Chapter 2
"Yeah! You woke up, how do you feel now?"

A female nurse wearing a pure white nurse uniform with a touch of pink came in from the door of the ward with a tray of syringes and medicines for injection, and was surprised when she saw Uchiha Kuya who had opened her eyes. .

You must know that when Uchiha Kuyo was sent to the hospital, his whole body was soaked in blood, and the blood loss almost reached half of the total blood volume of the human body, but the hospital could not find a blood type that matched Uchiha Kuyo. All the attending physicians believed that Uchiha Nine Nights would not survive.

Unexpectedly, in just two days, Uchiha Kuya was able to open his eyes and wake up.

This is simply a miracle. If it were any other ordinary person with this kind of injury, he would probably have passed away long ago!

No wonder Director Hirata who performed the surgery on him said that this man's physical fitness was even worse than a monster.

"Fortunately, I can't die, and I won't leave too many hidden wounds!"

Gently turning his head to look at the female nurse, Uchiha Kuyo's tone was flat.

This kind of injury is not too terrible among ninjas in the ninja world.

When fighting against ninjas from foreign ninja villages for the first time, Uchiha Jiuye even saw ninjas with only one arm left, or ninjas with ninja structures on their legs, still fighting on the battlefield.

In contrast, if you lie down for a while, you can move freely. Isn't that lucky?

He glanced at the name on the badge hanging on the female nurse's chest—Kodama Hikaru?

What a strange last name!
"Uh~, are you really calm?"

He didn't see the anxious or uncomfortable expression he expected from Uchiha Kuya's face, but felt that the patient was three points calmer than himself, which made Kodama feel a little embarrassed.

"Where are my clothes and luggage?"

Without seeing his Ninja Sword and Uchiha Clan's unique tuanfan costume, Uchiha Kuya's subconscious emotions fluctuated a little.

" the patient luggage storage."

Kodama shrunk his neck, feeling a sense of biological crisis, feeling waves of icy chills coming towards him.

"Bring it here for me, there is nothing missing, thank you!"

The indifferent and almost heartless words came out of Uchiha Kuya's mouth, making Kodama feel an irresistible sense of attachment.

"However, you still have to continue injecting medicine."

There was a little struggle on the face, and finally, the ethics of the medical staff allowed Kodama to overcome the bursts of oppression emanating from Uchiha Kuyo.

"What kind of medicine are they?"

Uchiha Kuya's pupils gradually turned scarlet, and the three small black jade balls spun rapidly.

"Some anti-inflammatory and anesthetic painkillers..."

Kodama Hikaru's pupils dilated suddenly, and instantly became lifeless, muttering in reply to Uchiha Kuyo's words.

"No need, you deal with it yourself, go and get my things, remember, you can't miss anything!"

Uchiha Kuya's voice was indifferent, and the scarlet Sangodama Sharingan closely stared at Kodama Hikari's pupils.


Kodama Hikaru nodded, picked up the medicine he brought with him, turned and left the ward.


After Kodama Hikari turned around, Uchiha Kuyo's face suddenly flushed sickly, and a mouthful of black-red waste blood spurted out of his mouth.

Sure enough, it was still too reluctant. Judging from my current physical condition, it was still too reluctant to forcefully use illusion to hypnotize a person.

Even if this person is just an ordinary person, even if what he uses is the lowest level of illusion.

"Your items have been brought, please check."

Not long after, Kodama Hikari, with his eyes blank, like a delicate doll, returned to the ward with Uchiha Kuya's Ninja Sword and the Uchiha Clan's unique uniform in both hands.

"Hmph...thank you!"

With a painful murmur out of his mouth, Uchiha Kuyo supported the edge of the hospital bed with both hands, trembling and strenuously supporting his front half of the body.

After casually scanning the belongings brought by his own Kodama, Uchiha Kuyo thanked Kodama in a cold voice, regardless of whether she could hear her who was hypnotized by him.

Uchiha Kuya took his own things and it was time to leave here.

According to my memory before crossing the Naruto plane, the ghost knows how much it will cost after two days in the hospital and an operation on the way.

When Uchiha Kuya escaped from the plane of Hokage, he didn't bring money along the way. Even if he did, the currency of the ninja world and the currency of this plane cannot be shared.

Right now, the time limit for the low-level illusion that I reluctantly cast on Koko Yumitsu is almost up, and in at most ten minutes, who knows if Koko Yuko, who has not been hypnotized, will let him go by then.

Given his current state, he probably couldn't beat her.

Uchiha Kuya's body was shaking, and he staggered and left the hospital with his ninja knife.

After coming out of the hospital, I walked in a random direction. As for the Uchiha uniform in my hand, forget it, there are countless holes all over my body, and the blood on it has dried up. Compared with the two, in fact, I am now The hospital suit he was wearing was not bad, at least it was clean and intact.


Passing a corner, suddenly, a figure appeared, and ran straight towards him. Uchiha Kuya, who was seriously injured, had no time to dodge, and could only watch helplessly at the brown hair that looked like light pink in the sun. The girl bumped into his chest in a daze.

When I touched the broken ribs that had just been corrected by bone grafting, I felt a mixture of ups and downs, and all kinds of feelings rushed into my heart, and they turned into two words-really hurt!
"Glass, are you okay? They told you to walk slowly!"

From the direction the girl came from, a small figure walked out, with black hair and a relatively neutral face. Uchiha Kuya touched his nose in embarrassment. Fortunately, he was not as handsome as me. The level of appearance is still very reliable.

The girl who fell to the ground because of bumping into Uchiha Kuya, looked at the boy beside her who was constantly teaching, but kept smiling apologetically.

As for Uchiha Kuya, he is also a ninja anyway, at the moment when he was about to fall, he made a clever move, so that the direction of his fall became towards the wall at the corner.

"Isn't that right... ah! Didn't you get sent to the hospital by Nitro?"

Pulling up the glass on the ground, the boy was about to bow and apologize to Uchiha Kuya, but when he saw Uchiha Kuya's face, he was taken aback for a moment.

Although this time Uchiha Kuya's face did not have the half-solidified blood and dust at that time, but the knife in his hand and the hospital gown on his body, Yuzuru Nishinomiya was very familiar.

This is, met the idiot who saved himself?

Hearing the black-haired boy's words, Uchiha Kuya grinned in embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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