Unlimited skill point system

Chapter 1276 My sect is called Heaven

Chapter 1276 My sect is called Heaven

"An ordinary disciple of your Holy Divine Sect can turn my sect into dust of history? That's not necessarily the case!"

Wu Mei sneered instantly, as if the Holy Divine Sect was not even a fart in front of her sect!
Wu Mei's attitude instantly changed the faces of all the monks present. They couldn't imagine that Wu Mei would say that sentence with such an attitude!
With such an attitude, they simply did not look down on their Holy Spirit Sect!
In an instant, all the monks of the Holy Spirit Sect looked at Wu Mei with dissatisfaction!

"Our Holy Divine Sect is the most powerful force in the entire Great Eastern Region. Even the most powerful forces in the other seven regions have similar backgrounds to our Holy Divine Sect. Why don't you tell the sect you joined and let them How about we listen?"

The Great Elder of the Holy Divine Sect also looked a little dissatisfied at this moment, his eyes flashed, he looked at Wu Mei and said!

"That's right! Tell us what kind of sect is it that can make you look down on our Holy Spirit Sect so much?!"

All the monks of the Holy Spirit Sect also raised their arms and shouted at this moment, clamoring!

But Wu Mei didn't even look at them at all, but only looked at the elder of the Holy God Sect, and said: "The sect I joined is called Tianting!"

As soon as Wu Mei's words came out of her mouth, all the monks of the Holy Spirit Sect present were stunned. They had never heard of such a sect!
But at this moment, the expression of the Great Elder of the Holy God Sect changed, and he said: "Heavenly Court is the place where the legendary immortals live, how could there be a sect that would dare to name it like that."

"My sect, dare!"

Wu Mei's eyes flashed brightly, and said: "Our sect is called Tianting!"

The corner of Wu Mei's mouth raised slightly, and she said sarcastically, "The factions in the sect who don't dare to use this name are probably some cowardly idiots!"

Wu Mei's voice sounded, very proud, so that all the monks of the Holy Spirit Sect present could hear the arrogance in Wu Mei's heart, obviously feeling the pride from the bottom of her heart for the sect he joined!

"Heavenly Court? Is there really such a sect as Heavenly Court?!"

All the monks of the Holy Spirit Sect exclaimed in shock. They had never heard of such a sect as Tianting, and they were shocked for a moment, saying: "Why haven't I heard of this sect? What is it?" Is it a newly established force?"

All the monks of the Holy Spirit Sect looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't know what kind of sect this Heavenly Court was!
But at this moment, the great elder of the Holy Spirit Sect frowned instantly, and asked, "Heavenly Court, can you tell me that this sect is the sect of the Great Thousand World?"

The Great Elder squinted his eyes, and there was already a trace of coldness in his heart!
Such a monstrous genius as Wu Mei, who became an existence in the realm of the ancient sage at only 28 years old, and also possesses the spirit root of the space attribute, even if such a talent is placed in any sect, no matter whether the sect's background is strong or not, Having such a talented disciple can make this sect even stronger!
Even become a powerful sect in a famous town!

But now, Wu Mei has joined other sects, and she is still a sect that dares to be called Heavenly Court. Such a sect is completely provoking the majesty of their Holy God Sect!
(End of this chapter)

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