Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 105 Discovery of Soul Beast

Chapter 105 Discovery of Soul Beast

Su Yi knew what Chenghai was worried about, and said with a smile: "Captain Cheng, don't worry, I won't participate in the snatching of soul beasts, I just want to watch the excitement."


Chenghai nodded, and then said: "Su Yi, you give the phone number to the law enforcement team, and I'll tell them."

If you just watch the excitement, there will be no danger.

"Captain Cheng's call."

Su Yi reached out and handed the phone to the law enforcement team member.

The law enforcement team was stunned for a moment, and when they got the phone, they heard Chenghai's voice clearly, "I'm Chenghai, let Su Yi go immediately."

"Yes, Captain!"

The law enforcement team members shuddered, and cold sweat could not help oozing from their foreheads.

Su Yi really knew Chenghai, and the relationship was obviously unusual, which he never thought of.

Before, he had a defiant attitude, would Su Yi use this to make trouble for him?

The law enforcement team gave Su Yi the phone nervously, and quickly apologized, "Student Su Yi, I'll open the door for you."

After saying that, he winked at the other law enforcement team members, and quickly opened the city gate.

After chatting for a few words with Cheng Hai, Su Yi hung up the phone and walked straight towards the outer city.

When Su Yi's figure disappeared from sight, Yang Chang, the law enforcement team member, let out a long sigh of relief.

On the other side, Su Yi entered Nanwai City, squinted his eyes, but saw the surroundings were quiet.

However, there are many figures moving in the distance, as if looking for something.

Su Yi could imagine that these people must have come to Nanwai City to try their luck and look for spirit beasts.

Withdrawing his gaze, he searched around.

Spirit beasts have a strong ability to hide, and can easily transform into a certain object, which blends in with the surrounding environment and is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

In the case where the spirit beast does not reveal its breath, it is difficult to find its trace.

But Su Yi is different. Yesterday, he extracted the pupil technique [Eye of Illusion] from the Demon Suppressing Tower, and has the ability to see through all illusions.

In his eyes, there is nothing to hide from the hidden and transformed abilities of spirit beasts.

It was because of this that he came to look for the spirit beast.

Of course, using [Eye of Illusion] requires a lot of energy, and it cannot be opened all the time.

Before determining the exact location of the spirit beast, he would not use it easily.

Behind, Su Yi slowly searched.

Everywhere I go, I stop for a while.

Even if it is an inconspicuous weed or a stone, he will observe it carefully, and sometimes use the [Eye of Illusion] to look at it.

For an hour, Su Yi still got nothing.

However, he was not in a hurry.

If the spirit beast is so easy to find, how can it be his turn.

As time went by, more and more people entered the South Outer City.

Among them are the strong men of big families, mercenary teams, and people from other cities.

"The spirit beast is nearby!"

Suddenly, a man's excited cry came from a crowd not far away.

Su Yi looked around, but saw that one of them was holding a disc in his hand, and there was a faint light on it, but it flickered for a while, and then disappeared quickly.

"Could it be related to Yuanpan?" Su Yi was a little skeptical.

Because if you want to find the trace of the spirit beast, you can only use some special artifacts, and the disk looks unusual.

However, the person holding the disc was a bit too stupid.

This loud cry will definitely attract the attention of many people.

There is no way to capture the spirit beast alone.

(End of this chapter)

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