Chapter 190 Crisis
"Hey, crazy woman, can you do it or not? I've been chasing you for a whole day and you still haven't caught those two bugs!"

"What are you in a hurry for, the soul that I have taken a fancy to cannot escape!"

Wrapped in a large black robe, the woman faintly accompanied by whines of resentment had a turquoise light in her eyes, and she glanced dissatisfiedly at the stinky man beside her.

It really stinks, compared to just playing with the souls of the dead, this guy is even more extreme than the corpses of the dead.

"I'm afraid you will miss too!"

The man's voice was very gentle, not agitated by the woman's attitude, but reminded.

"Also, the one with the bigger fist has to give priority to the distribution of spoils, right?"


The woman snorted coldly, looked up at the location of Nishinomiya Glass's house marked earlier, and walked over directly.

"I'm going to recycle some things first, you just wait here for a while."

Some things, if they have been kept for a long time, can no longer be delayed. After all, this time they came to this plane and only got a seven-day mission cycle.

Time to hurry!

Behind him, the gentle eyes of the man gradually turned cold.

It is really time to hurry up. Right now, this group of leeks has absorbed enough nutrition in this world. Before going back, it is time to harvest them well.

In an ordinary apartment in this apartment building, Nishinomiya Glass was having dinner with her family with a lot of preoccupations.

Seeing the absent-minded eldest daughter, Mrs. Nishinomiya frowned slightly, wanting to say something.

Suddenly, Nishinomiya Glass turned pale, raised her head, and looked out of the door, or in the direction of the corridor entrance, with a horrified expression.

"No, don't come here!!"

Nishinomiya Glass looked horrified, ignored the puzzled and embarrassing expressions of the family members, pushed away the chair suddenly, stumbled to the front door, locked the door without saying a word, and then closed the windows one by one without stopping. The room was locked, and it could not be calm for a long time.

"Glass, what's wrong with you!"

Finally, Mrs. Nishinomiya couldn't help but asked in a low voice, with dissatisfaction in her voice.

"I, mother..."

Nishinomiya Nishiko opened her lips, a little excited, but before she finished speaking, a female voice came from the door.

"Little sister, open the door for my sister obediently, please? My sister promises that you won't hurt other people, hehe~"

"Glass, who is she?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Nishinomiya stood up and stared straight at her daughter.

"elder sister……"

"Don't go, don't go, don't open the door!!"

Nishinomiya Glass's face was pale, and she covered her ears with a faint pain. In the ear, in the field that ordinary people can't hear, there were wailing, screaming, resentment and killing intent, and the tide kept sweeping the girl's heart. Defense, seems to destroy her thinking.

Outside the apartment, the corner of the woman who was turned away gradually raised a playful smile, looking at the closed door.

"How naughty!"

At this point, everyone finally realized that something was wrong, they backed away one after another, left the dining table, stared cautiously at the door, Mrs. Nishinomiya took out her mobile phone and tried to enter the alarm number.

Undoubtedly, the phone was connected immediately, and Mrs. Nishinomiya immediately described the situation of her family.

"Hey, is this the police station? A lunatic of unknown origin appeared in front of my house. He seems to be very murderous at the moment. The address is... Please call the police as soon as possible... Hey...! Is there anyone?"

There was no answer on the phone until...

"Are you talking to me again?"

A cold and hoarse voice sounded from behind Mrs. Nishinomiya, bringing with it bursts of stench.

Mrs. Nishinomiya looked back with difficulty in disbelief. What she saw was an ordinary human world that had been crushed by a steamroller and thrown into a meat grinder. It smelled like blood and was stained with dark black dried blood. Judging by her figure, she should be a woman. ?
Missing a face-to-face meeting, Mrs. Nishinomiya rolled her eyes and fell limply to the ground. Halfway, she stood up with empty eyes, took out the key from her pocket, and walked towards the door.

In the corner, Nishinomiya Glass was pale, with a look of pain flashing across her face from time to time, hugging her little sister, her grandmother was old and had already fallen asleep.

"It's useless to say it all, look, isn't it easy to come in?"

Entering the room, the woman looked at the two sisters of Nishinomiya, to be precise, Nishinomiya Nishiko showed a playful smile, and the dark green light in her eyes shone brightly.

As she said that, a few faint shadows dripped from her black robe, and ran for a distance like muddy sewage, forming people (spirits) with pale faces and cold breaths, walking towards the girl.

"Your target is me, let my family go!"

Blocking Nishinomiya Yuzuru behind her, forcibly suppressing the fear in her heart, Nishinomiya Glass stared straight at the terrifying black-robed woman.

"Of's weird, hehe~"

"I remember, I gave you a chance! Unfortunately, you didn't cherish it."

(End of this chapter)

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