Chapter 132 Fierce Battle

"Suzu... can be!"

Uchiha Kuyo's voice was cold, and after his voice fell, the entire Tower of Babel shook to a degree stronger.


A huge palm completely made of purple-black energy protruded from the ground, like a buried giant suddenly waking up.

Boom...! ! !
The Tower of Babel was instantly shattered by the violent energy impact into large chunks of boulders that fell from the sky, where the Tower of Babel originally existed.

The huge half-length giant stood up, with a body tens of meters high, and the purple-black energy wrapped around it was elegant, exuding an ominous atmosphere.

Apollo was taken aback for a moment, his pupils narrowed slightly, and then he shook his head indifferently.

"This is your hole card?"

"It's amazing, but...

not enough! "

At this moment, Apollo looked at Uchiha Kuya no longer with contempt, disdain, and provocation as before, but became a little more cautious!
In this giant body constructed entirely of a different kind of energy, he actually noticed a faint trace of divinity!
This kind of divine aura is different from the godhead and god that currently exists in the God Realm, which means that if this boy is given a little more time, maybe he will really become a brand new god that is different from the past!
Uchiha Kuya's face was cold, the kaleidoscope Sharingan in the pupil of the right eye was completely abolished, no more power could be squeezed out, a stream of black and red blood slipped uncontrollably like tears.

The Susanoo built only by the single eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan in the left eye is almost incomplete, just like a tragic soldier who was cut in half, leaving only the upper body still indomitable.

So, it was a variable in Ishtar before!

This is already the first time that Uchiha Kuya has used the skill of Susanoo with all his strength after he possessed the Kaleidoscope Sharingan. Unfortunately, before the full body of Susanoo appeared, he was cut off in half, and this move was lost. The power of the power cannot be explained by a half-fold.

Without saying a word, Uchiha Kuya stood on the ground, protected by the solid energy wall around the giant Susan's waist, and pulled out his ninja sword. At the same time, the man controlled by Uchiha Kuya The giant released by the pupil technique also pulled out the energy giant sword on its back, and mercilessly slashed at the god floating in the sky like a second sun.

"I, Apollo, the god of music, medicine, mantra and sunshine."

"Here, I will purify your sins with the hottest sunlight!"

With a fixed gaze, Apollo looked up slightly at the sun emitting endless light and heat above his head, stretched out his arms, and grabbed the void from mid-air.

The endless energy of the sun gathers and automatically gathers in Apollo's arms. Following the god's request, a huge shield and a big bow of equal height emerge!
This is an exclusive artifact owned by the sun god Apollo, one of the twelve main gods of Olympus in Greece. Even though the artifact itself is in the God Realm, as long as there is the sun, he will not worry about not having a weapon to use.

All because, he is the sun!
And the sun is his weapon!

Looking at the oncoming purple-black giant sword, Apollo Yao's blond hair fluttered and his face was determined. He lifted the huge shield tightly held in his left hand without hesitation, and greeted it head-on in the most direct way. !
Bang~! ! !

Huge air pressure burst out from the collision between the huge sword in Susanoo's hand and the huge shield raised by Apollo, and the extremely fast hind legs that compressed the surrounding air were like sharp knives one after another!
Both sound and color seem to lose their definition for a moment and become nothingness for a while.

Apollo raised the giant shield over his head, and was pressed hard by the huge energy carried by the purple-black energy giant sword and fell towards the ground. He no longer lost the grand occasion of the previous two suns hanging in the sky and reflecting each other.

Also aware of his gaffe, Apollo's eyes flashed with anger, he gritted his teeth fiercely, his knees bent slightly, as if there was a hard foothold under his feet, and he just stayed in midair abruptly, the surface of the huge shield was shining golden The lines of the shield quickly emerged until they became a large piece, dyeing the shield in the color of the sun. Holding Sasuo's giant sword against him, Apollo straightened his spine fiercely, and with even greater strength, he smashed the giant sword fiercely. bounced back.

When the giant sword returned, in mid-air, golden cracks appeared on the surface of the purple-black giant sword, and with a click, the huge energy sword shattered into energy particles all over the sky and scattered away.

This is, the divine energy attached to Apollo's divine power?
Uchiha Kuya frowned slightly, simply the entire Susanoo was made of energy, as long as the energy is sufficient, it can be repaired at will.

But in less than a second, from the only remaining hilt in Susanoo's hand, a huge sword that was exactly the same as the original was quickly rebuilt.

"Since your attack didn't work, then it's my turn!"

Grinning, Apollo put away the giant shield in his hand, and converted the energy it carried into a silver-white arrow. With his right hand, he raised a huge bow and arrow that was as long as his body, and put the silver-white arrow on the bowstring.

Hum...! ! !
The arrow was on the string, and before it was shot, there was an instant coolness like two palms, pinching Uchiha Kuya's heart fiercely, causing his breath to be suffocated, and he looked at the arrow inexplicably in horror!

"Sun, go after the darkness!"

Apollo yelled, and with a sudden force on his arm, he pulled the bowstring to the full moon, and suddenly let it go. The bowstring made of energy seemed to make a "boom" sound, and the silver-white arrow disappeared as if it disappeared in an instant.

In the perspective of Uchiha Kuyo's left-eye eternal kaleidoscope writing sharing eye, this silver-white arrow is like a poisonous snake, but it has the speed of light, and the distance of hundreds of meters spans instantly. Seeing this silver-white arrow In the blink of an eye, he was less than an arm's length away from himself, and before he had time to think too much, Uchiha Kuyo's left eye is eternal kaleidoscope, and the strange pattern in the scarlet pupil of the Sharingan spins rapidly, in the space in front of Uchiha Kuyo's body'boo 'With a click, a circle of space ripples appeared.


The silver-white arrow sank into Uchiha Kuyo's chest and heart, and flew out suddenly in mid-air more than ten meters behind Uchiha Kuyo.

Before he had time to breathe a sigh of relief, Uchiha Kuya's expression was extremely tense, without turning his head, he snorted coldly, the corrugated area in the space around him became more and more dense, like a lake surface hit by a heavy rain.


From the third-person perspective, the three-meter space of Uchiha Kuyo's body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of faint silver-white light, and this space was still shrinking rapidly.

The silver-white arrow has been locked on Uchiha Kuyo as the target. No matter where it is sent by the space ripple, it will immediately turn around in less than a second, and it will continue to accelerate towards Uchiha Kuyo's heart. Faster, slowly, a drop of transparent sweat dripped from Uchiha Kuyo's forehead, the silver-white mask was only less than one meter away from him, Susanoo's energy defense was under the attack of this arrow, like Tofu is generally fragile, and it can be pierced through thousands of holes in an instant, and it can't even be repaired faster.

"You can't hide, my arrows will never miss!"

Hanging high in the air, looking at Uchiha Kuyo's embarrassed appearance, Apollo teased out a playful laugh.

This is the difference between God and man!

(End of this chapter)

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