mei Yihan was not only the general manager of the Earth and Heaven Club, but also invested in building a resort in Huairou District.Yu Jian has been to that place before, although the area is small, he likes the antique buildings very much.It was a pure place, with beautiful mountains and rivers—at least it seemed so on the surface.Yu Jian used to live there for a month, but because Mei Yihan had to drive there every day, he moved to the villa in Tongzhou.

Striptease performances are not only performed in the Tiantian Club, but also occasionally performed in Dongfanghong Entertainment City, but the performance time is relatively short.After knowing all of Mei Yihan's "business", Yu Jian began to worry that Mei Yihan would be arrested, and this worry even caused him to often suffer from insomnia.In the virtual dream, he no longer dreamed of vegetarians, let alone money, houses, and luxury imported cars, which have become commonplace in his life.As long as he dreams, he will dream of the moment when Mei Yihan was taken away by the police.Days passed by, and the scenes in Yu Jian's dream never turned into reality, which made him feel lucky.Slowly, he also adapted to real life.The reason that prompted him to accept was very simple, he knew that Mei Yihan would be arrested sooner or later, since he was helpless, he could only live in fear.

What moved Mei Yihan the most was that no matter how busy she was at work, no matter whether she was in a resort or in the Heavenly Club, Yu Jian had never met another woman.She once tried to get a 19-year-old girl to approach Yu Jian, that girl was naturally pretty, but Yu Jian was not tempted by her, and did not even kiss her.However, Mei Yihan also had some worries. She knew that Yu Jian would never forget Su Lei—she had no way to rewrite Yu Jian's life, and she couldn't make Yu Jian's heart only be hers.

It was Mei Yihan who proposed to leave the newspaper office.Originally, Yu Jian wanted to stay and work in the newspaper office, but in the past year, he was repeatedly hospitalized and asked for leave, which made the leader very dissatisfied.Especially after the leader of the newspaper found out about the relationship between Yu Jian and Mei Yihan, he once proposed to publicly dismiss him at the meeting, so Yu Jian decided to resign voluntarily.

On the day of his resignation, Yu Jian originally wanted to invite Fang Yan to dinner, but after he spoke several times in a row, Dialect pretended not to hear him, and was still busy with his work.Yu Jian guessed that she might know about her relationship with Mei Yihan.So, he wanted to give up eating with dialect.But when he was about to leave the office, Fang Yan suddenly stopped him: "Yu Jian, I want to talk to you!"

Yu Jian turned around in surprise and stared at Fang Yan carefully, but Fang Yan had a look of disgust on his face.The two came to a reception room of the newspaper office one after the other.As soon as the dialect walked in, he sarcastically said: "Okay, I'm a bitch for a billionaire woman!"

Yu Jian was mentally prepared for such words.


"Don't call me by my name, it makes me sick to hear you mention my name!"

"I know you hate me—"

"Why should I hate you? I have no reason to hate you."

"I hurt you, dialect."

When Yu Jian said the word "hurt", the dialect's tears flowed down like a spring.Yu Jian took out a pack of imported handkerchiefs and handed it to Dialect.Dialect took it and wiped it from the corner of his eyes, but the tears in his eyes kept flowing out, and Dialect wiped it again and again.Later, when she realized that the handkerchief could not wipe away the pain in her heart, she simply stopped wiping it——

"Did you know that Su Lei came to look for you? I've seen her..."

"Is she—is she okay? Memory restored?"

Dialect shook her head, and when she heard Yu Jian say the word "memory", she was extremely excited: "You know, she forgot everything, she didn't even know who her father was, who It's her mother, but she knows you—Yu Jian! When her mother accompanied her to the newspaper office, she foolishly called your name! She doesn't remember anything, but she remembers that you were there That encounter on the bus! Yes, she doesn't remember anything, nothing, but she remembers you jumping off the stairs to prove that you liked her! Yes, she doesn't remember anything , don't remember anything, but she remembers that you hung clothes all over the room, and the way you wash them is just pouring water on them! Yes, she doesn't remember anything, so why does she remember you your face? She actually described you to me, she can even clearly remember you smoking, although she never let you smoke! Yes, she doesn’t remember anything, nothing, but how can she Can you remember the scene when she threw fruit at you when you were in the hospital? How could she remember this, how could she?—Yes, she didn’t remember anything, she didn’t remember anything, she became A dwarf, a mentally handicapped, a fool—a fool who was deceived by you in love! She doesn’t remember anything, she doesn’t remember anything, how could she remember that she held a vegetarian art at the Beijing Academy of Arts to let you know her? How could she, how could she remember so much, so much, so much? How do you think she remembered? I don’t know, I don’t know, I really don’t know! But, she said, in this world, Only one person knows why she only remembers these things, and that person is you——Yu Jian! But where have you been? To comfort her, I lied to her that you went out for an interview and would come back after a while. But why did you come back? I lied to her, but she didn't know that she was still standing under our newspaper building in the cold wind, staring blankly into the distance——she was waiting for you! A naive She would never have thought that you would never come back! The winter in Beijing is so cold, whether it is windy or snowing, she always stands downstairs with her mother, staring blankly. , looking at. Do you know what I thought at that time? I really want to tell her that you are already living with Mei Yihan! I really want to go boldly, on the road you walk every time , solemnly told her that I was lying to her, Yu Jian will never come back! I won’t come back! You will never come back! But, today, you really came back. But, look at you like that , red hair, like a chicken feather stuck in one end, are you laughing at the Su class? Is the Su class waiting for you? No, no, absolutely not! What she is waiting for is a simple man who has You have a kind heart, a pure face and a pair of big crystal clear eyes! But, you are not! I am so sad! Get out, get out, get out of here!"

Tears fell on the floor, splashing beautiful water, reminiscent of the stars sleeping quietly beside the Milky Way at night.Yes, that beautiful star looks at our world day and night, looking through the autumn water...

On the next day's "Beijing Evening News", Yu Jian used a full page to publish a missing person notice, which shocked the entire capital.The reason why the word "shock" is used is because men and women living in the city would never believe that there would be such a pair of silly lovers around them.Their acquaintance came from advertisements, and now they are separated, in order to meet each other, they still use the most fashionable way-advertisements.In order to make this advertisement, Yu Jian spent almost all of his private savings.He almost never asked Mei Yihan for money, because he was numb to money.As long as he wants something, Mei Yihan will buy it for him as quickly as possible, even if it is in the remotest corners of the world.

Yu Jian’s name did not appear on the empty page, but if Su Lei saw this ad, she would definitely understand that it was Yu Jian looking for her; there were no words of love and love in the ad, but if Su Lei Lei saw it, and she could feel the fiery enthusiasm between the lines; the advertisement did not leave any contact information, but if Su Lei saw it, she must know where to find the person she loves the most.

There is only one poem in the entire page, which is so affectionate and profound. The title of the poem is "Looking for Su Lei":
I think I'll never find you again,

Because your amnesiac brain has forgotten the whole world;
I think you'll never see me again,
Because beautiful lies have deceived your haggard face;
I don't think I'll ever come back,
Because I lost my most precious love in Beijing;
I think you don't love me anymore,
Because I changed my appearance to hide in the evil world.

If you're waiting, waiting for me to come,
If you are looking, looking at my shadow,
If you are waiting, waiting for my blessing,
I think all I can give you is disappointment and tears.

Are you awake?I would like to know.

If you wake up, I'll tell you I'm asleep;

If you are asleep, I want to tell you that I am by your side.

One day, I came back,

But I can't see your kind smiling face,

Because your haggard face took away the sails of the years;
The vast ocean conquered me and made me miserable.

Looking for a woman who lost her memory,

She found the footprints of life,

I can't go to her side;

If you could give me another look at the line I walked,
I'd rather fall in front of you again--shattered,
I will always miss you deeply.

Yu Jian didn't sign his name, didn't leave his phone number, and didn't even explain the appearance of the "person" he was looking for, just to cover Mei Yihan's sight.But Yu Jian was wrong, he should not have chosen the evening paper, because the circulation of the evening paper is too large, it covers the entire Beijing city, how could Mei Yihan not see it?But he did the right thing. If he didn't have such influence, how could he find the woman who lost his memory?
Su Lei did see this ad, and from the moment she saw this ad, she ran towards her destination.Yes, there is no phone number in the ad, but the ad has told her exactly where Yu Jian appeared; yes, the ad is not signed, but it can be clearly read from the lines that this is Yu Jian's text, and this is Yu Jian's voice .

Mei Yihan also read this advertisement, and she saw all the information buried in it.When she found Yu Jian with the evening paper of that day, Yu Jian knew that he had really done something wrong.Mei Yihan didn't blame Yu Jian, she just told Yu Jian very clearly: "I hope this is the last time..."

But for Jian, one time is enough, let alone one time, even one glance is enough to melt the frozen memory.

When Yu Jian came to the newspaper building, he frantically shouted Su Lei's name.He cried bitterly, forgetting the worldly vision and the prejudice of kitsch, weeping tears of joy, and shouting Su Lei's name.The sky gradually darkened, and Fang Yan came down from upstairs.

Fang Yan supported Yu Jian and stood on the square of the newspaper building, and the colleagues upstairs walked past them one by one, like flowing water.Yu Jian's fiery red hair chirped the quiet night, just like the sunset of the past.

The lights upstairs gradually faded away, one by one, like stars in the dark night sky.Yu Jian knelt downstairs, the long Milky Way was above his head, but there was no moonlight.

Yu Jian still yelled heart-piercingly.His voice was hoarse, and the hoarse voice was like a cricket in summer pouring out his feelings in the grass.

It was late at night, and Yu Jian was still shouting there, his voice became smaller, lower, and hoarse, but he still stood there, like a naive child.Dialect persuaded him to go in and rest for a while, but Yu Jian was persistent because he was afraid that Su Lei would not find him, so he insisted on standing under the night sky, looking at the bustling city, just like Su Lei looked at him in the past.

"Maybe Su Lei didn't read today's evening paper." Fang Yan comforted Yu Jian in this way.

"No! She will see it!"

"It's too late, maybe she won't come until tomorrow!"

"No, she will come! She will come!"

"Maybe her parents didn't let her come because she was still a patient."

"No! She's awake! She must be awake! Her brain is not damaged! She was just tricked by me!"

The two of them just waited downstairs, waiting, waiting, like waiting for the dawn of this long night.

Perhaps because of drinking a few sips of wine in the afternoon, Yu Jian fell asleep in Fang Yan's arms.Although the weather in spring is very clear, the cold wind at night is still biting.Fang Yan carried Yu Jian's body into the newspaper building.She called for security, carried Yu Jian back to the office of the special issue department, and deliberately put him on the sofa near the window.

After Fang Yan settled Yu Jian, he came downstairs again.She knew that she should guard for the sake of learning, because she had also deceived that same persistent, cute, and stupid woman.Time slipped away bit by bit, Su Lei did not come.

At about two o'clock, the dialect that had gradually fallen into a dream couldn't hold on any longer, and she walked upstairs slowly.When she came to the thematic department, she saw Yu Jian in his sleep biting his finger like a child, dripping saliva on the carpet along his finger.She smiled softly, snuggled up on the sofa in front of the door and fell asleep.

The night slowly dissipated like this, and the eastern sky was glowing white.Yu Jian suddenly woke up from his sleep, because he heard someone calling his name not far away.At first, he thought it was a dream, but when he opened his eyes, he heard his name again.Yes, that's right, he walked to the door, woke up the dialect in his sleep, and said softly and mysteriously: "Listen—"

Dialect rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked back, "What are you listening to?"

"my name."

"What's so nice about your name!"

At this moment, there was another hoarse cry: "Yu—Jian—"

At this time, the two people came to their senses completely: "Su Lei!" The two shouted in unison, and ran to the window at the same time.When they opened the window, they saw a woman in a pink dress standing downstairs screaming at the newspaper building.

Yu Jian stared at that familiar yet unfamiliar face foolishly, staring at, staring at.Tears could not stop flowing down, slid across the cheeks, and fell downstairs.

The two of them huddled together in front of the window blankly, as engrossed as watching a meteor shower at night.When Dialect realized that she should respond, she suddenly opened her mouth, wanting to shout and tell Su Lei that Yu Jian was upstairs.But the moment she opened her mouth, Yu Jian suddenly covered her mouth, and pressed her body down to sit on the sofa.

"What's wrong with you? It's prime, it's prime, do you know?"

"I know!"

"Then what are you still doing here?"

"I can't see vegetarians, I can't!"


"You're right, I'm not what I used to be. Look at my hair, it's red; look at my face, it smells like copper!"

"But didn't you still yelled to see Su class last night?"

"I was wrong, I shouldn't have seen her!"


"I'm not me anymore. There's no way I'm with her, no way!"

"Why? Why exactly?"

"Stop asking, I beg you."

"You don't like vegetarian food anymore?"

"I love her!"

"then you--"

"Even if I die, Cousin Mei won't let me go!"

"Cousin Mei?"

"Don't ask, the less you know, the better. I've already made up my mind, you just find a photo in the newspaper office of a person who was killed in a traffic accident, show it to her, and say that I was drunk and killed by a car Already!"


"No more! Go! I beg you!"

Fang Yan took out a photo of blood and flesh from his drawer, and walked downstairs while crying.

(End of this chapter)

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