deadly temptation beijing

Chapter 7 The Crazy Farewell

Chapter 7 The Crazy Farewell (2)
For more than 20 years after graduating from university, Mei Yihan has been single. Although she earns more and more money every day, she has never had anyone to rely on emotionally.Yes, she had been with, been in love with, and even cohabited with several men, but these men were no more than four types: they had a family and raised her as a rich lover; Treat Mei Yihan as a spiritual sustenance; there is no emotion, only the relationship between using and being used; plotting money, get some money from Mei Yihan and then slip away.Therefore, although Mei Yihan has huge wealth, she is an extremely fragile woman mentally.In Yu Jian's body, she was liberated spiritually, and at the same time, the vigor and strength of the young people gave her the greatest satisfaction.What she especially cherishes is that Yu Jian is the son of her college classmate. With him, she regained the passion she had when she was young and satisfied her desires from different angles; What cherished Yu Jian was that before that, Yu Jian had never slept with another woman.The pure view of love in Yu Jian's mind allowed her to make up for it to the greatest extent.The longer the days, the deeper the relationship. At this time, when Mei Yihan thought about this question again, he hesitated.Especially after returning from Hainan, Mei Yihan's sense of dependence on Jian became stronger and stronger.When Mei Yihan proposed to marry Yu Jian, although Yu Jian did not agree, he did not ask for a breakup.The appearance of Wanmei and Sulei once worried Mei Yihan, but Yu Jian did not show his affection for them too much.After getting along with her during this period of time, Yu Jian seems to have developed a kind of attachment to Mei Yihan, although it is not as deep as Mei Yihan, but it is a real attachment.But tonight, especially when Yu Jian and Mei Yihan returned after their first quarrel, Yu Jian's first sentence proposed a breakup, which was unexpected to Mei Yihan.

That night, although Yu Jian lay beside Mei Yihan thoughtfully, Mei Yihan did not fall asleep as usual.She looked at Yu Jian who was lying beside her quietly, and looked at him carefully, as if she was looking at a baby who had just been full moon.Yu Jian breathed evenly, so peacefully, it seemed that the peaceful atmosphere gave him some kind of comfort, and he seemed to have entered a sweet dreamland.

It was a quiet night, and the entire villa area fell asleep.Under the moonlit night sky, the dots of light are like pairs of eyes peeking at the secrets in the dark.

Mei Yihan kissed Yu Jian frantically, as if she wanted to use this kind of kiss to wake up the sleeping Yu Jian, let him wake up from his dream, and live by her side as usual.But when she raised her head and looked into Yu Jian's eyes, she found that Yu Jian was so dazed in his sleep, his expressionless face was like a calm lake.

At this time, it was midnight.Looking out from the window of the bedroom, you can see the hazy clouds drifting slowly into the distance in the clear night sky...

The next morning, when Yu Jian woke up, he found himself lying in Mei Yihan's bedroom.Lifting the quilt, he was surprised to find that he slept naked last night.When Yu Jian got dressed and looked for Mei Yihan in the whole villa, he found that she had disappeared like steam.What annoyed Yu Jian the most was that when he came to the hall on the first floor and tried to open the only door that could go out of the villa, the door was locked from the outside.Although Yu Jian has the key to this villa, the outside is locked with a hinged iron lock.Because Mei Yihan only went to this villa for leisure on weekends or holidays, the windows of the entire villa were sealed by steel guardrails.In the past, in Yu Jian's eyes, this used to be a "comfortable nest" that was particularly safe and had a sense of belonging, but today, Yu Jian ran from upstairs to downstairs and from downstairs to upstairs, trying to escape in every possible way. During the time, he felt more and more that this villa was like a "prison" at the presidential level.

There is no way, Yu Jian cannot escape.

Helpless, Yu Jian had no choice but to sit on the sofa. He suddenly wanted to call Mei Yihan and ask her to let him out.But thinking about it, it was almost futile—the reason why she locked herself here was that she had no intention of letting him out.So, Yu Jian searched the memories in his mind again, hoping to think of even one friend.But given that life in Beijing is very monotonous, he spends most of the time with Mei Yihan, so Mei Yihan is familiar with almost everyone he knows.Finding them is like moths to a flame.Suddenly, Yu Jian remembered Su Lei, yes, it was Su Lei, she would definitely help her.When Yu Jian excitedly dialed Su Lei and heard the other party's voice of hello, Yu Jian didn't know how to tell Su Lei that the bright sunshine on his cheek was suddenly covered by dark clouds.

At noon, Mei Yihan still didn't come back.Yu Jian sat on the sofa, recalling the past days between him and Mei Yihan.At this time, apart from hating himself, he was surprised to find that all this seemed to be a trap set by Mei Yihan.Different from ordinary traps, this trap is both a bottomless pit and a comfort zone.Mei Yihan has been playing a game about feelings with him, and wants to carry this game to the end.What Yu Jian couldn't accept was that this woman who had been in love with his father had such a relationship with him.At first, in Mei Yihan's mind, sleeping with Yu Jian was sleeping with Yu Jian's father when he was young.This will give her an unprecedented satisfaction.It was this sense of satisfaction that made Mei Yihan tempt Yu Jian's emotions.Thinking of this, Yu Jian's eyes were full of indignation, especially when he remembered that the first time in his life happened with such a woman, and what was even more terrible was that this woman was lying on his body—like a Lie on his body like a rapist, and completed the first time in his life with him——Thinking of this, Yu Jian's eyes seemed to be shooting out flames.

Yu Jian ran to Mei Yihan's bedroom, angrily threw down the handicrafts and antiques collected by Mei Yihan, and roared loudly to vent his inner depression.When he held up Mei Yihan in front of the bed and his photo in Hainan, he suddenly remembered that all of this was voluntary, and even the "honeymoon" in Hainan was decided with his permission.Even when the two had intimate contact for the first time, when Mei Yihan was naked and flirting in front of him, he could have run out of the room, but he didn't, but looked at the woman's plump breasts in his heart, An instinctive impulse made him push Mei Yihan down on the bed.Although due to his ignorance, he did not complete the dignity of a man in front of a woman for the first time, but when he didn't know what to do and asked Mei Yihan why in a begging tone, Mei Yihan told him "because " and "so".Looking at this photo, seeing the intimate appearance of the two people, he really wanted to smash this photo frame to pieces.But when he thought that he was snuggling beside the more or less masculine Mei Yihan like a pervert, his soul seemed to be exposed all of a sudden, and every nerve in his body was exposed by his own. The past was prodded with needles and uttered a sickening cry before the soul.

It seems that everything is over, and it seems that everything has just begun; it seems that everything is Mei Yihan's fault, and it seems that all this has nothing to do with Mei Yihan; The thirst for desire.Yu Jian feels that he is like a blind man exiled in the vast desert, and he will never be able to get out of that desolation and loneliness.

That afternoon, when Mei Yihan came to this villa again, she cautiously went to the window, looked at the living room on the first floor, but did not find Yu Jian's shadow, at this time she let go of her steps and used the The key snapped open the big iron lock.The sound of Mei Yihan unlocking the lock was loud, and the copper lock hit the iron door from time to time, making crisp sounds.At the same time, Mei Yihan also wanted to open the door earlier, because Yu Jian was injured after all yesterday. Although the rope had been untied, she was very worried, for fear of any accident.

The whole morning, Mei Yihan, who was sitting in the office, was thinking wildly—whether Yu Jian would turn into a vegetable, or die without expression, although these speculations were groundless, but she saw There are so many American blockbusters that I hallucinate in my mind.

The sound of the key unlocking is very crisp, and that snap can connect the two worlds.Mei Yihan pushed open the door without hesitation, and strode across the living room.However, just when she turned around and raised her foot to go up the first step with her right foot, a heavy body suddenly wrapped her arms around her neck, and at the moment when Mei Yihan had no time to think, Yu Jian Pushing her down on the carpet, Mei Yihan's body seemed to be under the Five Elements Mountain.Mei Yihan, who was thrown to the ground, was struggling and turned her head. She found Yu Jian—just like when she tied Yu Jian yesterday, Yu Jian quickly tied her hands and feet.

"Jian-Jian-Jian--" Mei Yihan could have struggled to stop Yu Jian's actions, but when she looked up and found that Yu Jian was restraining herself in the same way she tied him yesterday, Mei Yihan Didn't even move the body anymore.She shouted Yu Jian's name, but Yu Jian ignored her at all and tied the rope even tighter.Mei Yihan, who was tied up by the rope, looked at all this, while being depressed, while calling Yu Jian's name, the voice was very long, and finally sobbed.

Yu Jian tied up Mei Yihan, stared at Mei Yihan lying on the ground crying, and said breathlessly: "You still have the face to cry, when you used this way to deal with me yesterday, why didn't you consider my Feelings? This is repaying someone in the same way! Let you feel the feeling of being tied up!"

At this time, Mei Yihan looked at Yu Jian's cold face, sobbing: "Jian, why? Why?"

"I want you to feel the feeling of being teased by you yesterday!" Yu Jian picked up Mei Yihan and walked towards the second floor.

Mei Yihan struggled and shouted loudly, fighting desperately like a death row prisoner.Yu Jian carried Mei Yihan to the second floor, kicked the bedroom door open, and with a strong slam, Mei Yihan was thrown onto the bed, but instead of sliding to the ground, she fell heavily on the quilt. superior.Yu Jian didn't say a word, turned and walked out of the bedroom, and slammed the door heavily.

"Jian-jian-" Mei Yihan shouted loudly.But Yu Jian didn't look back.

Angrily, Yu Jian went to his room and continued to pack his things.He bundled stacks of books together, packed odds and ends into cardboard boxes; rolled quilts into cylinders, like migrant workers entering the city, and bundled things together at the same time.The whole afternoon, Yu Jian was packing his things.Although Mei Yihan upstairs was yelling, Yu Jian pretended not to hear, and only raised his head to listen to the movement upstairs when he occasionally saw a photo of the two of them.In fact, there are not many things that really belong to Yu Jian. When he came to Beijing alone, he only brought two backpacks and a suitcase from home.Most of the things in the room were bought by Mei Yihan, and Yu Jian didn't take these things away, except for the laptop, which Yu Jian couldn't bear to give up.When he packed up his things, the shouting upstairs had stopped, and it was surprisingly quiet, not even Mei Yihan's sobbing.Yu Jian moved all his things into the living room, and went up to the second floor after finishing.

Mei Yihan lay quietly on the bed, as if falling asleep, but Yu Jian believed that Mei Yihan would never fall asleep at this time anyway.He moved a chair and sat in front of the bed, Mei Yihan turned his head and glanced at Yu Jian.Yu Jian let out a long breath, and looked at Mei Yihan with childlike eyes.Mei Yihan also looked at Yu Jian indifferently, although at this time she also understood why Yu Jian used this binding method to solve the problem, but she was very angry.She looked at Yu Jian sitting next to her almost with a leadership look, panting heavily, as if she wanted to express her dissatisfaction with Jian in this way.

Yes, Mei Yihan was unbalanced. Although she used the same method to deal with Yu Jian last night, she never thought that she would suffer this kind of "treatment" - after all, she is a woman, after all, she once treated Yu Jian It is so important to see, after all, she has spent too much energy and money on Yu Jian, after all, Yu Jian has also obtained things from her that he could not have otherwise, after all, the two of them had a "happy relationship". "Life", after all, I once got the satisfaction of love in the spiritual world of two people, after all... There are so many things that make Mei Yihan look into Yu Jian's eyes almost desperately at this moment.

"let's talk."

Mei Yihan didn't speak, but felt a stiff pain in her wrist.She turned her head and looked at the rope on her body, motioned for Yu Jian to untie it, and told Yu Jian with her eyes that she was already very disappointed with him, even desperate.Yu Jian stood up, looked at Mei Yihan's eyes and shrugged helplessly, walked forward, and slowly untied the rope on his feet first.Because the rope was tightly tied and tied with a dead buckle, Yu Jian tried to untie the rope buckle several times with his hands but failed to pull it off. So he lowered his head, bit the rope buckle with his teeth, and pulled the rope out with both hands.The rope buckle loosened a bit, and Yu Jian pulled out the long rope from the dead buckle, and the rope on his feet was untied.Although Yu Jian didn't use too much force when tying it, but after untying the rope, Yu Jian found a scar on Mei Yihan's ankle, and the skin that had been strangled by the rope was deeply sunken, and the skin looked like Cyan purple.Yu Jian turned his head away and used the same method to untie the rope tied around his hands.

After the untied Mei Yihan, although his body was liberated, his wrists and ankles were in severe pain, especially his wrists, as if wearing two bluish-purple agate bracelets.Mei Yihan gently rubbed her injured wrist, raised her head and glanced at Yu Jian who was tidying up the rope, a surge of anger welled up in her heart, she stood up, and slapped Yu Jian on the cheek .This slap caught Yu Jian by surprise, and Yu Jian took a few steps back to the left, trying his best to maintain his balance, but because his center of gravity shifted to the left, he sat down on the chair.After sitting down, he quickly stood up and looked at Mei Yihan with hatred.But Mei Yihan was a little proud, although she only slapped her, but her heart was much more balanced.At this time, due to the excessive force, her wrist was still aching.

At that moment, Yu Jian didn't seem to know Mei Yihan all of a sudden. At this moment, Mei Yihan's forehead was wrinkled, and his eyes seemed to be stimulated, looking sad.The two looked at each other for nearly ten seconds. Yu Jian turned and walked out. When he reached the stairs, he heard Mei Yihan laughing loudly behind him.

Yu Jian closed his eyes tightly in despair, and then walked downstairs, exhaling a long breath, as if he understood something, but also seemed to understand nothing.He walked out of the villa and hailed a taxi in front of the door.The driver was a woman in her 40s. She parked the car in front of the door and came out enthusiastically to help Yu Jian with some things.But when everything was loaded into the car, Mei Yihan came down from upstairs, she was wearing heavy makeup, very coquettish.Although Yu Jian didn't look back, he understood everything from the driver's expression.

When the taxi left the villa, the female driver inadvertently honked the horn, and Yu Jian felt that he had bid farewell to his previous life.

In order to get rid of Mei Yihan completely, on the second day after leaving Mei Yihan, Yu Jian submitted his resignation report to the magazine.

(End of this chapter)

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