deadly temptation beijing

Chapter 5 Love and Betrayal

Chapter 5 Love and Betrayal (2)
"My mother died of lung cancer when I was 11 years old. In order not to affect my growth, my father never accepted any woman. It was not until after I graduated from university that he met a girl who had just been transferred to No. 20 middle school. Female teacher. It was at this time that Mei Yihan broke into my father's life again. Her intrusion brought my father back to the past. What made my father feel guilty was that during the past [-] years, Mei Yihan Han has never been married. Although the two have no agreement and no contact, Mei Yihan still lives alone. When she knew that my mother had passed away for a long time, she had a new fantasy about my father, and put this idea I told my father. I was there when they were talking. Mei Yihan promised to solve my work problem in Beijing. She said that she knew the editor-in-chief of the journal of the Academy of Arts. At the same time, she wanted to bring my father to Beijing. , she said that she has two houses in Beijing, one of which is a villa in the suburbs. I can see that my father is really moved, but he has lived with that female teacher for a long time. Under the strong objection of the female teacher, my father rejected Mei Yihan again. There was only one reason, he didn't want to hurt the divorced female teacher again.

"Mei Yihan also quarreled with my father, but no one can change what my father decided. In desperation, Mei Yihan had no choice but to withdraw. But my father found her the day before Mei Yihan returned to Beijing, and let her She took me to Beijing, and Mei Yihan agreed.

"Although my father brought me to Beijing when I was in middle school, I was as excited as a child when I heard from my father that I could go to Beijing to work. If you don't know her real age and only look at her appearance, you will never believe that this is a single woman who is about to die. In many books, I have seen that single people are prone to haggard and aging , but Mei Yihan is the opposite. She is like a big sister in my eyes. Moreover, she is also very caring and considerate to me, especially after I came to Beijing. I can rely on Mei Yihan. After I came to Beijing, I didn’t know that Mei Yihan was engaged in the entertainment city business. At that time, she had just built Dongfanghong Entertainment City near the college. She adopted all the ideas. Mei Yihan also contracted the "Modern Art" magazine in the college, so she asked someone to transfer me to the magazine.

"My job is to make pictures in the art editing room, and later to draw plates for magazines. This is my major, and I thought it should be easy. But the knowledge I learned in school and the problems I encountered in my work always It’s different. Whenever I encounter difficulties in my work, Mei Yihan will encourage me and help me solve some problems. Sometimes, we argue over a problem. At this time, Mei Yihan is like a Young people in their 20s are passionate and excited like a child. In life, she also takes good care of me. She takes me to the suburbs of Beijing almost every weekend, or to a villa in the suburbs for the weekend. Beginning to come to Beijing During those days, Mei Yihan even bought my breakfast for me. Really, I was really touched at that time. Later, she gave me a computer and told me to go to Zhongguancun on Saturday. But I When I came to Beijing, my father told me not to accept too expensive gifts from Mei Yihan, so I declined Mei Yihan’s kindness. But Mei Yihan still wanted to buy me a computer, saying yes I need it for work, and said it will be good for my future development. So I called my father, and my father sent me 7000 yuan. With my savings, I decided to go to Zhongguancun to buy a laptop. Also It was the day when I went to Zhongguancun alone and met you.

"The days passed like this. If it wasn't for that incident that happened that day, I would really be grateful to Mei Yihan all the time. I even wanted to persuade my father to come to Beijing to marry Mei Yihan, although I knew it was impossible. In Before that incident happened, I always thought that Mei Yihan’s concern for me was because of my father—a lot of times, she would take good care of me, for example, when we were surfing the Internet together, she would make a cup for me coffee, and at the same time she stroked my cheek with her hand like my mother. Sometimes, when she saw that my face was sweating, she wiped it off with her hand without hesitation, and sometimes, she would Kiss my forehead and lips like a mother. I thought it was all a teacher or an elder caring for a junior. But one day, Mei Yihan and I went to a villa in the suburbs for the weekend, We bought a lot of things in the supermarket—all of which I like to eat, and Mei Yihan even bought me a suit.

"It was a very luxurious villa, a two-storey European-style building. At that time, I had a room of my own in that villa, on the first floor. I bought a lot of books, in a house less than 30 square meters , I set up four bookshelves. After buying a computer, Mei Yihan also gave me a set of world art masterpieces, worth more than 3000 yuan. That day, we cooked dinner by ourselves as usual, and competed to see who could cook the best dishes Eat. In order to show off our culinary skills, each of us cooked three dishes, plus fruits and cooked food bought in the supermarket, which filled a whole table. On that day, in my impression, Mei Yihan The most romantic woman in the world. She turned off all the lights, lit a dozen candles, and played American country music. We both drank a lot of red wine, but seldom ate food. We were We clinked glasses face to face, but later, for the convenience of chatting, Mei Yihan sat next to me. At that time, I didn't realize that something was going to happen, so I still drank with her casually and chatted about interesting things among colleagues. Said As she spoke, she put her hands on my shoulders and asked me if I had a girlfriend in college. I told her, no. She asked me if I liked other girls, and I said I had a girlfriend in middle school. I had a crush on a female classmate in the same class, but I didn’t have the courage to tell her. She also asked me if I had any intimate contact with a woman. At that time, I almost got dizzy from drinking, so I told her, no. At this time, she laughed loudly Laughed, pointed at my forehead and said I was a fool, and told me some situations and feelings when men and women had intimate contact. I asked her to have intimate contact with several men. She didn’t answer me directly, or answer me Yes, but because of drunkenness, I didn't remember. She also repeatedly told me about the joy and excitement of intimate contact, and panted to imitate the scene of intimate contact. At that time, I was almost imitated by her feelings Confused, I was very yearning and very excited. She said she had a 'close contact film' and asked me if I would watch it. I asked her what was an 'intimate contact film'. The second time she said I was a little fool , and told me that 'intimate contact film' is A film, and asked me again if I want to see it. I said yes. She took me to her room.

"Her bedroom is the largest in the entire villa, covering a full 50 square meters. In addition to a beautiful and soft big bed, there is also a 52-inch rear-projection TV. She likes to listen to music or Watching American blockbusters. She told me that otherwise, it would be difficult for her to fall asleep alone in bed. When we came to her room holding each other’s arms, she turned on the rear projector, and the first picture , is a nude scene. I have never seen this kind of video before. When I saw this kind of scene for the first time, I was really lost. When I just watched it, I was a little embarrassed , but I couldn’t help the temptation. When I was staring at the screen, Mei Yihan called me on the bed, I turned my head to look, and I was stunned for a moment——Mei Yihan was naked Clothes, lying naked on the bed. Although she is old, her body is still so plump. I woke up immediately, and even wanted to leave this room immediately. But I glanced at Mei Yihan again, she was looking at me Waving, when she saw my surprised look, she moved her body and came to my side, trying to take off my clothes. At that time, my heart was pounding, and I forgot everything, even death ...

"The next day, when I woke up, I found a mother-level woman lying beside me. I was so terrified. I knew that I had done something that would never be forgiven in my life. I was in Meiyi Before Han Han woke up, I left the villa. When I went to work on Monday, I never dared to face Mei Yihan directly, or even meet her eyes. In the college, I tried my best to Avoiding being with her, she also clearly saw that I was avoiding her. On the weekend, she asked me if I would go to the suburbs for the weekend, but I refused her. I clearly knew that the relationship between me and Mei Yihan that night I am ashamed of myself for what has happened to my soul on a cross. I try to restrain myself and try not to think about what happened in the past.

"One day, when Fang Xueran asked me to go to Mei Yihan's office to get some pictures, I walked in very contradictory. At that time, I would never have imagined that Mei Yihan was lying naked on the sofa waiting Me. Her office is a duplex room. Before we had a relationship, Fang Xueran and I often surfed the Internet in the office outside, while Mei Yihan lived upstairs from Monday to Friday. When I left After entering, I knew what was going to happen, so I turned my head and walked out. At this moment, Mei Yihan grabbed me. I knew that I could break free from her restraint with a little effort, but I didn't. So, I could no longer refuse this woman, and that weekend, I went to the villa in the suburbs with her again... In this way, we started this bizarre story.

"On New Year's Day, the two of us flew back to our hometown in Shandong to attend my father's wedding. Because it was the second time for both of us to get married, everything was kept simple, and only relatives of both parties were invited, so it was not very grand. Because of time. , two people chose to spend their honeymoon trip in Hangzhou. When they took the train to Hangzhou, Mei Yihan and I also flew to Hainan. There, we were like a mother and son during the day, Play everywhere, shop everywhere.

"She is very willing to spend money on me and bought me a lot of clothes and gifts. In the store, as long as I pay attention to something, she will buy it for me. When I was in Beijing, she saw that I still used A second-hand 'notebook' bought me an Apple MacBock notebook for more than 2 yuan, and also bought me a mobile phone. When I promised to be with her, I made a request, I just don't want the third person to know about this matter, and don't show that we have an abnormal relationship in the company. I want her to treat me like before. It's just that we go to the suburbs to live together on weekends. She also Bought me a diamond ring, although I didn't wear it during the day, but she still likes me wearing it to eat with her at night. In Hainan, she once proposed to marry me, and I solemnly told her , This will never be possible, but it doesn't affect her mood.

"When we were together, what I couldn't bear the most was when we went out together, she often kissed me casually or held my waist, and people around me would look at me with strange eyes. Although It’s in Hainan, no one knows us, but I can still feel the inner condemnation. If she doesn’t act too intimate, others will think we are mother and son, so I can still accept it. But she always It embarrasses me to do things that only lovers do when I'm not paying attention. Although I'm in my 20s, I have a baby face and look like a fifteen or sixteen I am a middle school student who is [-] years old, and my childish face shows the maturity I deliberately pretended to be. So I bought a lot of cosmetics and clothes, trying to make myself look old-fashioned, but no matter how I dressed, my face still looked so young, and I couldn't hide it. That kind of childish and melancholy look of a student. But Mei Yihan deliberately dressed herself as young as possible, even wearing a white gauze shawl, red skirt pants, or tied her hair up, like a college student, but dressed You can change anything, but the wrinkles on her face will never change. One of the things I often asked during that time was: 'Am I looking old?' And the one thing she often asked me was:' How much younger do you think I am today?'”

"You held an art exhibition at the Academy of Art, and she noticed you. When she saw that I paid special attention to you, she strongly opposed my asking for leave. We had dinner at the hotel that day, but she was actually watching me all the time. When I When I asked for leave, although I didn't tell the real reason, she knew it very well in her heart, so she didn't agree with me asking for leave at all."

Hearing this, Su Lei's eyes suddenly lost their luster—she ignored the warning, but stood up, picked up her backpack, and walked down the mountain alone.Yu Jian knew what was going to happen, when he was packing his things and watching Su Lei's figure descending the mountain, he didn't have the slightest surprise in his heart.

On the way back, the two had nothing to say, and the car drove all the way to the urban area, but the two still didn't say a word.When the car drove into the community and Su Lei stopped the car, she turned her head and said to Jian: "I wasn't prepared for it at all. I didn't expect that so many things would happen in the past year—it's unbelievable." gone."

With a livid face, Yu Jian trusted his intuition, and he didn't even glance at Su Lei along the way.

"Su Lei, I'm sorry, you have been looking for me for a year, but the me after a year is no longer the Yu Jian you saw on the bus a year ago."

"Jian——" Su Lei called out softly, and made his voice protracted, "Give me a while, let me think about it. Give me a while, okay?"

"I know what you're thinking—"

"You do not know!"


"You don't know at all?——I hope you will give me a month to think about it, okay? Come to my place again in a month, and I will tell you my decision."

"I know I'm no longer qualified to be with you. For all this, I can only say sorry. For everything you have done for me in the past year, I will always be grateful to you, Su Lei. I have been I was touched for you, but we met too late. You don't have to think about it, I won't bother you again. "

"Jian—" Su Lei sobbed sadly, "I beg you, don't do this, give me a month, and I will think it through."

"Do you feel it's still necessary?"

"I only need 30 days... 30 days, won't you give it to me?"

"I won't come..."

"You must come!"


"I do not know either."

"But I feel that whether you consider it or not, the result is the same."

(End of this chapter)

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