The kaleidoscope begins with the shape of the sound

Chapter 192 Fight against the first generation

Chapter 192 Fight against the first generation

At Nishinomiya Glass's house, Uchiha Kuya's expression was suddenly startled, and he glanced in the direction in which the reincarnated man left with some surprise.

This is, I met an acquaintance!
Isn't that life-size hand-made face the same as the face of the first generation on Hokage Rock!
Unexpectedly, this guy could reincarnate the soul of Senshou Zhujian from the dirt in the hands of the god of death, and sneak into this plane.

The flickering fire in the room gradually dimmed, Uchiha Kuyo did not act rashly, one of his avatars had already fought with the first generation, and then the reincarnated person who was not protected by the first generation, naturally someone would clean him up.

"Mom, is she... all right?"

Nishinomiya Glass looked worriedly at her unconscious mother, stepped forward to help her up, and looked at Uchiha Kuya questioningly.

Hearing this, Uchiha Kuya just shook his head lightly.

"It's nothing serious, just rest for a few days, don't go out tonight, stay at home, it's not safe outside."

Although there is a specialization in the arts, and Uchiha Nine Nights does not specialize in the soul, but some basic common knowledge is still understood.

In the case of Nishinomiya Nishiko's mother, it's nothing more than a little damage to her vitality, and it will be fine after a few days of cultivation.

Hearing this, Nishinomiya Glass nodded and motioned to her younger sister, and the two carried her mother back to the bedroom together. After a while, the girl walked gently to Uchiha Kuya, with a hesitant tone.

"You're leaving again, aren't you?"


Uchiha Kuya nodded, feeling pity when he saw the girl's dimmed pupils.

"But it probably won't take long this time, maybe I'll be back in a few days."

"Then I'll wait for you at the shrine!"

Nishinomiya Glass raised her head, her eyes were bright, and her expression was a little excited.

"it is good!"

His eyes softened a little, Uchiha Kuya gently stroked the girl's hair, and agreed.

On the one hand, seeing the little head protruding from the bedroom and the little hateful expression on his face, from an angle that Nishinomiya Glass couldn't see, Uchiha Kuyo suddenly made a wicked face at Nishinomiya Yuzuru.

Yuzuru Nishinomiya: "I! @_.%.×《#:》......"

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Seeing the tomboy Yuzuru Nishinomiya's dazed face and messy appearance in the wind, Uchiha Kuya laughed heartily under Nishinomiya Glass' puzzled eyes, turned around and ran towards the main battlefield.

"I wish you a prosperous martial arts."

Behind her, the girl prayed silently in her heart.

Yuzuru Nishinomiya was unhappy.


"The first Hokage?"

Uchiha Kuya's avatar stared blankly at the figure completely made of clay in front of him, feeling a little dazed for a while.

"I didn't expect that even you would be filthy and brought to this plane. What an embarrassing gesture!"

"Haha, I'm not proud of this, boy, although it's a bit strange, but looking at your eyes, you are not bad from the Uchiha family!"

Hearing Uchiha Kuyo's blunt words, Senju Bashima was not angry, but laughed out loud.

Hmm, I laughed like a fool.

"Forget about the Uchiha family, it doesn't exist anymore, under the governance of the second and third generations, but, Uchiha Nine Nights, join us!"


Senshou Zhujian paused for a moment with a smile, and his expression became a little depressed. Obviously, he was reincarnated from the dirty soil later, and he was not ignorant of what happened to the Uchiha clan.

"Sorry, I've advised Tobuma before, but I didn't expect..."

"You don't need to apologize to me, it's not necessary, and I don't intend to forgive anyone. When the time comes, I will let them pay back the vengeance they deserve, especially those rotten roots!"

"However, now, I would like to ask the first generation of adults to get out of this way and become a Buddha completely by the way, what do you think!"

In the pupils, the pattern of the kaleidoscope has been rotated, and a layer of platinum flames ignited on the surface of Uchiha Nine Nights, looking indifferently at the poor man whose soul was played by an unknown person.

"Hahahaha, although I really want to agree with you, but I have already been controlled by that person's technique, so boy, show some strength if you want to do something!"


Uchiha Kuya nodded, and the figure instantly appeared behind Senju Hashirama, with the divine power flowing in his hand, he condensed a light blade burning with hot flames, and cut off Senju Hashirama's head with one sword.

Without any hesitation, Uchiha Kuyo's figure flashed past, succeeded in one blow, and moved away in an instant.

At the same moment, a sharp and thick wooden thorn pierced out from the shoulder of Senjujuma, and stabbed straight at the position where Uchiha Kuyo had just been.

The dirt climbed up like a piece of paper, and instantly repaired the severed head of Qianshou Zhujian.

"That's right, Uchiha's boy, I'm the one to take the next step."

"Wood Dun. The technique of wood dragon!"

The huge wooden dragon broke through the ground, and the dragon's head roared ferociously, and rushed towards Uchiha Kuya.


The huge divine power surged outwards, and with the support of pupil skills, the flaming platinum energy giant, wearing armor, pulled out the long sword at his waist sideways, slashed fiercely, and set the wooden dragon's head on fire.

"Haha, you Uchihas just like to bully people with power, but unfortunately, I do too!"

"Wood Dun. Turning into a Buddha on the top!"

"Wood escape. Thousands of hands!!"

A huge wooden Buddha appeared, and behind him was a thousand-handed Guanyin-like hand holding a fist, and slammed towards the incarnation of Uchiha Kuya's Susan.

"Hmph, it's just a pile of rotten wood!"

"Amaterasu Shield!"

The ultimate flame control ability condenses Amaterasu's divine fire into pure white or even slightly transparent, presenting a shield shape, which is erected in front of him by Susano, resisting the attack of the wooden Buddha, turning around and slashing at the thousand-handed pillar above the wooden Buddha's head wave away.

Boom...! !

The light and shadow flowed rapidly at the moment when the wooden Buddha was chopped, Qianshou Zhujian jumped up into the sky without hesitation, forming a seal with both hands.

"Wood Dun. Birth of the Sea of ​​Trees!"

Huge branches broke through the ground, winding along Susano's feet, binding Susano in place, even if one tree trunk was ignited in the last second, many more would be added in the next second.

Uchiha Kuya frowned, his energy was passing away slightly.

However, the attack of the first generation is not over yet.

"Boy, you have to work harder. I finally met an old friend. I don't want to kill you just like that."

"Woodun. The flower tree world is coming!"

Bang bang bang...! !

Even bigger flower branches and vines broke through the ground, submerged Susanoo's waist, and spread towards his shoulders in a blink of an eye. The speed of energy flow increased rapidly, and Uchiha Kuya no longer hesitated.

Susanoo turned into a bubble, and the endless energy gathered into a huge lightsaber burning with platinum flames. He turned around and cut off the branches around him. The wings of the flames flapped behind him, accelerated rapidly, and smiled The first generation cut off.

In the middle of the slash, the knife was extinguished, the body of the first generation of clay sculpture was instantly shattered, and the next moment, the soil surged like shredded paper, reorganizing him again.

"It's very strong, Uchiha boy, but it's not enough. I can't be killed until this spell is lifted!"

"No, that's enough!"

The corners of Uchiha Kuyo's lips were slightly upturned, with a smile that controlled everything.

The first generation looked surprised.

"The sun wheel, explode!"

boom--! ! !
The blazing golden light like magma erupted from the body of the first generation, and the clay body exploded in an instant. Uchiha Nine Nights moved the golden light, and his divine power flowed, watching closely the soul of the first generation that was exposed at that moment.

"Burning Heaven!!"

Uchiha Kuya's clone exploded, and at three o'clock in the middle of the night in Tokyo, another platinum sun lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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