deadly temptation beijing

Chapter 34 The Last Dialect

Chapter 34 The Last Dialect (2)
Each of these four sentences is on a separate line, just like a poem, so neat that it can be recited aloud.At this time, the dialect was completely understood.

Because of work needs, Dialect often went to prisons to interview some criminals, and sometimes went to nightclubs or dance halls for unannounced interviews. Although she didn't know Cousin Mei very well, she knew a little bit vaguely.But she never thought that such a woman who lived in the shadow of the underworld would appear in her own life.At this moment, she can already conclude that Mei Yihan is Cousin Mei, but she has no way to prove it.

The next day, when Fang Yan came to the newspaper office, she received a call from Su Lei, begging to arrange another meeting between her and Yu Jian.Dialect did not answer directly, but asked Su Lei to tell her about Mei Yihan's situation.So Su Lei provided Mei Yihan's personal information and the address of her Tongzhou villa.

Dialect spent the whole morning sorting out all the information about Mei Yihan that he could find.At this time, she realized that she should report to the superior in order to win the power of unannounced visits for herself.According to the procedures, the journalists of the special topic department should report to Wang Daqing, the director of the special topic department, in order to arrange the time and layout.But Fang Yan realized the importance of this unannounced visit, and she wanted to find a newspaper leader who could help her.It is inappropriate to go to the president directly, because the president will push this question to the general manager; and it is not appropriate to go to the general manager directly, because the general manager will push this unannounced visit to the activity department in charge of the special department Yu Pingli, Deputy General Manager.Therefore, Dialect decided to go directly to Mr. Yu.

Another reason why Fang Yan made up his mind to find Mr. Yu is that both the president and the general manager are men, and there is only Mrs. Yu among the three vice presidents of the newspaper. linguistic.More importantly, Mr. Yu is also the deputy general manager in charge of the thematic department.

When he came to Mr. Yu's office, Fang Yan first expressed his thoughts to Mr. Yu, and put the materials he had sorted out in the morning on Mr. Yu's desk.Mr. Yu patiently looked through the information compiled by the dialect, and appreciated a few words.But when she finished reading the report, she raised her head, took off the glasses on her nose, and said to Yan Yan: "I have heard about Cousin Mei. But you think Mei Yihan is Cousin Mei, I feel—it's still a bit Arbitrary."

"Based on my intuition, I can tell that Mei Yihan is Cousin Mei!"

"Doing this kind of thing requires intuition, but you can't trust your intuition too much—who else in the newspaper office knows about this?"

"No one knows anymore. I came to your office as soon as I sorted out the materials at noon! ——Also, if Mei Yihan is not Cousin Mei, how can the two people who followed me explain?"

"Let's ignore those two people. You have to know that Cousin Mei is not a simple character!"

"I know this very well."

"There are many editorial staff in our newspaper office who know Mei Yihan. If Mei Yihan is Cousin Mei, this matter cannot be made public in the newspaper office. It will not be good for your unannounced visit!"

"That's why I didn't give this information to Wang Daqing - I know that Wang Daqing and Mei Yihan are connected!"

"So this matter, only the two of us know about it, not the third person in the newspaper office. Do you understand this?"

"The president and general manager—"

"Don't worry about this, I'm still in charge of the special department! In addition, we have to keep in touch with the police, which is also beneficial to your personal safety!"

"Will this reveal my identity?"

"I will handle this. In this way, you will return to your residence today, but you can no longer live there, because Cousin Mei already knows your whereabouts. During your unannounced visits, you will move to live in the newspaper office. After all, the newspaper office is safe!"

Seeing Mr. Yu caring about him so much, Fang Yan felt much calmer.

After talking with President Yu, she returned to her residence.According to the plan, she would return the house and move all her belongings to the newspaper office.

Throughout the afternoon, Dialect was packing up his things.She had already rented a moving car and agreed that the driver would pick up things at the residence the next morning.

The landlord is not in during the day, only at night, the landlord will come back.Fang Yan has already paid three months' rent in advance, and she wonders if the landlord will refund part of the rent to her. If she can't refund three months, then two months or even one month will be fine.She feels that the landlord can refund part of the rent to her, because she has never been in arrears with the rent, and more importantly, she has a good personal relationship with the landlord.She was introduced by a colleague of the newspaper office to rent a house in this community. When the landlord heard that she was a reporter, he rented the house to her without saying a word, and arranged more furniture and home appliances.

The landlord works in a textile factory and works three shifts a day. He often has to go home after ten o'clock, sometimes late at night.The house that Dialect is renting now was left by the landlord's deceased father.

At about ten o'clock, when Fang Yan felt that the landlord should be off work, he opened the anti-theft door and wanted to go to the landlord and return the room.But just as her right foot stepped out of the anti-theft door, four thick palms suddenly reached out to her - all four hands were wearing white cotton gloves, and one of them was holding a white handkerchief , this hand is the first to come into contact with the dialect.Before Dialect could react, his mouth was covered by this hand.At the same time, a thick arm stretched out from behind and tightly strangled her neck.Fang Yan tried to break free, but at this moment, two thick arms hugged her tightly and pushed her hard into the room.

From the moment dialect opened the door to being hugged and stuffed into the room by those two stout men, it only took three or four seconds.When the dialect realized what happened in front of him, the two men took out a dagger from their arms at the same time.Fang Yan suddenly realized that the situation was critical, and tried all her strength to shout loudly, but she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest and back.Fang Yan's eyes were fixed on the anti-theft door, probably thinking: If she didn't open this door, maybe she wouldn't die, but she accidentally opened this door, so she had to accept it.

Her eyes were begging again, but what more could she ask for?The hot blood in her chest was constantly pouring out, pouring out, as if she had an infinite amount of blood in her body.She knew that she was going to die and leave this world. Although she still had a lot to do, and although she had a lot to say, it was all over.

She no longer had the strength to let the two men put her body on the ground.Her body was as free as it had been an hour ago, but she no longer had the strength.Although she knew that she shouldn't die, and she clearly knew that she shouldn't die quietly like this, and she was struggling to call out a person's name, even if she only called out a surname, but she had no He opened his heavy mouth with strength.

At this time, a man took off his blood-stained sunglasses from the bridge of his nose, wiped them on the corner of his clothes, and put them on again.

It was such an action that allowed Fang Yan to see the man's true face clearly.This man has a face with Chinese characters, and his beard is as vigorous as weeds; his skin is dark and purple, like pig's blood sold in the market.

Fang Yan realized that even if she could clearly remember the murderer's appearance, it would not change anything—after all, she was going to die, and she was going to close her eyes.She couldn't curse this man, even if she could, it would be useless.For a dead man, there is nothing to curse.So she used her last confidence to look closely at the floor - the pattern on the floor is so clear.When she was a child, she heard from her grandfather that each circle of the pattern on the wood represents the tree's life in this world for one year.She was going away, she didn't have growth rings on her body, but there were on the floor.

At the moment when she was about to close her eyes, she suddenly felt that something sticky had been poured on her body.When she shot the world with her last glance, she found that her clothes were stripped, and her blood-stained clothes were placed beside her.How much she wanted to die wearing this dress, but in the end even this little wish couldn't be fulfilled.

Fang Yan gently closed his eyes, as if about to fall asleep.She was too sleepy and wanted to rest, so she closed her eyes.But at this moment, her brain still retains a little consciousness.She could feel that the two men were changing into bloody clothes, then put the three bloody clothes together and poured gasoline on them.

In Dialect's mind, she thought they were just going to burn the clothes, but she was wrong, those two villains were pouring gasoline all over the room and turning on the gas.Their movements are so fast and so skillful.When they closed the door softly, the room was filled with flames.Fang Yan knew that she was not completely dead. Although she had closed her eyes, she clearly knew that it was the fire in this door that burned her to death...

The next day, major news outlets in Beijing reported the tragic death of Fang Yan on their front pages, but the police were not sure whether Fang Yan committed suicide or was killed.Although there is reason to believe that a woman who is at the peak of her career will not commit suicide, but from the bones that were almost burned to ashes and the loud noise of the gas explosion, people have no way to find a clue to prove that Dialect was killed of.

When Yu Jian saw the news of Fang Yan's death in the evening paper, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"How come—" He made a voice that was almost suffocated, and then his eyes became moist, and the entire eye circles were hot.

"Jian, what happened?" Mei Yihan who was sitting on the side asked.

While handing the newspaper to Mei Yihan, Yu Jian said to Mei Yihan, "The dialect is dead."

"What?" Mei Yihan looked serious, and she hurriedly snatched the newspaper from Jian's hand.When she saw the headline of the news, she sighed: "Human life is too fragile. Jian, let the dead die. Those of us who are alive should cherish our lives more and let the dead friends I believe we all love life!"

Hearing this, Yu Jian glanced at Mei Yihan, then nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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